Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1836: Plus my face is enough

At this moment looking at the tokens in the hands of Chu Yan, the elders of the caretaker array, his face was red and white for a while, his eyes were full of shock and panic.

At this moment, he just felt that the whole body's blood had stopped flowing and his hands and feet became cold.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Open the battle."

In just two words, the elder's body trembled, and suddenly, he returned to God.

At this time, he discovered that just a short moment later, his back was soaked with sweat.

The cold and heat has not invaded myself, at this time the bone marrow is showing the chill, as if being stripped of clothes, thrown into the ice and snow.

Looking up at Chu Yan, the elder's expression was hesitant and annoyed.

I was so full of words just now, if I bow my head at the moment, it will be harder to accept than kill him.

Taking a deep breath, the elder simply gritted his teeth, his heart was horribly obsessed: "What elder's token! Don't think you can just fool around with something and you can fool me! I have made it clear that today you don't want to use Xinghai to move around! I do n’t understand any tokens! ”

"I didn't expect you to be so brazen."

Chu Yan laughed angrily at this time, "I didn't expect that although you didn't even have the qualification to join Ziweimen, you still willingly became Ziweimen's dog, even the elders' tokens, dared to pretend not to know."

"You, what nonsense!"

Although the defending elders strongly denied it, at this moment his panic expression and contrived expression still betrayed his heart.

"I don't know if I don't know! Unless you have more authentic tokens now!"

With a great guilty conscience, he stepped back subconsciously.

"With my token, I don't know if it's enough."

Just then, an indifferent female voice came from a distance.

Chu Yan turned and looked around, and immediately saw that a young girl wearing a goose yellow skirt was floating from the clouds.

"Sister Zhuang!"

Seeing this woman, Chu Yan's eyes suddenly lighted.

Come, turned out to be the long-lost Zhuang Die.

The last time I saw Zhuang Die, the other party was about to retreat and shocked Tianxin.

Now that the other party is here, it naturally shows that ... When Chu Yan's thoughts were swept away, I immediately found out that Zhuang Die has a long breath, full of charm, breathlessness, purity and scale, raising his hands and feet, and it has a more natural and natural reason. inside.

"It really is the state of mind."

Chu Yan couldn't help but be glad for the smooth promotion of Zhuang Die.

When the other party fell from the sky, Chu Yan stepped forward and greeted him, "Sister Zhuang, I haven't seen you in a long time. Congratulations on your promotion to heaven."

However, although the words of congratulations came from the heart, Chu Yan was also curious. How could Zhuang Die [pencil novel www.qbxs.me] appear here at the moment.

Does the other party also use this sea of ​​stars to move large arrays?

However, this array method is rarely used by people in general. If this is the case, it may be a coincidence.

Chu Yan was thinking in his heart, but Zhuang Die opened his mouth and directly resolved his doubts.

"I was looking for you right after I went out, so I came all the way."

Between the words, Zhuang Die's eyes crossed Chu Yan and fell to the guard elder behind him.

At the same time, her face also gloomy, coldly: "But I didn't expect that you would be here and be deliberately made difficult by others!"

When the elder saw Zhuang Die, his face was very ugly.

When facing Chu Yan before, it was still red and white.

At this moment, it was Bai Zhongfanqing.

The legs hidden under the robe even shook uncontrollably.

As soon as she raised her hand, a red lotus hovered in the palm of Zhuang Die.

Chu Yan looked intently, and saw that the red lotus was dripping with red, halo vomiting, and there seemed to be countless killing surges in it, as if the blood-sucking knives were constantly bred.

Seeing this red lotus, the elders of the defender were sweating like rain, their eyes were straight, they made a splash, and they fell down on the ground directly, shaking their bodies.

Zhuang Die stepped forward, holding the red lotus with one hand, and her face moved closer: "If the elder doesn't even know this red lotus, can't I use my face as a voucher?"

Huh! The elder's movements were as quick as the wind, and instantly changed from a sitting posture to a kneeling posture, facing the red lotus in the hands of Zhuang Die, hoeing his head again and again: "The elders forgive you, the elders forgive you! For a moment, the elders are confused and determined not to Offend the elders.

Please also elder Kai En, let go of the young! "

Anyway, this defending elder is also the elder in the End of the World, but at this moment, he is nicknamed small, and the pleading is like a bereavement dog. Compared with the previous one, it is completely difficult to judge two people. Imagine.

Chu Yan stood aside at this moment, looking at the red lotus in Zhuang Die's hands, thoughtfully.

A long time ago, I heard Zhuang Die say that her teacher is an elder of Tianyazong.

It seems that this red lotus should be a gift from her teacher.

"But the elders I can know about Tianyazong are the ones who are usually responsible for the internal and external affairs of Zongmen.

In addition, those who practice retreat are not very clear.

It seems that if you have a chance, you still need to go through Yun Shimei's side and learn a little.

Otherwise, if you are not careful in the future and offend one of them, you will be in trouble. "

At this time, Zhuang Die also spoke again, and said to the elders who defended the battle, "What should you do, and teach me?"

"Go small, go! Go!"

The elder jumped from the ground at a thunderous speed and flew towards the center of the formation. The speed was so fast that he even pulled out a series of afterimages.

I didn't dare to take any extra action.

At this moment, the elder Shouzhen was panicked and helpless, and his mouth was bitter.

What the **** is going on! Is this the day I deserved?

Just pretending not to know the token in Chu Yan's hand, he has already taken great risks.

As a result, there is still such a person, such a person ... who dares to provoke it.

That's it! At this moment the elders of the battlefield have died.

The only thing that can be done at this time is to hope that the power can be compensated.

But even so, the elders in front of the battlefield still felt like the sky was falling at this moment. The whole person's face was ashamed, and in a moment, it seemed as if he was a few decades old.

Seeing the elders start the array, Zhuang Die turned around and smiled at Chu Yan.

Suddenly, the layer of frost covering her body, the coldness, disappeared.

Instead, it was a spring-like harmony, familiar to Chu Yan before, the warmth and care of her sister.

"Fortunately, come and see."

Zhuang Die put away Honglian and laughed, "Actually, I came to see you today."

Seeing Chu Yan's doubts, Zhuang Die continued to explain: "I have just closed the retreat not long ago, and today I went to pick the island.

The island you just picked is not far from your free island, so I want to visit you.

As a result, I met Cao Jing halfway through the conversation and found out that you also knew each other and that you had just separated from her.

So I asked if you were here in Xinghai and moved around, so I thought about coming and seeing, maybe you're lucky, you haven't left yet, you can see the previous one. "

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