Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1841: Give you a lesson (below)

An axe waved out. Suddenly, the blood glowed, and the gold was boiling.

Like the ancient **** of creation, at this moment open up the world and divide the yin and yang.

The fierce sun, bright moon, and starlight were all split at this moment.

Strange blood light, flickering continuously, with the trajectory of the axe blade, constantly vomiting.

The surrounding air flow is broken in succession.

Everywhere the trajectory falls, the void collapses, creating a dark cave.

Kung Fu in an instant created thousands of black holes, crushing towards Chu Yan.

The whole world, at this moment, seems to be in total despair.

After the black hole, Jin Guang's source, carrying a giant axe, looked coldly, looking at Chu Yan.

"Unstoppable, die now.

If you can't stop it, then I will be my stepping stone at the Fairy Assembly! "


Chu Yan made a long howl, and went away to the constantly appearing black hole.

The boiling golden light, when he was swallowed up, killed him.

Chu Yan suddenly raised his hand, **** of his right hand, clasped his left palm.

Pulled sharply, yanked.

"The Gate of Huangquan!"

boom! Immediately, a rusty, blood-stained portal stood between heaven and earth.

Black gas billows and blood is permeated.

A horrible suction suddenly swept across the eight wastelands.

The golden light cut with one axe was immediately swallowed by the portal.

The black holes that followed one after another were all pulled at this moment, colliding fiercely with each other, exploding, and being sucked into the portal, without sound.

The gate of Huangquan moved forward swiftly, straddling dozens of miles in an instant, with a sorrowful breath, and banged straight towards Mowu.

There was a complex look flashing in his eyes, and with a bang, the heavens and the earth turned into a clear.

Chu Yan's wrist shook, Huang Quanzhi retracted his palm, and then turned the folded wave void bracelet, stepped forward, and the next moment, he came to a hundred miles away.

"Chu Yan, did you kill that guy?"

Handsome squatting on Chu Yan's shoulder, he hurriedly asked.

At this moment, his body was still tight.

When the opponent held a giant axe in the past, the breath of breath released by him made the handsome man feel the fear.


Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, his eyes sparkling brightly, remembering the last scene just now.

The moment he was about to be engulfed by the gate of Huangquan, his mute body exploded and turned into a mass of creeping flesh.

One of the golden rays, emanating from the flesh, instantly fell into the void and disappeared.

The next moment, the flesh was swallowed in by Huang Quan's gate.

No doubt, there is no death.

The golden light that shot out was his most important part.

And the group of golden light is just the body that he abandoned.

Chu Yan is thinking about this at the moment.

"He has a chance to escape.

But in this case, why did he blow up his body.

However, it is obviously unreasonable to say so.

How could a monk casually abandon his own way.

It is very abnormal to abandon the Tao body.

And he had to blow up the whole body, as if to hide something. "

There were many doubts. Chu Yan was thinking hard at the moment, but he felt confused and couldn't find a direction.

After a while, Chu Yan shook his head and gave up thinking.

"At least I won't bother me again for the time being.

It is imperative that the handsome dad is more important. "

Although he will not consider the matter of silence for the time being, Chu Yan has not relaxed his vigilance.

On the one hand, it is to continue to guard against the attack of Ziweimen.

Because Chu Yan has now realized that Ziweimen is a place where everything is done by whatever means, and the rules are ignored at all.

And their sudden killing today also shows that Ziweimen has the ability to intercept and kill anyone at any time.

On the other hand, it was a fight with Mobu.

Suddenly, Chu Yan found out that he couldn't confirm whether he could mutilate without words alone.

In the beginning, he always had absolute control.

But when he silently held the giant axe, the whole person seemed to be reborn, Chu Yan still remembered that for a moment, he was shocked by the other side.

In the battle of life and death, this moment of distraction is enough to create thousands of opportunities for the other party.

And Chu Yan showed one of Huang Quan's gates this time, but he was not able to kill the opponent.

If the vigilance can be expressed by numbers, it can be said that Chu Yan's vigilance at this time has risen to the maximum.

"Being able to double in heaven's state of mind, he was selected by Emperor Taiqing as the King of the Heavens, and it was extraordinary."

Chu Yan flew towards the huge whale mountain ahead, and at the same time kept thinking about it.

In Heaven's state of mind, a character who appears in the same state, but can put pressure on him.

Just as Chu Yan flew to the Giant Whale Mountain, a golden light, as fast as electricity, shuttled constantly in the void.

Obviously, it is the void that can be torn apart by ascension to the Purple Mansion, but at this moment in front of this golden light, it seems that it is not a problem at all.

Golden light in the void is as smooth as a fish in the sea.

After traversing continuously, after crossing unknown mountains and rivers, this golden light slammed towards the sky.

The next moment, it flew out from the void and arrived at its destination-a mysterious space that was steaming.

I don't know how big or small this space is, as if it can be infinitely extended, and it can be sharply concentrated.

In this space, it seems that size cannot be defined at all.

And because the space around it is like burning charcoal, the mist inside is as red as blood and red as blood.

The golden light entered this space and fell straight.

Near the bottom of the space, several thick chains suspended a pool in midair.

Golden light fluttered and fell into the pool.

The original calm pool suddenly boiled.

The whole pool seemed to be filled with boiling mud, and thick bubbles were pouring out.

Big bubbles kept appearing and exploding.

After a while, the sounds that belonged to no one were ringing everywhere in this space.

Few near and far, high and low.

"It was unexpectedly discovered ..." "Nice ... very good ..." "I have always regretted that there are not enough stepping stones ..." "He can be one of the targets of training ..." One more piece ... "" Um ... I found some physical problems this time ... "" There is still a lot of room for improvement ... " ... ten times stronger ... "Boom! With the last voice falling, the sound of thunderous sounded in all directions.

The loud noise instantly shattered the silent voice.

With this loud noise, the fog around it seemed to be impacted and began to fade.

In the fading mist, countless figures were arranged neatly and densely, revealing.

What makes the human scalp numb is that these expressionless faces, like clay figurines, are all human beings-no words.

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