Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1835: Show tokens

"Ha ha."

The elder yin and yang strangely said, "What kind of character do you speak? That is the genius that even Ziweimen disciples dare to take a hard hit.

An elder who is dying in my area and can only survive in Zongmen, what courage to dare you to favor and offend you.

With this realm and strength, you can kill me hundreds of times by blowing your breath.

I haven't lived enough yet. "

These remarks were ridiculous and sarcastic, but he also made clear the reasons why he deliberately made things difficult.

Chu Yan's eyes flashed, and at this time he calmed down.

He looked at the elder and said, "So, elder, are you Ziweimen's disciples?"

"I don't have that blessing to enter Ziwei Gate."

The elder was sneer and bitter, "I just ca n’t see my disciples, and relying on my own talents, I have no one in my eyes. reason.

I'm doing this for him, helping him to increase his memory, knowing that there are people in the sky and others. "

"I understand."

Chu Yan nodded, "The elder was clamoring for Ziwei door.

However, what happened at the time was for a reason. The inside story, the elders, you may not know.

I don't know if the elders can cope with it. Let me start using Xinghai to move the array.

After I'm done, I will explain the misunderstanding that happened to the elders. "


The elder resolutely refused, his eyes full of ridicule, "I will tell you this, as long as I am here for a day, you don't want to use this sea of ​​stars to move around.

And I'm not afraid to tell you that I deliberately did not allow you to use it today and see how you can treat me. "

The elders obviously also saw that Chu Yan had extremely important things.

However, it is normal to think about it. If it is not a very important thing, which disciple will ask in a private capacity to open the Xinghai Movement.

This is like in the mundane, the things that need a family to lose their home to do are necessarily important.

Therefore, because it was something important, the elder deliberately refused Chu Yan to satisfy his perverted pleasure.

"Chu Yan, don't look at me with that look.

I'll just say it.

You don't want to use this sea of ​​stars to move around.

I just won't let you use it.

If you dare to try it on me?

I am an elder, not a disciple of Zongmen.

Once you start working with me and Xinghai moves around, you won't need it anymore.

At that time, Tianyazong will not be able to accommodate you.

The identity of the elder is my amulet. "

The elder said more and more proudly, hehe smiled, not to mention how happy it was.

"Elder, are you questioning that you want to start for Ziweimen, to make things difficult for me, a disciple of the End of the World?"

Chu Yan was not provoked by the elders at this moment.

At the same time, he also murmured secretly to keep the handsome man calm and do not get upset in anger.

If they are provoked by the other party, then they will be defeated.

This elder, at this time, was deliberately angering him, and wanted him to take action, so that he could sit down and fulfill the crime of "disrespecting the elder".

Once you have this charge, those guys who have always wanted to deal with Chu Yan have a chance to shoot.

By that time, it would be normal for Chu Yan to destroy the culture and to expel him from the End of the World.

And once Xiuwei is lost, Chu Yan will not have the capital to settle down.

Even if you can resist and borrow the power behind the gates of hell, if you do that, you will be breaking up with Tianyazong.

Obviously, the elder had long thought about the stakes, so it is now so fearless.

He looked at Chu Yan, with a seemingly sloppy smile rising from the corner of his mouth: "Yes, that's true, I'm just in front of Ziwei Gate.

Although I am not a Ziweimen disciple, I have a heart toward Ziweimen.

Ziweimen is the faith in my heart.

Even if I don't get a little benefit from Ziweimen, but I'm willing to throw blood on it.

How about you hearing my answer? Are you dissatisfied? "

Chu Yan shook his head, sighed, and lighted the token of the Thundercloud Party in his hand, saying: "Since the elder has only Ziwei Gate in your heart, then it seems that the token of the Thundercloud Party cannot tell me Love. "

"Huh, it's useless."

The elder froze.

Chu Yan seemed to be talking to himself and continued: "The Lei Yundang Party is also another force formed by the disciples in the End of the World, with a lot of masters in the heavens and minds, as well as Zifujing.

I want to hear that some people do not give them face, and they should not be very happy. "

When the elder was stunned, he was instantly ashamed and furious, and smashed the long table in front of him into powder.

"Chu Yan, it's no use threatening me here! Use the Thundercloud party to scare me?

Let me tell you, I am so ironic today, I must embarrass you! Want to use this sea of ​​stars to move large arrays, you dream it! "

Although speaking eloquently, Chu Yan had already heard a hint of intense inner instinct from the words of the elder.

After all, this elder has no backing.

There must be a backer, or one's own talents, not to be assigned here, responsible for guarding Xinghai to move large arrays.

In fact, whether it is Ziweimen or Leiyun Party, he is an offensive force.

At this time, he just had a hard mouth and was going to die.

He would be really scared if he faced revenge from the party.

You know, he is just an elder who is responsible for guarding the large array, saying that he is an elder, but he is only a deacon.

In Tianyazong, there are limited connections and limited influence.

As long as the Lei Yun Party has let out the wind, there are people willing to deal with him.

But now that the words have been spoken, that can only be dead.

"I understand."

Chu Yan exhaled.

Hearing the meaning of Xiao Suo, the elder thought that he was about to give up leaving, his tight heartstrings, had just loosened a bit, and saw Chu Yan put away the token of the Lei Yun party, and then took out another thing.

"The token of the Thundercloud Party is not easy to use, so the token of Elder Zongmen should be better used."

Chu Yan said calmly.

"Elder's token?"

The elder's heart was beating, and he was still stiff. "The elder is also an elder. What tokens you have are not good with me ... well ... well ..." His words suddenly became stuttered .

Because he saw that Chu Yan was holding a palm-sized snowflake.

The snowflakes are crystal clear, and countless gods of light condense in them, as if woven into a avenue.

Snowflakes appeared at this moment, and it immediately gave people a taste of solemnity, solemnity and intolerance.

The vast majority of disciples in Zongmen probably don't know the origin of this snowflake.

But the deacons and elders of Zongmen must know what this snowflake represents! It was the real elders who reached the realm of Zifu in the end of the world, and they were closed for many years, and they did not manage the affairs of the ancestors! This kind of elder, although seemingly in Tianyazong, does not hold office and has no power.

But in fact, everyone knows that this level of elders is the real core of Tianyazong, and it is definitely not comparable to the nominal elders who guard the large array.

As for power.

Realm and strength are power! And these two things, given to the elders of the snowflake tokens of Chu Yan, must be the same!

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