Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1864: Day of closure, time of killing

The crack ripped open in the void was slowly stretched out.

A figure appeared along with the billowing thunder.

Wei's breath suddenly increased again.

For thousands of miles, the void seemed to be stared at by heaven punishment.

The monks present were trembling like a sieve, and some of them were lower in the realm, and now passed out.

The other monks, even the Master of Heaven and Earth, were trembling at this moment, and their eyes were full of fear.


The real person in the sky apparently knew what was happening. He burst into a thunder, and if a thunder exploded, a large number of monks rolled their eyes, shivered, and rolled down.

Chu Yan also felt a pain in the eardrum.

But at this time, he didn't hesitate at all, seeing a pale electric light gathering in the sky, and immediately turned the stacked wave void bracelet.

The formation here is just a ban on flying, not a block of void.

Suddenly, Chu Yan came to the entrance of the heavenly heaven of that cave, flickered in, and left a sentence at the same time.

"Tianyaomen bullies, you are waiting for Zifu's old goods!"

The sound, accompanied by a thunderstorm, exploded loudly, spreading around.

"Tianyaomen bullied the small ..." "Zifu old goods ..." "You wait for me ..." This voice seemed to be torn apart by Lei Guang, and echoed continuously at the scene, clearly transmitted to each In one's ears.

The next moment, that purple house landed.

An aura of energy arose, and the snow at the scene melted away.

At this moment his face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were filled with murderous.

The reason is very simple. Tianmen Gate turned out to be in front of the eyes and killed a disciple and an elder in the state of mind.

And he himself, the dignified Zifu real person tore the void shot, was even run away by the other party.

Today Tianmen Gate, but with so many pairs of eyes, he was severely beaten.


Zifu Zhenren was not far away from a shivering San Xiutian state of mind, "What is that guy!"

"No, it's none of my business!"

The Sanxiu was crying, "I don't know that person at all."

It doesn't matter if he is in the state of mind, but San Xiu meets the disciples of Zongmen, and they are all three points short on the ground.

What's more, at this moment, the anger was asking him, or the real man in Zongmen! "You are all casual practitioners, dare to say it's none of your business?"

The real man in Zifu grabbed five fingers at the other person, and instantly, tearing open the void, the lightning burst out, tearing the mood of the day into a puff of blood.

The thick smell of blood spread out, and many monks in the surrounding area dared to anger, but trembled even more. No one dared to make the slightest sound, fearing to offend the other.

After killing a retreat and venting his anger, the real feeling of anger in Zifu felt a little vent and calmed down a little.

Gazes swept over the corpse and blood on the ground, and the real man in Zifu stared: "Zongmen disciples, family disciples, the next five fine spirits of one person can enter, and all the repairs will be taken back and tortured!"

"It's not fair!"

Suddenly, some people questioned.

The real man in Zifu swept away, and when he saw that the other party was a disciple of Xiaozongmen, he raised his finger.

Suddenly, an electric current penetrated the forehead of this small sect's disciple, leaving a **** hole.

Before the death of this small disciple disciple, his face was full of doubts. Obviously, he did not even think that the other party not only killed and discouraged the Xiongmen disciples, but also even his such disciple disciples.

At this moment, the monk disciples were killed. Some monks who originally wanted to question and express dissatisfaction all narrowed their necks, and if they were chilling, they did not dare to make any sound.

A real man in Zifu snorted: "You feel unfair. Is it true that my disciples in Tianmen Gate lost their lives, it is fair!"

The casual repairs at the scene were miserable at this time, but they did not dare to resist.

The disciples of Tianyaomen had the real Zifu sitting there, and there was no fear of catching people.

Regardless of whether your retreat is condensed in a vein, in a state of earth, or in a state of mind, all are taken away, and one is not left.

There was a little resistance, and the real man in Zifu acted directly, killing himself on the grounds of disrespect. After two consecutive repairs were cut, the voice of opposition on the scene completely disappeared.

And this Zifu real person blocked the audience with consciousness, hovered at a high altitude, and after performing magical powers, a large network of thunder and light fell from the sky, completely covering the area of ​​three thousand miles.

After that, eighteen Shenlei were dropped in the air.

Each godly thunder is like a hundred-zhang spear, with numerous electric snakes entangled around the entrance of this heavenly earth. In a moment, it forms a high-light wall shining with electricity, leaving only one exit for monks to enter.

In the high altitude, Zifu's real eyes stared, and his intentions were full of intent: "For more than ten days, you can hide for a while, but for a lifetime! The day when the cave will be closed fortunately is the time when you are divided by my horse!"

Every word of this discourse is like a thunderous explosion, horrible oppression, and even makes people feel that the sun and the moon have lost their glory.

Zifu was furious, and all spirits were frightened! At this time, no one noticed that in the dense grass near the entrance to the heavenly land of the cave, there were several eyeballs that were thousands of times smaller than the eye of the needle, and were looking around.

And the pictures that these eyeballs saw all appeared in Chu Yan's mind at this moment.

"Incompetent anger, talking about a guy like you."

At this moment, Chu Yan snorted in the heavenly blessing.

However, in order to be safe and not to be discovered by the other party, Chu Yan, after watching this picture, lost his blood of insight.

This extremely subtle blood spot immediately infiltrated the dirt, making it harder to find.

After all, hovering in the air at this moment is a real man in Zifu who can tear open the void.

In the current state of Chu Yan, even the slightest peep may be noticed by the other party, and then expose the technique he has mastered.

"Because I showed my identity as a casual repairer, I made it even more difficult, even killing indiscriminately.

Zifujing is a bully, very good, I hope you can remember the sentence I left to you.

The day when the cave is closed is when I split your body between five horses, and I will give it to you as well! "

After knowing what the other party was doing at the moment, Chu Yan stopped thinking about it for the time being, but focused his mind on the vast desert in front of him.

Beyond the heavens and earth, just after early morning, daylight fell into the city.

Within the heavenly blessing of this cave, it was a cool, bright moon.

So when I first came in, I was even slightly lost for a moment.

This bright moon is also very close to the desert. At this moment, just looking up, with the naked eye, you can see the numerous bumps and extinct volcanoes on this moon.

The stars around the moon also give people the feeling that they can touch them by reaching out their hands.

When Chu Yan passed the entrance, he was here, looking around, without margins, and did not see other monks.

At this time, as far as the eyes can see, the faint light that can be seen is laid out in five places.

But Chu Yan was not in a hurry to go for a treasure hunt immediately.

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