Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1862: Near Tianyamen

"The number of the Xiuxian family and the ancestral gates, and the distance between the caves and the heavens, are another factor."

Chu Yan groaned at this moment.

When he talked with Zeng Bi before, he only talked about two of them.

There is one more point that he did not mention.

That is, do the families and ancestors near these caves have well-known inheritance methods or magical powers.

Chu Yan had already made a decision as early as Tang Lixing informed, and this time to go to the heavens and heavens, all he wanted was a treasure that could enhance his mine element.

Although these 25 entrances on the map are not specifically marked, which cave heavenly land has more such treasures.

However, the Xiuxian Family and the Zongmen around the entrance can be inferred.

"A family that is obviously good at wood attributes. You put a hole near it that is a treasure of light attributes. I think this family will never go.

Therefore, in order to attract these families and ancestors to enter, in addition to distance, you must do whatever you like.

However, it is also possible that they will be forced to another hole in the opposite way by the opposite method.

Therefore, the Xiuxian family and the ancestral gate named after the Thunder attribute exercises and God's notice, in the cave heavenly land next to them, either have the treasure of the Thunder attribute element, or they do not.

Based on other factors, we can judge whether it is there or not. "

Based on this thinking, make some speculations, and finally reach a conclusion.

His destination on this trip, from this cave heavenly land at 770,000 miles away from Tianyazong, must have a treasure of heaven and earth with elements of thunder.

There are four families and three ancestors around this cave heavenly land, all of which have relatively well-known Thunder attribute exercises or magical powers.

Competition may be fierce.

But this can also mean that the quality of precious materials will not be disappointing.

Taking control of the heaven and earth board, after leaving Tianyazong, Chu Yan again used the stacked wave void bracelet to quickly move the space, and then came to a hidden deep forest.

Here, he changed the robes of Tianyazong disciples, replaced the service often worn by casual repairs, and put on the face of ghosts.

Suddenly, Chu Yan changed his shape and became a loose-looking casual repairer with a long beard and a yellow complexion.

Ziweimen wanted to use this opportunity to explore the practice and hole cards of other monks.

Then Chu Yan hides his identity, so that they do not know who they are.

After doing all this disguise, Chu Yan turned the folded wave void bracelet again, came to the side of a large river more than three thousand miles away, and then took out an ordinary spirit boat and flew towards the destination.

During this period, the stacked waves were repeatedly used. When Chu Yan arrived at his destination, the fifteen-day treasure hunt period had passed by one-fifth.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Chu Yan came to a place about a hundred miles away from the heavenly land of that cave.

Into the entrances of these caves, the opening of Ziwei Gate is particularly conspicuous.

It doesn't look like it's deliberately difficult, it's on a very common flat, or outside the canyon.

Chu Yan saw a blue vortex standing tall and ten-storey high on the plain in the distance across this distance.

The whirlpool swirled, as if stirring the vast sea, but there was no sound.

And this blue vortex, to say white, is a teleportation array.

Just need to enter directly, you can go to Dongtianfudi.

At this time, Chu Yan can see that monks enter the teleportation team from time to time, but these monks are in groups of three or five.

At least, it was two people walking together, a little more, more than a dozen people can see.

However, Chu Yan saw that, not far from in front of him, a flying spirit boat fell to the ground, and the monks in the spirit boat walked to the teleportation array.

Even some monks in the heavenly state of mind will land when they get there.

Chu Yan's consciousness swept away, and he immediately found out that around this teleportation array, there was an array of shrouds.

This formation method obviously prevents flying magic and flying.

One by one, monks came.

Seeing this, Chu Yan, like the other monks, drove the Lingzhou, and after walking a distance forward, he fell to the ground, put the Lingzhou into a storage bag, and walked forward.

Persevering, just like an ordinary casual practice, after others walked a distance, Chu Yan looked forward and understood what was going on.

At this point he was less than fifty miles away from the teleportation array.

Not far in front of him, a disciple of disciples set a checkpoint and was asking for a passer-by stone from the monks who wanted to pass.

At a glance, Chu Yan immediately understood what was going on.

The cave heaven and earth are all opened. Zicas Gate is naturally impossible to make such a thing as Shektho.

It's too cheap.

At this moment, the card is set up here, it seems that it is the largest ancestral gate in the vicinity: Tianmen Gate.

However, Chu Yan noticed that, in addition to the disciples of Tianyamen, there were also a few disciples wearing other robes and disciples of the suspected family.

In this way, the truth of the matter is obvious.

The entrance of Dongtianfudi is opened on this plain. As the most influential ancestral gates and families in this neighborhood, they want to make a little fortune.

After all, they are terrifying snakes, with such convenience.

And there aren't many spirit stones required by Shekasuo. A monk can give two middle-quality spirit stones or twenty low-quality spirit stones.

If there is no spirit stone, you can also use equivalent treasures.

For two medium-grade spirit stones, for a casual repair with a little family background, you can also bite your teeth.

After all, it was a blissful place ahead.

If you go in, you will get nothing, but if you absorb the aura in it, you will get great benefits.

Coupled with the fact that these gates and families, such as Tianmen Gate, have been operating locally for a long time, naturally no one wants to cause them trouble.

In particular, the Tianyamen Gate in charge was led by a monk from the Purple House.

Although there is no place here, but someone really does not want to be in trouble, Monk Zifujing tears the void, and soon, you have no time to run.

Moreover, the monks who were not forced to pass by Tianmen Gate must pay the spirit stone.

If you are too expensive, you can not come here and go to other caves.

Even the disciples of Tianyamen will tell you intimately that the nearest entrance to another cave in this area is about 100,000 miles southwest.

However, will there be a gate for the gates, and if the price is as fair and just as they are, then they can't guarantee it.

Combining these reasons, the monks who came here simply muttered a few words and complained. They really didn't give the stone a break, or went to the next cave entrance, but there were none.

At this time, Chu Yan also mingled with the surrounding monks, forming a line that was not too long.

Soon, the team's turn came to him.

Chu Yan took out two pieces of Zhongpin Lingshi and passed them.

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