Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1871: Reward from Tianyamen

The distance between him and Chu Yan was originally hundreds of miles away, but at this moment a rapid flight, this distance was shortened more than doubled suddenly.

While shouting loudly to attract Chu Yan's attention, Ji Kun also quietly inspired a messenger.

However, his face still looks like the old friend he just saw.

"Have we met before?"

With a smile on his face, and repeating the sentence just now, the distance between Ji Kun and Chu Yan was suddenly shortened to thirty miles.

As the distance got closer, he also thoroughly saw Chu Yan's face.

Two beards, sallow face, sick look-yes, this is the person! This is the man who was looking for a thousand top-quality spirits in Tianmen Gate! To help catch this person, you can collect thousands of top-quality spirit stones at Tianyaomen.

Even if only information is provided, as long as it can be proven accurate, you can also get five top-grade spiritual stones.

If you can grab this person by yourself and give it to Tianmen Gate, as long as the person is alive, Tianmen Gate not only rewards a thousand top-grade spirit stones, but also rewards a method.

Spirit stone is precious, so what is more precious than spirit stone, then naturally it is Gongfa! Ji Kun never thought that his luck would be so good.

First met a group of monks and monsters who had suffered both defeats and found a big deal. Now the monks that Tianyamen is looking for have even thrown themselves into the net and sent them to themselves.

Is this an important day to run on your own and is about to make great strides on the Xian Road?

Thought of this, Ji Kun couldn't help but his face glowed red, and his whole body showed a beaming taste.

"Dear friends, please stay away! I see that you are very familiar, are we just a while ago ..." Opposite is his own Dafuxing who is further on Xianlu. Ji Kun is full of enthusiasm, but his right hand hidden in his sleeve is holding Tightened the blue magic sword.

The sharp edge, constantly concealed under the cover of long sleeves, exuding a taste of destruction.

But at this moment, before he finished speaking, he saw Chu Yan suddenly raise his hand.

A magic weapon, like a stick and a giant sword, appeared in his hands.

Immediately, a kind of cold wind, a dark breath of despair, shrouded the wild.

Innumerable wraiths came from the depths of the void.

It seems that this magic weapon can communicate with the nether world and bring about a world of death.

Ji Kun's expression froze, his heart trembled, and he realized that it was not good.

But the next moment, the dead language Jian Jianfeng broke out and debuted in a white match.

Each exercise seemed to be a life-threatening soul, stretched out in empty air, and swept towards him.

The horrible chill instantly made people feel as if they had fallen into the ice, and even the flames were frozen.

"Longhe Sunset Kills!"

Ji Kun was frightened and angry.

But just before Sanchi Qingfeng got out of his sleeve, he was completely wrapped in the edge of the Death Sword.

Practice one after another, followed closely, and instantly formed a big ball, spinning violently, and turning red dust upside down.

The rotation of terror almost shattered the sky, and the state of heaven in it could not support it at all.

Immediately, Ji Kun's scream came from inside the ball, and a blood arrow shot out from the gap.

The group of Ji Kun's men on the ground looked dumbfounded at this moment, shivering one by one without knowing what happened.

The girl surrounded by them was also dumbfounded and didn't understand what was going on.

The next moment, Ji Kun, who was covered in blood, fell from the air and screamed and fell heavily on the ground.

Suddenly, blood was splashing, and the ground was covered with shocking blood.

Ji Kunzhou's body was filled with tear-like horror wounds. Countless flesh and spirits seemed to collapse and poured out.

His face was full of horror, and he had a difficult time to take out a bottle of elixir and wanted to put it in his mouth, but Chu Yan's body was like electricity. He dropped immediately and lifted his hand and swept away his arm holding the bottle.

The arm flew out of the air for dozens of miles, and clicked, falling in front of Ji Kun's group of people, with strong blood, permeating, and suddenly the group of hands was scared like earth.

"Come and save me!"

Ji Kun was furious and shouted shivering.

At this moment he was really going to be scared.

The group of men hesitated, and immediately turned and ran.

Ji Kun's order was not listened to, and the young girl who had just been subdued ignored it.

"Want to leave?"

His Royal Highness hummed.

"I come!"

This time no need to be dictated by Chu Yan, handsome came forward.

The little white pig made a white light, and immediately passed through the fleeing men, came to them and stopped, then turned around.

"Hey, a group of little ants in Diyuan Realm!"

The little white pig hung about one person off the ground and grinned, "Taste the little Unicorn arm!"

Huh! Suddenly, an incomparably claw, burning with golden flames, protruded from the handsome arm.

The claws are tens of feet long, as if it were a horrible trunk. At this moment, the real fire burns and collapses in the void, causing an amazing roar.

A grasp of the paw, a pat, suddenly, a space was condensed and burned.

At this moment, the unicorn arm shot directly towards the fleeing monks.

boom! The monk being photographed evaporates immediately, without any trace left behind.

The monks who were not photographed were immediately caught up by the diffused golden flames, and immediately they burned into a human-shaped torch. After running a step or two forward, they turned into flying ash.


The handsome laughed and flew back to Chu Yan.

As she passed in front of the **** the way, the girl's eyes looked handsome and there was a noticeable change.

In the eyes, there was a mixture of surprise and fear.

But it's natural to think about it.

The handsome and adorable little white pig looks too confusing. Anyone who suddenly casts this unicorn arm must be startled.

Flying back to Chu Yan's shoulders, with a handsome look of pride: "How is it, isn't it very envious?"

"It's pretty powerful."

Chu Yan nodded.

Leaving aside that claw grabbing down, the void is broken in pieces.

The golden flame alone is not something that ordinary monks can resist.

What's more, this hasn't reached the point where Kirin's fate is real.

If Kirin's life is really burning, the power will be even stronger.

Hearing Chu Yan's compliment, the handsome man suddenly narrowed his eyes and smiled proudly.

This person-to-pig dialogue all fell into Ji Kun's eyes at this moment.

He originally thought that Chu Yan was already very powerful, but he did not expect that the "suspected pet" on the other's shoulder would be so powerful! Looks weak and helpless, but it turned out that the unicorn arm that had just been moved was even more terrifying than the power of the transformed monster! When the golden flame broke through the void, when it came out, even if it was so far away, Ji Kun felt as if his soul had been burned.

His body and mind were shaking together, and suddenly, Ji Kun felt a cold in his neck.

He took a moment and looked away.

Through his blood-stained eyes, he saw Chu Yan looking down at himself.

"I have any enemies with you that make you want to sneak into me?"

The words without any emotion were spoken by Chu Yan at the moment and passed to Ji Kun's ears.

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