Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1861: Hidden calculation master

"Why don't you go?"

Zeng Bi looked curiously on the beach, staring at the Chuyan of the thousands of miles and mountains, and asked curiously.

Master Bitong did not go to explore this time.

The main reason is that after the promotion of the triple state of mind, more things need to be refined.

And it's not impossible for Xunxin Island to be left unattended.

On the island, there are still living creatures, one is her, the other is Chu Yan, and one is handsome.

As for Tangtang, this time it was with Lin Miaoran to go to a certain place.

His Royal Highness Chu has maintained the posture of looking up at heaven and sky, and it has lasted for six hours.

In this way, one third of the time period during which the cave opens is already wasted by Chu Yan.

Hearing Zeng Bi's question, Chu Yan moved his neck and looked at the other side.

"I looked closely."

Chu Yan said.


"The location of these twenty-five entrances is very particular and is not randomly chosen."

Chu Yan raised his finger to the map, "not only taking into account the distance between each other, but also the concentration of Zongmen and the family.

For example, because there is a lot of aura in a certain area, there are a lot of Xiuxian families and ancestral gates, so there will generally be at least two entrances to the heaven and earth.

The two entrances are neither close nor far away.

For those Xiuxian clan and Zongmen, you can choose any one of them.

However, after choosing one, they are not allowed to go to the other, because fifteen days is not enough for them to go to two places. "

"What if the soldiers are divided?"

Zeng Bi asked.

Chu Yan asked with a smile: "Aren't you staying on the free island?"

It seems that this answer is wrong, but Zeng Bi understood it all at once.

The blissful land opened by Ziwei Gate this time, although it is a great opportunity, is not enough for these Xiuxian clan and Zongmen to take all their possessions and go all out to find treasure.

What's more, the person who opened the hole calculated the distance and time so accurately, how could he not take this into account.

Chu Yan also added at this time: "And I think that there are so many natural treasures in these cave heaven and earth.

For example, the more families and ancestors flooded in, the more treasures there will naturally be, and the more difficult it is to obtain.

If the influx of families and sects is small, and the competition is relatively small, the treasures contained in it will also be distributed more sparsely. "

"It turned out that you took all this into account."

After listening to the analysis of Chu Yan, Zeng Bi couldn't help but admire it. In her heart, her admiration for Chu Yan suddenly deepened a lot.

But immediately, a strange color appeared in her eyes: "Would it not mean that everyone seems to be happy, but they didn't realize that they were all playing with Ziwei Gate between the palms of the hands?"

"Yeah, that's the truth."

Chu Yan nodded, "This is a conspiracy that makes people love and hate, while trying to scold, and scrambling to jump into the pit.

As the saying goes, the mouth says no, but the body is very honest, this is how it looks. "

Zeng Bi heard that her cheeks couldn't help getting hot.

Because Chu Yan finally said this sentence, she used to tease Uzrama, saying that when Uzrama faced Chu Yan, she said no, but her body was very honest.

But Chu Yan was just joking at this time, and did not delve into it.

After speaking, he stood up from the beach.

"Are you planning to leave?"

Zeng Bi was curious, "Did you choose?"

"Well, that's it."

Chu Yan threw a ray of light in his palm and landed in front of it, which was a heaven and earth chessboard.

After stepping on it, Chu Yan raised his hand towards the handsome man.

The handsome man opened his eyes and smiled, and suddenly jumped to Chu Yan's shoulder.

Big fat pigs are very clear, this trip is absolutely indispensable.

Turning his head towards Zeng Bi, he groaned and said, "I spent most of my day observing this map. Because time is limited, I must make sure I can get what I want.

If it was before, I might think Ziweimen is just like that.

Those disciples, because of the prestige of the Emperor Taiqing, were arrogant and arrogant.

But this time, this map made me realize that in Ziweimen, at least this time, it is a master who can calculate.

From planning to layout, and people's hearts, even the time and distance I just mentioned, every step is so precise that it makes me feel a little creepy. "

"So ..." Zeng Bi saw Chu Yan hesitated, so she subconsciously said.

"So I suddenly thought of something."

Chu Yan smiled, "Did some of the disciples in Ziwei Gate have deliberately indulged themselves?

Because I feel that the master of the calculation behind this time will play with people's hearts so that the behavior of the gatekeeper cannot be considered by him, which is very abnormal. "

With that said, Chu Yanfeng turned around: "After fifteen days, they should come back one after another, but I should be a few days late."

"Where are you going?"

"Your Dan furnace."

When Chu Yan said this, people were already dozens of miles away.

"Ha ha."

Zeng Bi sneered, "The benefits of a Dan furnace let me stay on the island alone ..." Originally I wanted to say something more, but Zeng Bi realized the next moment that it seemed to be the case.

And also myself-beautiful.

Well, master alchemist Bitong, the master of alchemy, will continue to retreat.

Joking and joking, Zeng Bi became more awed by Chu Yan after this incident.

Because of the inferential ability of the other party, it is not astonishing to her now, but scary.

Who will not be afraid of an opponent who predicts all your intentions and even the next plan as soon as you shoot?

But Chu Yan, sitting cross-legged on the chessboard at this time, was not as relaxed as Zeng Bi imagined.

Facing the sea islands that were constantly being thrown to the back, Chu Yan's eyes showed a deep thinking.

"There are such people in Ziwei Gate, I really have to be careful.

The next time you meet with Tang Lixing, you should also remind her to pay attention to her words and actions.

There is such a person, sometimes an inadvertent action, or even an inadvertent word, may be seen by the other party, so that they can follow the vine and figure out what is in your mind. "

Taking a deep breath, and then exhaling, Chu Yan tossed these ideas in his head for the time being.

Looking up at the bright map in the sky.

His next focus will be on the destination of this trip.

With one and only one chance for treasure hunting, Chu Yan set his destination at the cave heavenly land about 770,000 miles away from Tianyazong.

There are twenty-five in total.

Ziweimen didn't specifically indicate which cave heavenly earth contains which treasures of heaven and earth.

Chu Yan now wants to move closer, and naturally has his reason.

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