Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1847: Sister's name

The array exploded, and a horrifying cyclone swept through it. It instantly seemed to be a sweeping steel whip, and immediately flew the young man out. The entire cave was also covered with cracks and debris.

The young man repaired his mouth with blood spurting, his body trembling, and he struggled to get up from the ground, his blood-stained face, now full of fear.

He raised his trembling right hand, and his gaze was instantly fixed.

His right hand was like a piece of scorched meat, and the flesh had dropped more than half, revealing the sensen bones inside.

Compared with the physical damage, he was even more panicked that the array was destroyed, which means that the formation method that trapped the unicorn monster has lost its effectiveness.

This time, the operation failed completely, and it also caught the lives of two younger brothers.

He and Tang Liyue were both seriously injured at this time.

The whole situation turned over and it didn't even add up to a meal.

At this moment, the young male Xiu couldn't believe what happened.

At this moment, with a bang, the cave trembled again, as if to collapse in the next moment.

Before the young male Xiu had time to respond, the top of the cave was like a lid, shattered and opened.

As soon as his eyes lighted up, the young male Xiu felt a majestic heat wave descending from the sky, letting him breathe, as if the breath of flames, and his body hair, all burned.

Rolling golden light, with a huge head of a beast, appeared in front of him.

In both eyes, the pressing golden light pierced the soul of the young monk.

"Kirin the Demon!"

The young man Xiu exclaimed, and in his voice was full of terror.

This Kirin demon broke the shackles of the formation method, but it was not the first time to heal and promote, but to find his own revenge.

Roar! Kirin raised her head and roared loudly. Her body was like carrying the sky, her two claws choked on both sides of the cave, and she slammed.

Click! Click! Bang Bang! This mountain peak was so severely cut off from the middle by it.

The young man's body trembling violently, he quickly raised his hand and pressed it towards his chest.

A white light spread like water waves.

The surrounding void began to condense at an extremely rapid rate.

Kirin roared again.

This sound was close at hand, as if all kinds of Qiming, shocked the young man to repair the ear hole bleeding, Venus in front of him, and in his mind, it seems that hundreds of bees are frantically frantic.

In this roar, he still faintly heard the thick and rough voice, and seemed to be saying, "You don't want to escape!"

But at this time, the more the other person said so, the more the young man would run away.

Just before that, even if he had thought of all kinds of results, he had never thought about it. In the end, he would be seriously injured and the action would fail.

The return teleportation array given by the Master is now open.

At the moment when Qilin raised his claws high and wanted to shoot down, the young male Xiu stretched out his hand and caught Tang Liyue in the light of the teleportation array.

Tang Liyue was wounded before. At this moment, his brain seemed to be slammed by countless steel needles, and at the same time, he was in pain with pouring oil.

Opening her eyes hard, her gaze, through the golden light and flames, saw a figure in the sky in the distance, hovering quietly.

With a single glance, she felt that her sight was facing the man at a distance of dozens of miles.

At this time, she could even see her lips move slightly.

The movement of that lips is basically saying three words: Tang Lixing.

Tang Pingxing! Tang Qingyue trembled, her scalp was numb, and her body froze.

At this moment, the pain in the brain seemed to have forgotten.

That was the name of her sister who had been separated for many years.

Who is that person and why did he say his sister's name at this moment?

"who are you!"

Tang Liyue opened her mouth hard and wanted to shout these three words.

Bang! A terrifying claw, carrying a blaze of flames, like a burning meteorite, instantly blocked her sight and smashed at her.

The horrible flames instantly burned the air around her, forming a vacuum zone.

Tang Qingyue felt a light body, turned her head, and saw the young man beside her, clutching her shoulders with one hand, her blood-stained mouth, and one puppet, talking about something.

But she couldn't hear anything at this moment.

Huh! The next moment, she and the young male practitioner fell into white light.

boom! The mountain peak, which was split in half, was also photographed into pieces at the same time.

This blow obviously consumed the last bit of strength of Kirin.

Its mountain-like figure, completely dispirited, fell down.


At this moment, the handsome also didn't care about the others, and jumped down from Chu Yan's shoulders, flying towards his father.

In the mid-air, Chu Yan's eyes flickered rapidly.

After blasting the snake head demon, the one behind the gate of hell, with the satisfaction of a full meal, went back to rest and returned his body to Chu Yan.

Because of this, Chu Yan was able to blast the top of the mountain at Kirin, and when he exposed the cave, he saw the familiar face that should have been at the entrance of the cave.

He subconsciously treated the other party as Tang Lianxing.

But immediately, Chu Yan realized that this man was definitely not Tang Lixing.

Because I heard Tang Lixing talk about her past, Chu Yan knew instantly who this woman was.

It's just that Chu Yan never thought that she would take a step back to Tang Xing and see her sister.

And it is on such occasions.

At that time, there was almost no hesitation. Chu Yan immediately spread his voice and asked the handsome dad to let Tang Liyue go first.

Otherwise, the situation like that at the time did not require the other two to enter the teleportation array, and the angry Kirin could directly break the two of them together into a fragment.

As for how to find each other in the future, Chu Yan also made a response in that short moment.

The moment Tang Tang Yue looked at himself, Chu Yan uttered the words "Tang Qingxing" with his lips.

Sure enough, in the eyes of the other party, his own expected appearance appeared.

Next, you don't need to find the other person yourself, the other person will come to you.

At this moment, his eyes fell on the unicorn below, and Chu Yan immediately took out multiple array images from the storage ring.

These maps are all prepared by him.

At this time, the array was excited. Immediately, the large arrays of reiki, healing, conservation, and coverup gathered, covering it, and surrounding the injured unicorn.

Chu Yan, on the other hand, meditates on a nearby mountain to ensure that the opponent will not be disturbed and distracted in the next promotion process.

If it is a monk, in the process of promotion, if he encounters such calamities, he can survive.

But after all, Kirin is an ancient beast that can be promoted in one sleep.

This encounter will only extend his promotion time, and the overall situation will not be affected much.

Soon after, the handsome also flew back to Chu Yan.

"Chu Yan, my dad made me thank you."

The handsome fell in front of Chu Yan, "he said to be promoted first, and then said after he went out."

"Well, don't worry, I will be here until his promotion is complete."

Chu Yan said.

"My dad said that he originally only needed three or five days, but now it may be more than twenty days."

At this point, after confirming that his father was unharmed, his handsome tone was much easier. "He just reprimanded me for a moment, saying that I didn't help him.

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