Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1860: Entrance announcement

Ziwei Gate's act of opening the twenty-five caves this time, on the surface, is that many monks who originally narrowed the ascending channel have the possibility of climbing up again.

However, according to Chu Yan's analysis, Ziweimen's approach is very consistent with the view that when bad people do bad things, they will be covered with the skin of righteousness.

To put it bluntly, it is that bad people do bad things and will definitely find a positive reason for themselves.

For example, Ziweimen had to punish Chu Yan before, then the reason given by Ziweimen's disciples was to maintain the majesty of the End of the World.

For this reason, the moral high ground is seized.

This approach is used by both mortals and monks.

"It seems that opening the heaven and earth is actually taking the opportunity to collect all the exercises and hole cards mastered by all monks.

Especially those who are powerful and have great potential are bound to be the focus of Ziweimen's observation.

From a small perspective, Ziweimen is preparing for the Fairy Assembly.

And looking at it— "Chu Yan's eyes flashed with a touch of brilliance.

"The entire treasure minister came to China, all the ancestors, and the monks of the royal family, but they were all exposed to Ziweimen's eyelids.

And I think, even if other people, like me, see the purpose of Ziweimen.

However, there is no way to avoid such a conspiracy.

After all, when you go to these caves, the benefits are bound to be obtained.

You must not lose the opportunity to promote yourself and your family and ancestors because you are worried about revealing your hole cards.

After all, if you don't improve, then this opportunity can make you feel better.

At that time, the path I have to take will be even narrower and even blocked directly. "

Chu Yan knew that this order to open the heaven and earth was conveyed by the emperor Taiqing, who was far away in the void.

It is precisely because of this that he feels that Taiqing Emperor is definitely not a simple character.

Judging from several contacts, this man does not use conspiracy and tricks, and uses only upright conspiracy.

This does not mean that Emperor Taiqing will not use trajectory, but that he is confident and conceited, and believes that he is absolutely powerful, so he disdains to use conspiracy.

Directly seek flat push and sweep.

No matter whether the opponent is to avoid or to avoid, there is only one end in the end, that is to be crushed.

The opening of the twenty-fifth cave heaven this time is the latest and best example.

Knowing that it was a pit, he jumped in obediently.

Even Chu Yan himself jumped in this time.

"But they can't always be so proud of them."

Chu Yan kept thinking, "There are still seven days left to make some preparations."

Next, Chu Yan spent five days and worked out some plans.

These plans are aimed at the problems that may be faced at the time, and the response methods made.

In the remaining two days, Chu Yan contacted his partners.

After all, in theory, the opening of these twenty-five holes in heaven and earth, any monk, is eligible to enter and have the opportunity to obtain treasures.

As Chu Yan expected, everyone said that they would go to these caves to look at them in good time.

Nothing will be obtained at that time, but this is almost a rare event, and it is good to see something.

And at present, the realm of everyone has generally reached the territorial level.

As long as you don't go to the place where everyone will fight in the blessings of the earth, in general, you will not encounter any danger.

Not only everyone, but Lin Miaoran on the island of Xinxin, this time also eager to try, even including Li Yangyi, also shines his eyes, indicating that this opportunity should not be missed.

And Li Yangyi still patted her breasts, proud of herself, and talking about her qi-breathing technique, this time she can come in handy again.

At that time, he only needs to sweep his eyes to find a place where the breath of dragons and tigers converges. Then he will dig back the treasure and startle Chu.

Such an opportunity, Chu Yan naturally will not stop everyone.

However, he also said that everyone should be careful to avoid accidents.

Time flicked, and soon, the two days passed.

On the day of December 15, in the hopes of the monks in Shangguo, Ziweimen announced the location of the twenty-five caves.

Over the horizon, there is also a map of the whole country of Baoxiang Shangguo, a thousand miles long.

On the map, the mountains are rolling and rivers flow.

Twenty-five colors are blue and vortex-shaped light spots are evenly distributed in Baoxiang Shangguo.

This time, Ziweimen not only announced the location of the twenty-five caves, but also announced two new news.

The first news is that three of the twenty-five cave heavenly lands, only monks below the heavenly state of mind are allowed to enter, and the remaining twenty-two, monks below the Zifu state can enter.

The second news is that Dongtianfudi was opened for a total of fifteen days. At that time, it will be closed by Ziwei door guardian.

The implication is that you have a sense of fluke and feel that you can hide in it at that time.

If you dare not come out, then don't think about coming out again.

The first news made many monks and family and small monks cheer for joy.

Because of their weak strength, they were already worried that not only would they not be able to eat meat, they would not even be able to drink a sip of soup.

But now the first news has given them greater hope.

Without the state of mind, then the pressure of competition is suddenly reduced.

As for only three caves, that's better than nothing.

Not to mention, the other twenty-two are not allowed to enter.

As for the second news, many Zongmen and families near Dongtianfudi closed their mouths subconsciously.

Because when the Dongtianfudi entrances were displayed, many gates and families discovered that these entrances were not too far away from them.

Recently, it's only a hundred miles.

I have such a treasure in front of my house, but I don't know the result-this kind of psychology will naturally make these families and ancestors psychologically panic, making them unhappy.

But this second news points out one thing.

These caves are blessed, but the entrance is there, not in itself.

If you, the families and the ancestral gates, are annoying if you want to touch the fish in muddy waters, but the protection of Ziweimen.

Ziweimen double protection method, but its status is one level higher than the four heavenly kings, second only to the existence of Emperor Taiqing.

Until now, no one has seen these two protections, exactly what they look like.

As for the realm, it is even less clear.

But now, since they can open up the void so easily, and their status is still above the four heavenly kings, it is clear that at least it is the triple existence of Zifujing.

This realm is at the top level in the End of the World, and for those little families and gates, it is almost like an ant to an elephant.

This is to cause trouble, and that is to find yourself dead.

After the twenty-five entrances were announced, the monks who came to China from Baoxiang all became active and went towards the heaven and earth closest to them.

But Chu Yan was not in a hurry.

On the island of Xinxin, after Lin Miaoran and Li Yangyi both left, he has not left.

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