Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1846: Disdain

Seeing this snake head demon, the handsome thought of it. The five snake heads had previously attacked his father.

Suddenly, it gritted its teeth.

"Chu Yan, don't let him go, you ..." Before he finished speaking, the handsome man suddenly discovered that Chu Yan around him suddenly changed his momentum.

The whole person is like an abyss.

Standing on his shoulders, the handsome could not help shaking.

This is ... that big man is out?

The handsome instinctively felt scared and closed his mouth.

At this time, the snake head demon moved and stood up from the throne.

Suddenly, the mighty army of all demons, like a waterfall, poured down from the sky toward Chu Yan.

The entire sky, at this moment, was stained with blue and black, as if it were highly toxic.

And Chu Yan alone, in the face of this torrent, was as small as dust.

These torrents, accompanied by the sound of wailing and whistle-filled flutes, were even more sinister and weird in the fierceness, as if at this moment, the scene had become a kingdom of undead, and it was perishing forever.

"Okay ... noisy ..." Chu Yan muttered, and drew his ears.

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in his dark eyes.

Raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Snapped! A crisp sound shook into the void.

At the entrance of the cave, Tang Liyue's body flickered suddenly, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, the flute sound was turbulent, and her whole body was trembling. Suddenly, her chest was undulating, her mouth opened, and she spit out a blood arrow, leaning softly towards the stone wall.


The young male Xiu turned his head, his face was full of doubts, did not respond to what happened, and thought someone was coming.

And when he turned his attention back to the game, the eyes of the young monk suddenly fluctuated sharply: "This, what's the matter!"

There is a strong airflow in the array, and now it is scrambling everywhere to break free from the array.

With the power of this young monk, there was a sense of repression.

When he was still doubting, the chaotic air flow in the array suddenly suddenly condensed again, and instantly became a vortex.

Sudden suction, like an invisible mouth, sucking hard, sucking the blood of this young man.

Within a few blinks of an eye, the man could not help getting chills all over his body, and Venus was in turmoil in front of him, turning black, and almost fainted on the spot.

"not good!"

By this time, he had realized that something was wrong.

But the abnormal change was too sudden and without warning, and even if it happened, he had no idea what was going on. For a moment, it seemed as if it had become the fish on the chopping board, which could be slaughtered by anyone.

At the same time, in the air, Chu Yan twisted his neck, and there was a rattling sound of rubbing bones.

"A ... little earthworm ... dare ... pretend to be a snake ..." In his tone, with dissatisfaction, Chu Yan stepped forward and walked towards the sky.

At this moment at his feet, the void seemed to condense layers of steps, which he stepped on.

Every step collapsed, the wind and clouds surged, the galaxy trembled, and the sun and the moon shook.

Raise your hand and throw your fist.

Without using any magical powers or magic weapons, it was just a punch.

Suddenly, the sky was knocked down.

The army of demons that slammed and rushed away was immediately swallowed up, dissipated instantly, all annihilated, and death died.

Click! Suddenly, the armor on the serpent's demon split a large seam, and blood surged.

In the eyes of the snake, a miserable green flame was burning.

The sky was full of anger.

The snake head demon raised his hand, and hit countless black suns, countless evil spirits, roared in it, and fell towards Chu Yan.

"Roll ..." With a word, Chu Yan stepped out and went to the snake head demon.

The round of black sun around, the evil spirits of Zhangya dance claws, seemed to be frozen in the void, without moving.

One punch.

Still not using any magic weapon.

As if disdain to use at all.

One punch! Crackling! All the dark sun, ups and downs, all exploded into black holes.

The evil spirit howled, was sucked into the black hole, and all were gone in the blink of an eye.

An invisible force crushed the space, printed on the chest of the snake head demon god, banged, and directly penetrated its body.

In the cave, the young man Xiu screamed.

He pressed his right hand on the array, sizzling, emitting a smoky, smoldering smell, permeating the view.

These hands seemed to be burned at this time.

But no matter how hard he struggled, the set still sucked him, leaving him unable to move.

In the young man's eyes, a look of anger that had never happened before appeared.

"What's going on, what's going on ..." Just then, he trembled again and suddenly, screaming in despair: "No!"

boom! There were seven or eight peaks all around, shaking.

Half of the mountain itself is left unbroken from the bottom up.

A roar from the blood of the ancient gods and beasts was like the raging sea of ​​anger, one wave higher than the other.

The next moment, the golden light rose into the sky, spreading suddenly, magnificent, tall and magnificent.

Among the golden lights, an extremely tall unicorn stood up.

This unicorn, with a head like a mountain, opened his mouth violently, exposing his deciduous fangs. In the handsome, surprised and joyful shout, he bit his body on the snake demon and shook his head.

The small half of the snake head's demon body was immediately torn off, exposing the dripping flesh inside.

Countless black gas, screaming and hissing, constantly fleeing outward.

But Chu Yan took a breath and burned them all.

And that tall golden unicorn, after giving a life-threatening blow at this moment, suddenly fell heavily in the mountains again, shaking the mountain, the golden light of the whole body gradually faded.

Apparently, this blow just consumed his little power.


The handsome shouted, anxious.

It hurriedly turned to Chu Yan and wanted to urge, but knowing that Chu Yan was not himself at the moment, he dared not ask for help.

But this time, the one behind Hell's Gate did not make handsome handsome anxious.

He flew over the head of the snake demon god, stomped his foot, smashed the demon's head into the sky, and immediately flew over the ever-lightening golden unicorn.

With a deep look, he immediately saw that the golden unicorn had five snake heads on its limbs and back neck, biting it.

At this time it can be clearly seen that these snake heads are all ghostly, with a pair of fangs stabbing deeply into Kirin's body.

Chu Yan raised his hand and nodded his finger.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! A series of explosions sounded, and all those snake heads exploded, turning into countless shattered rays, and scattered around.

In the cave, the constantly trembling array, now also in the angry expression of the young male Xiu, slammed like a red soldering iron, blasted apart.

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