Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1842: Trap

Killer Whale Mountain with 100,000 Tibetan peaks.

Fly into the mountains at this moment, and suddenly, it gives a feeling of entering the belly of a giant whale.

The arcs, the towering peaks, are curved by the ribs of the giant whale, as if enveloping the world.

Although it has fallen for thousands of years, Da Sheng Yuwei is still there.

This is also the case, not only in the Giant Whale Ridge, but also around tens of thousands of miles, there are few traces.

If the monks do not come, the monsters will not.

Chu Yan flew in at this moment, and immediately felt the chaos around, rolling in, a kind of dark gloomy feeling, pressing himself.

And this feeling can not be eliminated by flying to high altitude.

"Chu Yan, it's up to you."

The handsome raised his head and twitched his nose desperately.

If in the past, with its powerful smell, thousands of miles away, there is no problem breathing his father's smell.

But at the moment, between the mountains, its ability was suppressed by Da Sheng Yuwei everywhere, and for a moment, he was so anxious to cry.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

The confession of Chu Yan spread out all around.

The handsome father did find a place suitable for promotion.

But now, the power of this place makes it harder to find him.

However, Chu Yan became more and more convinced. At the same time, the blood beads were also condensed into the eyeballs by the sky above him, and he looked around.

Suddenly, countless bird's eye patterns came into his mind.

At this moment, Chu Yan does not need to compare these patterns with the images he has seen before.

He just needs to look directly for a mountain with obvious damage, and he can know where the handsome dad was promoted before.

But to find it, it's not as simple as imagined.

A unicorn and a large array of destroyed peaks add up to about seven or eight.

But putting these seven or eight in the 100,000 mountains is a drop in the ocean.

Now the only thing that Chu Yan can do is to move forward as quickly as possible, looking all the way.

At the same time, I also hope that the handsome father is not so cautious and does not hide deep.

But Chu Yan and handsome seem to have good luck.

He flew forward for a while, and suddenly, the handsome body straightened, and his little nose sniffed hard: "Chu Yan! I smell my dad!"

There was a hint of doubt in Chu Yan's eyes.

His consciousness spread, and thousands of miles away, he never saw the appearance of damaged mountains.

But now that the handsome man can smell the smell of his father, it means that the two parties are very close.

This makes people feel very confused.

"Is there a magic circle?"

Chu Yan's heart had just moved. Suddenly, a figure in the distance, like an old man, covered with blood, flew towards them.

"Chu Yan! That's him! He has the taste of my dad!"

The handsome shouted loudly, all jumping up.

As soon as Chu Yan's gaze was fixed, his consciousness instantly locked each other.

The old man also saw Chu Yan at this time. In his eyes, a panic expression appeared, and the next moment he turned sharply and flew away.

"Don't go!"

Chu Yan sang loudly and immediately chased after him.

The old man on the other side is comparable to his own state. Chu Yan chased at full speed, almost instantaneously. He chased behind the old man, spread his fingers, grabbed the other's back, and raised the other hand into his hand.

"What kind of person are you ..." Chu Yan turned the other side around, and then stopped.

The old man holding in his hand had a stiff face, eyes blinded, and there was no sign of blood flow in his whole body.

"It's a trap!"

Suddenly when Chu Yan realized this, a terrible wave surged from his body, and it exploded suddenly.

boom! The violent air blasted violently all around, like a mad beast.

Lightning thunder, like a series of lightning pythons, throbbed frantically and thrashed, almost destroying a void.

The explosion shrouded more than a hundred miles.

Everything in it must be smashed.

And like for the sake of security, you can kill Chu Yan and handsome more thoroughly.

The next moment, among the surrounding mountains, six or seven magpies flew together.

These puppets are all like old people.

The only difference from the previous one is that these puppets that reappear at this time have no blood around them.

These puppets flew up into the air, rushing into the center of the explosion without any thought, and then-spurring a new explosion! Crackling! Suddenly, the entire sky seemed to be blown up and collapsed, covering it like a cauldron.

The mountains around it were all blown away by the impact of the explosion.

Earth shakes, as if the end of the world is coming.

When the last one exploded, amidst a surging fumes, two figures appeared.

One of them is an old man and the other is a middle-aged monk.

The old man was clearly the manipulator of the puppets.

Because his appearance is exactly the same as those of the uncle, but with the breath of living talent.

"Brother, good means!"

Looking at the roaring void next to it, the middle-aged monk lighted his eyes and praised him again and again.

The other party was caught by surprise and could only be smashed into powder! In the future, I will continue to learn from my brother! "

The old man had a beard with a beard and a proud face, praised by the middle-aged monk, "My method is much more subtle than setting it up outside."

Set up a vassal, but any monk who has a strong divine mind may find clues.

But if you show up like this, your whole body will be bloodied, and you will be shocked to catch the other person in despair.

As long as the other person's mind is flustered, it will definitely fall into my trap and can't escape anymore, hahahahahaha! "

The old man grinned, while the middle-aged monk touted it constantly.

"Gao! Brother is Gao! In this way, we can safely go back and pack the unicorn.

There is a brother in there, and that unicorn can not toss for a few hours. "

"Let's go and go back and see, I guess it's almost almost there."

The old man smiled and shook his head, turning away from the middle-aged monk and leaving.

At this time, a sudden whining sound came from the thick smoke from the explosion, as if a channel was opened, the air flow billowed, and a vortex was formed instantly.

The old man and the middle-aged monk's faces suddenly changed.

"Not good, not dead!"

The old man exclaimed, his arm flicked.

Suddenly, six or seven puppets came out of his sleeve.

The middle-aged monk shook his wrist and held a black sledgehammer.

"Block the Phantom King!"

With a loud shout, the surrounding void collapsed violently, and chains of black mist lingered from the depths of the void, and in an instant, all those magpies and the two monks were twined, unable to move.

The old man's neck was tightened tightly, and the chain was pulled vigorously. Suddenly, his tongue spit out.

And the middle-aged monk, his arm was pulled by the chain, was about to struggle, a huge pig head suddenly emerged from the thick smoke behind him, wow, took the half of his body holding the sledgehammer, and bite him Go on.

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