Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1874: Snow and ice, big bird

"What is this?"

The handsome looked at Chu Yan's shoulder with a probe and looked curiously.

At a glance, it showed disappointment: "An egg?"

In the center of this delicate wooden box is a white egg about the size of a thumb.

Surrounded by black circles of scales.

But it wasn't the black scales that gave off the cold, but the egg.

"Such a small one, even if it is broken to make an omelet, you don't think it is a good thing?"

Handsomely looked at Chu Yan and asked in puzzlement.

Chu Yan made a snoring gesture and gently placed his fingers on the eggshell.

A coolness penetrates the skin directly into the bone marrow.

Chu Yan even felt that a goosebump was standing up.

He has a strong blood, let alone winter, and even if he is stripped and thrown into ice water, he will not feel the slightest.

But at this moment, this is just a small egg, which will make him feel cold.

And more importantly, when touching the egg, Chu Yan felt his veins and felt a sense of being stirred.

Today, the bloodline of Chu Yan is extraordinary.

This throbbing must not come from the bloodline of the human race, but from the monster beast, even the **** beast and the natural constitution.

Chu Yan put his fingertips on the eggshell, and a ray of consciousness slowly moved out.

The next moment, he felt a strong pull on his body.

Suddenly, snow and ice flew in front of me.

Looking around, Chu Yan found himself standing on the top of a snow-capped mountain.

In the distance there was a lot of frost.

"Is this ... a fantasy?"

Chu Yan had his eyes fixed.

Just then, there was a clear howling overhead.

The sound seemed to be shocking from the nine days.

A huge black shadow enveloped the words of Chu in an instant.

Chu Yan was about to look up, and the wind was violently rolling around.

A large swath of snow seemed to form countless snow pillars, reaching the sky.

When the wind stopped and Chu Yan looked up again, his eyes suddenly met with a pair of huge eyes.

Each of these eyes was taller than he stood up, clear blue, like a gem.

From the pupils of these eyes, Chu Yan can clearly see his reflection.

"This is ..." Chu Yan was about to look at the whole picture of these eyes, but at this moment, the surrounding scenes violently turned.

The force reappeared, pulling on his waist and flinging back.

At the moment of returning to reality, Chu Yan tried to look at the dissipated illusion.

At last glance, he saw a pair of white wings.

The wings are so large that they can't be described. Under the wave, they overturn the sea of ​​clouds and cover the sky.

boom! There was a slight shock in his head, what Chu Yan saw before, turned into a wooden box again.

And he didn't know when his fingers had left the egg.

Turning his head, Chu Yan saw the handsome man looking at himself with a wary face.

"It's nothing."

Chu Yan shook his head, and at the same time recalled the scene he saw in the illusion.

Snowy mountains, big birds.

Huh, just not a snake.

Chu Yan exhaled.

He knew the origin of the egg in the memory of the girl before.

However, whether it is a girl or his family, they only know that this egg is extraordinary.

But what will hatch is unclear.

"What's inside?"

After a close look at Chu Yan, making sure he had no problems, he asked handsomely.

"Unclear for now, but it should be a bird. Among the monsters, the status should not be low."

Chu Yan said.

If his status is low, he will certainly not resonate in his blood.

Handsome is disapproving.

But it also has disapproving capital.

"Huh, no matter how high we are, our Kirin is high?"

Chu Yan smiled, and did not speak again, but used the reiki to clip a black scale out of this small box.

The scales were affixed to the inner wall of the wooden box, and circled around the egg.

On the back of the scales, there is still blood that has not dried up.

"What scale is this?"

Chu Yan put the scales in front of the handsome man.

As soon as the pig sniffed and sniffed, Chu Yan said, "Snake."

"As I thought."

Chu Yan nodded, "I just saw it in her soul. This time they came to this heavenly heaven and earth, on the bright side, they are looking for heaven and earth treasures. In fact, the real purpose is to see if they can find this scale. Come and hatch this egg. "

"What's the point?"

Handsome curious.

"This is not very clear."

Chu Yan shook his head.

In the girl's soul, there are only scenes about how her elders asked her to do it.

As for the reason, she was not clear.

But through the spirit, Chu Yan also got the information he wanted.

"I didn't mean to look for the transformational monster before, I already know where it is."

Chu Yan closed the box, and immediately it emptied into the air. In an instant, he flew across the night sky and flew towards the depths of the desert.

"Chu Yan, are you looking for the transformational monster?

What if I meet other monks? "

Asked handsomely.

"Other monks?"

Chu Yan smiled, "It depends on what their purpose is."


The handsome whispered: "Then I pray that they are all greedy and want to kill you to receive the reward."

Before the words were over, the little white pig's saliva could not be restrained, and it dripped down the chin.

After flying for a day, Chu Yan has reached the depths of the desert.

The hole in heaven is bigger than Chu Yan imagined.

At this time, Chu Yan also deeply felt why Ziweimen had the courage to let the monks who came to the country to come to China to hunt for treasure.

Because they do have this means.

"The Ziweimen disciple is so outrageous and indeed has confidence. After all, relying on these accumulations and this means, looking at the whole country, I am afraid that there are not a few schools that can do it."

While thinking so, Chu Yan was also watching the ups and downs of the desert below.

Soon after flying forward, a huge pothole in the desert appeared in front of Chu Yan.

This pothole, more than ten miles in diameter, seemed to reach the center of the earth and could not see it at all.

Around the pit, fine sand swelled continuously, and the moonlight continued to shine. It even gave people a sense of beauty like a trickle of water curtains.

"Is this here?"

Asked handsomely.


Chu Yan nodded.

The place where the girl and her guards captured the monster scales was not far from here.

At that time, the group of girls also found this pothole, and also found the traces of the appearance of the great demon.

However, because they had already suffered injuries in order to **** the monster scales, they abandoned the in-depth exploration.

At this moment, Chu Yan glanced across this huge pothole, feeling the faint flickering of blood in the air, and his shape fell, and he rushed into the pothole in an instant.

The surrounding light suddenly became dim.

The sky was thrown further and further behind.

Almost instantly, Chu Yan came to a place at least ten feet in the pothole.

But even so, it has not reached the bottom.

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