Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1852: Opportunity

Divine knowledge spread, and Chu Yan couldn't find Tang Lixing's place either.

However, Chu Yan relied on the stacked wave void bracelet, and could feel the space in the surrounding two hundred miles with a hint of unusualness. Based on this, Tang Lixing was confirmed to be nearby.

"Come out, I was looking for you today."

Chu Yan said.

The old man was calm and calm, but handsomely leaned out his nose curiously, sniffing left and right.

But after sniffing for a long time, there was no smell of others nearby.

Tang Lianxing didn't show up, but it didn't come as a surprise.

He waited for a moment and continued, "Don't you always want to know, where do you interest that person? I happen to have a solution today, so I can try it."

Hum—a void of a hundred and fifty miles away, a faint, faint, wavy pattern appeared.

Tang Lixing in a goose yellow dress appeared in mid-air.

Her face looked extremely cold.

Obviously, she was extremely dissatisfied with Chu Yan when she said this in the presence of outsiders.

Even if Chu Yan speaks extremely vaguely.

However, compared to this, Tang Lixing was even more angry. I am afraid that he couldn't control it, and eventually appeared in shape.

"Chu Yan, I hope you did not lie to me."

Tang Lianxing's voice came from the air. "Such an opportunity, you can only be fooled me at most."

"This opportunity may only be this time."

Chu Yan responded lightly.

Tang Lianxing's eyes sank, and he flew in, and landed in front of Chu Yan, his eyes flashed with Lengmang, facing Chu Yan.

When Tang Lianxing flew far, Dad saw her looks.

If it wasn't for Chu Yan's reminder in advance, with his personality, he would be astounded by the appearance of the other person-and one of those people who had previously attacked himself was almost a mold.

Tang Lixing's eyes, at this moment, had a taste of inspection and distrust.

Seeing this, Dad also believed more in Chu Yan's previous explanation of the relationship between the two.

The simplest bundle of interests.

For Tang Lixing's eyes at this moment, Chu Yan's eyes were clear and frank.

There was certainly no bad idea in his mind.

The purpose is the same as he told Tang Lixing, but just want to take today's opportunity to see what Tang Lixing's body is strange.

This result is equally important to Chu Yan and Tang Lixing.

"If you don't believe me, I can make a demon oath that I am not malicious."

Chu Yan said.

"Okay, you send it."

Tang Lianxing nodded, not polite.

There was no ghost in Chu Yan's heart, and at this moment he took an oath with his heart demon, stating that he had no purpose harmful to Tang Pingxing.

When Chu Yan finished his demon vow, and there was no ambiguity in the words, Tang Lianxing's face eased.

"What did you want me to do when you brought me here?"

Tang Lixing asked.

She looked around for a week, and then said, "I didn't expect that you would come so far away.

If it weren't for you to pass along a message and explain it to me in time, I would have thought that someone was leading me out of the End of the World. "

"It's also here to stay away from Tianyazong and Baoxiang, so I dare to give it a try."

Chu Yan said, "All I have to do is what I just said.

Don't you always wonder, what did the person want to do to keep you by your side?

According to your own words, you don't have any special natural constitution, the other party will leave you, and it seems that it has no use value. "


Tang Lianxing nodded.

Chu Yan continued: "Then the problem is not in the innate, it must be in the acquired."


Tang Lianxing tilted his head slightly. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, he doesn't ask for anything on you, then there is only one possibility, that is, what he has done on you."

Chu Yan said.

In this way, Tang Lixing understood it.

But at this moment she thought about it carefully, there was nothing strange in the memory in her mind.

So Tang Lixing looked at Chu Yan again, "How do you want to try?"

Chu Yan turned around and gave a gift to his father: "The next step is to annoy the uncle, and use his true destiny to burn her body to see if her body has been planted with certain restraints or secrets. "

"no problem."

Dad nodded.

This is a good thing for the two to see.

And in doing so, Dad will not lose anything.

After speaking with Dad, Chu Yan turned to Tang Lixing again: "You can rest assured that the burning of your destiny will not cause any harm to you, but it will make the inborn things in your body appear, no matter what secret method, It's a curse, or a ban.

I can guarantee that even your hair will burn continuously.

And if your body is indeed banned, natal inflammation will not affect it, so do n’t worry about being discovered by that person. "

Chu Yan paused, looking deeply at Tang Lixing: "Finally, I want to ask, would you like to try?"

Tang Lianxing's expression was obviously hesitating and struggling.

The problem that Chu Yan said is also the doubt that has been lingering in her heart since her memory awakened.

Emperor Taiqing asked Bei Tianwang to capture her, seal her memory, and raise her as a younger sister, and all kinds of cultivation resources were thrown on her without hesitation.

But what exactly was being asked, Tang Lianxing was puzzled.

But Tang Lixing didn't hesitate for too long.

She is a decisive person in herself.

Otherwise, I would not think about rebelling against such a great figure as Emperor Taiqing.

After making up her mind, she nodded immediately: "What do you want me to do?"

"You don't have to do anything."

Chu Yan said.

Right now, my dad took them, and took them some more into the depths of the 100,000 mountains.

In this way, it can be guaranteed that it will not be disturbed.

However, just in case, Chu Yan deployed a series of arrays around him.

He was inspired by the series of magic circles arranged by the young men.

At this moment, Chu Yan also arranged a more perfect fantasy array in accordance with that, plus some of his own ideas.

In this way, even if the initial stage of Zifu arrives, it will not be exposed easily.

After sitting all this, Chu Yan arranged for Tang Lixing to sit cross-legged in place, and then signaled to his father that he could start.

The golden-red flame quickly swallowed from the palm of my father.

A heat wave spread rapidly.

But then, it's not so scary anymore.

Seeing this flame, Tang Lixing's eyes flashed a look of surprise.

She has seen a variety of magical powers since she was a child, so she can recognize it at a glance at this time. This golden red flame is by no means comparable to ordinary flames.

So I believed a little more about what Chu Yan said before.

Right now she closed her eyes simply, and let the flames surround her, wrap her around, and then swept down from her head.

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