Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1863: Tianyamen Purple House

Seeing that the other party had received the spirit stone, Chu Yan was about to step forward, but the disciple disciple suddenly lifted his sword across the front of him, and looked him up and down.


The disciple disciple asked that day.

Chu Yan changed his appearance and changed his robe, and now it is indeed Sanxiu's dress.


He nodded.

The expression of the disciple's face suddenly relaxed that day, with a small smile, and spread out the other hand: "Two Chinese spirit stones are still missing."


why. "

Chu Yan asked.

Disciples at Tianyamen pointed at the handsome man: "Your pet must also give Lingshi. This is a rule."

Chu Yan groaned slightly and nodded: "Okay."

After speaking, he took out two middle-grade spirit stones, and just before handing it over, a nun wearing a pink skirt next to him, riding a huge white rabbit, gave two middle-grade spirit stones, Jumping and jumping, went into the teleportation array.

Chu Yan's hand stopped in the air, frowning: "Why did she only give two spirit stones?"

"She ..." The disciples of Yemen turned around and said, "Is that disciple of Zongmen, can it be the same as your Sanshou?"

After speaking, we grabbed the spirit stone in the hands of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan shrank, avoiding the other side, and said, "Zongmen disciples are treated differently than Sanshou?"

"That's natural."

At this time, a guru who was not far away from the Tianmen Gate came to his place with a clear glance, saying, "Zongmen disciples are good at protecting the local area and keeping one side safe. Naturally, you only need to pay your own spirit stone."

"Is this the rule of Tianyamen?"

Chu Yan asked again.

"Why do you have so much nonsense! Go to another cave heavenly place if you don't want to go in. There is one place 100,000 miles southwest, don't delay others' time!"

The Master of Heaven's Mind shouted sharply.

Chu Yan said indifferently: "I'll ask if this is the rule set by Tianmen Gate. What can you do with such brilliance?"

The realm revealed by Chu Yan at this time is also the state of mind.

Above the realm, it is not too bad that there is too much master on that day, so the tone does not need to be too soft.

"Yes, this is the rule of my heavenly gate!"

Tian Tianmen snorted, "I said it!"

"That line."

Chu Yan nodded and put the spirit stone in the hands of the disciple before him, and was about to step forward. The guru suddenly shot and released an air wall in front of him.

Immediately he stepped forward in front of the disciple, took out the four spirit stones just given by Chu Yan, crushed them, dropped the debris to Chu Yan's feet, and cried, "What tone did you just speak to me?

What is your identity?

You do n’t have to go in this cave! roll! "

Chu Yan looked at the debris of the spirit stone on the ground, and the cold mang in his eyes slowly condensed: "This is also the rule of Tianmen Gate?"

"Yes! That's the rule of Tianyamen! Again, I said that!"

On that day, the Master ’s eyes stared like bronze bells, sneer, and looked at Chu Yan.

How dare you stare at me, do you know where this is?

Sanshou in front of disciples of Zongmen, it is necessary to be a man with his tail in his hands. Do you not understand this?

Roll me aside or I'm welcome! "

When the words didn't fall, the Master raised his hand this day, and it was a ray of light that shot toward Chu Yan.

In the light, the cold air suddenly felt, and suddenly it seemed like a long river of ice and snow, pouring down towards Chu Yan.

The monks who were waiting all around were suddenly flustered and kept away from each other.

When I saw the monks in the whole process, I was sighing again and again.

"This casual repair is really bad luck. Give it to the Lingshi, and the master who crashed into the door of the gate this day, what is the problem?"

"Tianyaomen is the ground snake here, who has been in business for thousands of years, who dares to mess with them."

"A casual repair, no heels, no background, this is over."

"Oh deservedly, time was limited, and now we are wasting our time, so let's get in to the Lingshi!"

For a moment, Frost was heading towards Chu Yan with the sound of complaining and taunting.

"Dare you do it?"

The next time Chu Dian laughed angrily.

With a loud voice, Chu Yan raised his hand and slapped the ice and snow.

The roaring cold, with a bang, slammed away.

Suddenly, the scene seemed to be under a heavy snowstorm, almost blocking people's sight.

Chu Yan stepped forward, but just released a small momentum, he would force all the snow falling towards himself, and in an instant, he was in front of the Master that day.


With a cold snoring, Chu Yan raised his hand, like the whip of the **** of God.

boom! The body of the Master Tiantianmen was suddenly pumped into a mass of flesh and blood.

Half of the neck, even with his head, fell to the snow, and grunted to Chu Yan's feet.

The look on his head was frightened and unbelievable.

Chu Yan was expressionless, raised his feet, and stepped down.

His head suddenly exploded and shattered like a watermelon.

An aura of spirit suddenly surged with the fall of the Master of the Heart on this day.

At the last moment, I was talking about and mocking the scene.

The monks lined up behind Chu Yan had their eyes bigger than the eggs, and their expressions of panic and panic squeezed the facial features to make them look more wonderful.

Chu Yan turned and looked at the disciples who had blocked himself before.

The disciple was pale, his knees softened, and he fell to the ground, looking at Chu Yan's eyes full of horror, his body trembling.

"It's fun to bully Sanshou, isn't it?"

Chu Yan walked over and took a picture.

boom! This disciple exploded into countless thick blood arrows below his waist and hurled around. Doraemon, sprayed on the nearby ice and snow, and immediately melted the snow to form a shocking gully.

At this time, a beam of light rose from behind Chu Yan.

Chu Yan turned around, and suddenly saw three or four miles away, a disciple of disciples looked at him in panic.

Judging from the aura that has not completely dissipated in his hands, and this beam of light, it is obvious that he just issued a call for help.

Suddenly, Chu Yan felt a mighty force that began to flow from the void, as if it were a flood or a volcano, and it was about to erupt.


Chu Yan's heart moved, without hesitation, stepped forward one step forward, "Thousands of miles idle!"

Suddenly, he rushed in front of the disciple, raised his hand like a knife, and chopped the disciple in half from the middle, then immediately turned the direction and rushed toward the entrance of the heavenly heaven and earth.

Almost immediately after Chu Yan beheaded the disciple and left, the sky suddenly opened a gap of more than ten miles.

A surging, immense and brave, like an emperor's momentum, emerged from it, covering a thousand miles! Within a thousand miles, all the monks, regardless of their status, all brushed their knees to the ground, filled with panic, shaking their bodies, and daring to raise their heads.

Tianyamen Purple House is here! "Come here fast!"

This is also the first reaction in Chu Yan's heart.

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