Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1853: Species

Under the calcination of golden red flames, Tang Liyue's body became almost transparent.

The whole person seemed to become a ghost.

However, in the center of the flame, she was not harmed.

Not even the burning tingling sensation, on the contrary, it will be very comfortable, just like a person who has been tired for a whole day, soaking in a hot water bucket suitable for the temperature.

During this process, Chu Yan was watching quietly beside him.

One day, two days, three days ... A flash of time, and five days passed quickly.

There was no suspicious change in Tang Lixing's body.

Dad turned to look at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan closed his eyes and groaned for a moment, but still said hardly: "Wait a few more days."

He believed his judgment.

Another two days have passed.

When it was calcined to the seventh day by Qilin's real life, the ghost in the center of the flame finally changed! A red mark appeared on Tang Lixing's left shoulder, near the posterior center.

After Chu Yan's reminder, Tang Lixing soon saw this mark.

This mark is a bit like a little scorpion lying on Tang Lixing's back.

This little scorpion is lifelike, if no one reminds, it is definitely thought to be a real scorpion.

"what is this?"

Chu Yan frowned.

This is obviously some sort of mystery.

And it is a very deep mystery.

Otherwise, it will not be revealed until Qilin's fate really burns for seven days.

But at this time, although Chu Yan was revealed, Chu Yan didn't know what this means.

Tang Lixing is also extremely strange.

She didn't know when the scorpion was planted in her body. Before that, she didn't feel this position of the body or anything uncomfortable.

Chu Yan looked to Dad.

Dad's expression at this moment seemed more dignified.

With a wave of his hand, Zhenyan was removed.

Tang Lianxing reappeared in front of Chu Yan.

"what is that?"

When she got up, she asked immediately.

The scorpion mark on himself must have been planted by Emperor Taiqing.

I buried such a weird thing in myself, and buried it so deep.

The thought in his heart made Tang Lixing feel creepy.

"It's a roundworm."

Dad spoke now.


Chu Yan and Tang Lexing almost agree.

"Yes, that's alive. It's because the tapeworm is right."

Dad's tone is pretty sure.

The thought of the scorpion turned out to be alive, and at this moment moved in the position of his back heart, Tang Lianxing suddenly felt a scalp, and his whole body became uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"Because we are ..." When I thought of Chu Yan secretly telling myself not to reveal his identity at will, my father immediately changed his voice. "Our Qi family is the most restrained against poison, so I can never admit it.

If I'm not wrong, this maggot is not the kind of cursing. "

"Senior, please tell me, what is this roundworm?"

After seeing Dad's extraordinary methods, Tang Lixing spoke at the moment and added honorifics.

After a little groaning, Dad said, "This maggot in your body is a female scorpion. I think it is possible that there is a male scorpion.

This kind of tapeworm, usually staying in the host, will not cause any harm to the host.

Many times, it even brings some benefits to the host.

However, if urged, it may cause some more terrible harm. "

"for example?"

Tang Lixing asked eagerly.

This time, Dad was groaning much longer than before.

At last he shook his head and said, "I don't know.

Our family is only restrained against poison, but not deliberate.

So what is the purpose of the poison in your body, I can do nothing about it.

But there is one thing you need to know.

The person who planted this poisonous insect in your body is definitely not kind. "


Tang Lixing nodded.

Her calmness at the moment was somewhat unexpected.

Seems to be thinking in Chu Yan's heart, Tang Lianxing said: "Because I know he has been asking, so no matter what my body is done by him, I will not feel strange.

This said, there was a sad and helpless taste.

However, when speaking from Tang Lixing's mouth, it made her feel unwilling to yield.

"It's better to know what went wrong than to know nothing."

At this time, Tang Lixing began to comfort Chu Yan, "Thank you for this, I will keep it in my heart."

Turning around and saluting his father, Tang Lixing's expression was also very serious: "Thank you for your help."

Dad waved his hand and signaled that he didn't care.

At this time, Tang Lianxing turned his words and said to Chu: "I was in a hurry to find you today. Something happened suddenly."

"what's up?"

Chu Yan said, "I have something too, and I want to tell you.

But let's talk first. "

"it is good."

Tang Lixing nodded.

Seeing that she seemed a little hesitant, her father laughed and said to Chu: "Let's talk first, I'll take the handsome around, there are some things, you should ask it."

Obviously he knew that Tang Lixing had some secret things to discuss with Chu Yan, and he was naturally a bit unsuitable.

Tang Pingxing cast a thankful look on Dad. Dad nodded, and his arm flicked back, and he immediately opened a gap in the void.

This scene immediately made Tang Lixing look surprised in his eyes.

She hadn't paid attention to it before, but now that Dad has ripped open the void, she knows that this man who looks quite hearty has reached the level of Zifujing.

When Dad entered the crack in the space and disappeared, Tang Lixing returned to his senses, and his eyes fell on Chu Yan again.

"Maybe within two months, Ziweimen will announce the location of more than twenty cave heavenly lands."


What is this to do? "

Chu Yan suddenly wondered.

The heaven and earth are the foundations of various families and ancestors.

This is a bit similar to the big family in the world, how many pieces of land have a common title deed.

The only difference is that the clan of the family and the ancestral gate is a blissful place. In general, only the family or the person who knows this position knows the position.

Now Ziweimen has publicized the locations of these blissful places, and some people cannot understand why.

"As far as I know, these blessings will not be of much help to the monks themselves."

Tang Lixing continued.

"What a blessing then ... wait!"

Chu Yan's gaze suddenly condensed, and he immediately responded: "If it has no effect on Xiu Wei, then you mean that the reason why it is called Dongtianfudi is because it has heavenly treasures!"

It is rich in aura and can be a blessing place for caves; it has rich treasures and can also be called a blessing place for caves.

Since it is not the first, it is naturally the second.


Tang Lianxing nodded, his eyes flashed with Zhan Zhanmang, "These twenty-odd caves have treasures that can quickly improve the attributes of monks."

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