Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1870: Have you seen it before

The storage bags of the four monks, the two heavens are of the most important state, and there is nothing plain to see.

As a powerful family who once possessed a ten-day heart, the Master of the Xu Family naturally possessed a spiritual implement.

But the problem is that Chu Yan has lost sight of this low-order spirit.

Chu Yan felt that the treasure with bright eyes was in the two storage bags with the dual state of mind.

Treasures that can enhance elemental attributes. Two storage bags add up to seven.

Two of them are to increase the attributes of earth elements, one is to increase the attributes of light elements, and four are to increase the attributes of thunder elements.

Chu Yan still regretted it. After coming in, the properties of the treasure found were not as good as those of water. As a result, someone sent a gift.

Chu Yan was not polite at the moment, these seven treasures were sent into his mouth together.

After a crackling sound in his mouth, the seven treasures were swallowed into his belly and absorbed instantly.

Immediately, Chu Yan felt that his attributes of the thunder element had changed, which improved two points.

Two points may not seem like much, but judging from the long-term cultivation career of the monk, these two points are likely to be a watershed between mediocrity and genius.

And from the perspective of time, Chu Yan entered this cave heaven and earth, and it hasn't been two hours in total, but the water element attribute has improved a little and the thunder element attribute has improved two points.

If I let others know, I'm afraid I would be jealous.

Put the remaining valuable things in the storage bag into your own storage ring. Chu Yan raised his hand and crushed the four storage bags, then flew in the air and flew forward.

Since this cave is blessed with heaven and mind, the monsters appearing here will certainly not be just the few that Chu Yan encountered before.

Deformation monsters naturally exist, and Chu Yan estimates that the number will not be small.

What Chu Yan is going to look for next is naturally the transformation-level demon.

Divine consciousness suddenly spread, covering thousands of miles.

For the next two days, Chu Yan had nothing to gain.

After all, it is a blessed place, but it is impossible for people to bend over to find treasures.

Since it is said to be a treasure, it is naturally rare.

The previous thunder gophers and sand wind magic mist fish were also discovered because of Chu Yan's powerful knowledge.

If you change to another monk, you must not find it.

Two days later, Chu Yan's consciousness captured a flesh.

Almost at the same time, the handsome nose moved sharply.

"just in front!"

The handsome man's eyes widened, his tone full of excitement.

Chu Yan speeded up and pulled out a shock in the air. He soon saw that a fierce battle was taking place in front of him.

The two sides of the fight are not monks and monsters, but two monks.

On one side, only three were left at this time, and all of them were injured.

The side that besieged them not only doubled the number, but also had people on the periphery and shot.

Chu Yan's sense of knowledge swept away, and found that the gang of only three people were women.

It seems that the two older men are guards, who are now desperately protecting the young girl in the middle.

The girl looks eighteen or nineteen years old, but her realm has reached the triple level of Diyuan Realm.

The two nuns who protected her, one was the state of heaven and the other was the state of the earth.

Eight of them were besieging them.

Seven of them circled them in the center, and their magical powers and skills were shot in succession. In addition, there was another person who hovered in the mid-air twenty miles away, with a complete grasp of the whole situation.

With just one glance, Chu Yan understood that the group of siege had in fact targeted only the young girl of three.

And they seem to have other purposes, so at this moment they are only siege, not killers. On the one hand, they prevent accidental injury to the girls, and on the other hand, they also reduce their own casualties.

Anyway, the two oldest, the youngest, the youngest, and the three were all injured at the moment. At this moment, the aura was almost exhausted, and it was already the end of a crossbow.

As long as they are trapped in the center and consumed from time to time with magical powers or spells to prevent them from breathing, then at most a few hours, these people can catch them.

"It wasn't a monster."

Chu Yan shook his head with regret.

As for the heroes saving beauty, His Royal Highness Chu had no interest at all.

Who knows what the relationship between the two parties is.

The appearance of Chu Yan at the moment actually made both sides nervous.

Especially when the siege was formed, the party that had already taken advantage at this moment was even more worried at this time, because there was someone from the three women's party to help.

But seeing Chu Yan had no interest in it, it was just like a monk passing by. They felt relieved, but did not relax their vigilance.

Seeing the fighting methods of both sides, it is not too common to have monks who hold the idea of ​​tadpoles fighting for fishermen.

The monk hovering in the air at this moment, while watching the change of the situation, in case the three female fish died, broke his net, while quietly watching the side of Chu Yan to prevent him from sneaking in.

But after a look, the monk's face suddenly changed slightly.

He seemed to remember something, and looked carefully at Chu Yan again.

Suddenly, bright colors appeared in his eyes.

Excitement, surprise, excitement, all kinds of expressions quickly bloomed in the eyes.

Even his face turned red.

He had been observing the battle before, and suddenly shot.

As soon as the figure moved, he went directly to the center of the battle, and waved the blue sword in his hand. At once, he cut out a mighty river and entangled the female guard in the land of the land, and in a moment, it was twisted into flesh and blood.

"Ji Kun, how dare you!"

The female guard of the state of mind that day just issued a scream of sorrow and indignation, a monk named Tian Kun of the state of mind, as soon as Jian Feng turned, he cut at her.

Suddenly, the long river billowed, condensing into a ray of sharp swordsmanship.

This sword is only the thickness of hair, but at this moment, it seems that even the moonlight covered by it is cut.

The breath of Feng Rui's killing immediately enveloped the audience.

"Miss be careful!"

The female guard held the young woman behind her, and her hands crossed quickly in front of her. A golden mane flashed on her chest and a golden spear was stabbed.

The golden spear was supposed to be extremely sharp, but the female guard was obviously exhausted at this time, and the aura was less than one tenth, so the light of the golden spear at this time also looked dim, like the sunset.

Jian Mang cut this golden spear into countless fragments instantly, a forward force, and as the female guard screamed, she immediately cut off her right arm with shoulders, and flew her entire body hundreds of feet away.

The female guard's whole body spurted blood, and the blood and water pulled out a long arc in the middle of the air. He slammed heavily on the sand and rolled over ten more times before stopping. For a moment, he couldn't get up anymore.

At this time, Ji Kun no longer looked at the female guard, and pointed at the pale girl who was left. The opponent ordered a "grab her" and immediately flew in the direction of Chu Yan, shouting while flying. Say: "Wait a minute! Have we seen each other?"

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