Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1873: Lack of greed

Seeing that Chu Yan had no interest in even looking at himself, she turned and left, and the girl hurried up.

But I don't know if it was her intention or the fairy skirt on her body was really torn in the previous fight.

In short, now she got up and took a quick step, and immediately ripped off the fairy skirt.

Then, like a frightened little deer, she exclaimed, and quickly knelt down on the ground again, shouting to Chu Yan: "The master still stay, please, the little girl has an important news to tell her, Although the guru didn't care about the little girl's return, the little girl could not show her grace, or she would feel uneasy. "

These words entered from Chu Yan's left ear, and immediately came out of his right ear.

I didn't intend to save you originally, it is your business to pay your favor, and it has nothing to do with me.

In silence, Chu Yan had already flown to the height of three floors in midair.

"Master! I have news about the appearance of a transformational demon in this heavenly land!"

The girl was anxious and shouted to Chu Yan: "A group of monks have united and are ready to go and kill this deformed monster!"

"Transformed Demon?"

Chu Yan's heart moved slightly.

What he has done in the past two days is to find a transformational monster.

But I do n’t know if I was unlucky or what the reason was, except for the two monsters found when the most advanced came, and found nothing afterwards.

At this moment when he heard the news that the girl had her needs, Her Royal Highness Chu hesitated for a moment.

Seeing that Chu Yan stopped in the air, the girl knelt on the ground with her knees, straightened, and took a few steps forward, and said quickly: "If the teacher needs it, the little girl must tell the truth, and there is absolutely nothing to hide."

"Chu Yan, he is a great monster, let's listen."

The handsome man persuaded in Chu Yan's ear: "It's not what you're looking for. It's not like you're headless ... well, flying around, you won't get pregnant anyway."

At this moment, the girl's face was full of complex looks, worried, and panicked, and there was a look of expectation, her body trembling slightly, looking at the utterances in the air.

The next moment, a flower bloomed in front of her eyes, and when she saw it clearly, Chu Yan was already in front of her.


The girl hurried her head again.

"what news?"

Chu Yan said, "Don't pull those that don't exist."


The girl nodded hurriedly, then took out a scroll from the storage bag around her waist, raised her hands above her head, and presented it to Chu Yan. "Master, please see that the thing about the transformational monster is in it.

This scroll was discovered when the little girl united the tribe and killed a monster. "

Chu Yan opened the scroll with ease.

The girl has been following Chu Yan carefully, seeing that Chu Yan opened the scroll at this moment, the corner of her mouth unconsciously raised a slight arc.

The scroll is now open.

It read some crooked text.

But when Chu Yan looked at these words, all of a sudden, these ridiculous words were violently rotating and spreading.

Suddenly, it seemed to tear the yin and yang, and mobilize an army of iron and blood from the historical floods. The flags were shaking, the smoke was soaring into the sky, the smell of iron and blood was swaying.

Million male divisions rushed towards Chu Yan fiercely, as if immediately, they would step into a meat sauce.

The large areas of sand around it were cracked, collapsed, and fine white sand, as if soaked in blood, and became shockingly red.

At this moment, the girl stepped back quickly and smiled tremblingly: "Ha ha ha ha ha! The reward from Tianmen Gate is mine ... eh?"

Before she finished speaking, she saw Chu Yan who was being killed by countless fierce soldiers and raised her hand.

Bang! The flames of fire and flames dissipated in an instant.

The clear night sky is back on the spot.

Sky is shining, dissipating invisible.

It was annihilated.

Chu Yan in the moonlight, let alone hurt, even his eyes did not fluctuate.

The girl's face suddenly turned pale, her body softened, and she knelt down on the ground again, tears bursting out of her eyes, and suddenly gave people a feeling of pity: "Master, I'm fascinated, I dare not ask your forgiveness, just ask The teacher can give me a chance, let me serve you as a cow and a horse, and I am willing to do anything ... "" No need. "

Chu Yan raised his hand lightly.

A little blood shined between him.

The girl's face was suddenly filled with panic, and she hurriedly exclaimed: "Guru! I really have the disappearance of the transformational demon ..." A flash of blood flashed into her eyebrow, penetrated her brain, and broke through her head.

The girl's body fluttered, her expression on her face was frozen at the last moment, and she immediately fell to the ground without a voice.

"Ah, it's all popular."

Chu Yan shook his head. "Every desire can't be stopped by anyone. When it hits the real wonderland in the future, I will certainly be troubled by the demon."

"What then?"

The handsome asked quickly.

The young girl's behavior just surprised her.

I did not expect that a person's greed could make her do such crazy things.

"Not much. As long as everything follows your heart and your thoughts are clear, even if you have a demon, you can break it."

After Chu Yan said it, he shook his head again. "Just that picture, the power is actually okay, enough to kill a double-minded state of mind."

Between words, Chu Yan took out Yin Cao Dementor Bell and caught the girl's spirit.

At the same time, he raised his hand and flipped a finger in the direction.

A reiki shot like an arrow, killing the female guard who was in the state of mind that day.

The handsome man rushed out, ate the female guard, and rushed back again, and landed on Chu Yan's shoulder, a little regretfully: "It's a pity that he is a liar, and there is no news of a transformed monster."

Chu Yan just finished searching the girl's soul at the moment and opened her eyes and said, "No, yes."


really have? "

Handsome surprise.

"I know the direction, let's go."

Chu Yan calculated it in his heart.

At this time, the cave opened a blessing, and one-third of the time had passed.

According to his estimation, the emergence of Murbu should be in the last few days.

Although I don't know what form will appear when the words are not, then there should be no problem in terms of time.

In other words, there is only five or six days left for myself to explore the treasures of heaven and earth.

"I have to find some treasures that can promote me. Otherwise, I will run away for nothing."

Chu Yan thought so, reaching out to take the girl's storage bag.

When investigating the young girl's spirit, Chu Yan already knew the reason for the fighting between the two sides.

The identity of the girl is on one hand, and you can blackmail the spirit of the family behind it.

On the other hand, it is this girl and her people who did get good things before.

Chu Yan opened the storage bag at the moment and found the small wooden box the size of a palm.

The wooden box opened. Suddenly, a cool breath made the desert night cold, and it became cold.

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