Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1875: Underground world

"So deep."

Handsome smashed his mouth on Chu Yan's shoulder.

Chu Yan didn't say anything, he dropped in an acceleration in midair! boom! The void behind him was suddenly shaken with waves of water.

Suddenly, it dropped by 100,000 feet again! At such a depth, it was supposed to be so dark that he could not reach his fingers.

But at the beginning, the light kept getting dim, and after reaching a critical point, suddenly the light was restored.

Although it is not comparable to daylight, it is basically no different from this desert moonlight.

This is bound to be supernatural.

And after coming to this depth, Chu Yan also found that the surrounding stone walls were not only smooth like a mirror, but also gave people a feeling of tension like the water surface.

This is absolutely impossible to happen naturally.

This also directly confirmed the guess of Chu Yan from the front.

Just then, the handsome exclaimed, "It's the end!"

Chu Yan looked intently, and the place below the Zhangzhang had already reached the bottom of the cave.

A large patch of fine sand covered the sight.

But Chu Yan not only didn't stop, but accelerated again, and banged towards the bottom of the cave.

"Chu Yan, what are you doing!"

The handsome exclaimed, and two hoofs clung to Chu Yan's shoulders.

boom! The next moment, Chu Yan's body fell into the fine sand fiercely.

There was no unexpected block, and there was no picture of the dust rising, not even the feeling of hitting a fool.

Chu Yan just flashed a gray before his eyes, and the next moment, he found himself in a gray void.

Front, back, left and right, and the top of the head, are gray.

These grays, like water, are still shaking.

Looking down, Chu Yan saw the cave where he had flown before, just under his feet.

The place where I am at this moment, and the heavenly blessing of that cave, seem to be the two worlds divided by the bottom of this big cave.

"There is such a place in this heavenly land."

Handsome lifted his nose, sniffed hard, and said to Chu: "I smell a lot of blood, there are many monsters here! But now I can't see it."

"According to my guess, we are now on the other side of the mirror."

Chu Yan said.

"The other side of the mirror?"

Handsome puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"When you look at the bronze mirror, you can't reflect your appearance in the bronze mirror."

Chu Yan explained to it, "The world you live in is the real world. Inside the mirror is the world of the mirror.

And the cave we just passed through is the passage connecting the two worlds.

But of course, I just made an analogy.

Naturally, it is impossible to be a real mirror world. Ziweimen absolutely does not allow monsters to do so.

I guess this is the magic array under the cloth of a certain monster.

I just gave an example of a bronze mirror, just to let you know that if we look at it from the perspective of the mirror, we are now in the underground of this world. Now if we keep going up, we can see a lot of monsters. Already. "

Chu Yan's explanation seemed handsome to understand.

But one thing it understood was that the monster was above his head.

So it breathed hard and discerned the smell carefully.

Sure enough, after a while, the handsome eyes brightened: "It's really on it!"


Chu Yan's body moved and flew up.

In this gray void, there is a sense of pressure, so flying is not as smooth as before.

However, the influence on Chu Yan was not great. In a moment, he rushed to a distance of tens of thousands of feet.

At this moment, Chu Yan's mind moved, and his body flickered away.

The next moment, the gray void suddenly ripped apart, and then collapsed, a huge figure came out of it.

All blood, at this moment, formed a blood ring visible to the naked eye, entangled its body.

It looks like a rhino, looks like a human, and has muscles all over it, as if it were hard rocks. At this moment, a little movement will give people a horror force of landslides and volcanic eruptions.

"So brave, how dare you break into Wuhuang City!"

The rhinoceros exploded, and the rhino horn on his nose flashed a thunder.

Countless currents flow around like mad snakes, converging on rhino horns.

Suddenly, the rhino horns seemed to divide a country of lightning, and countless thunders in the depths, now converging into planets, palaces, countless mountains, each of them carrying the surging and crushing power , Crushing towards Chu Yan.

Seeing this, Chu Yan not only wasn't scared, but his face suddenly showed a surprised look, and Ha laughed out loudly: "It wouldn't take any effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere, I want your rhino horns! "

Between the words, a volley punched directly in the past.

boom! A thunderbolt, he was instantly broken into pieces.

Although this rhinoceros is transformed, it is only semi-reduced. Otherwise, his head will not change.

The most strength is equivalent to a major accomplishment of the Terran Monk's state of mind.

This state, in the eyes of Chu Yan, is no different from the ants.

Suddenly, the shattered thunderbolts exploded, densely packed, frantic, and burst out towards the surroundings, as if a dandelion exploded.

The rhino demon was shocked and furious, and his eyes were full of mistakes.

At this moment, the burst of thunder light in front of it was violently torn and ripped, and all of it was instantly shattered.

A great sword, more like a stick, protruded out of it, pierced it, and pierced its chest.

It's just that the rhino demon stands tall and stands close to three floors.

In one fell swoop, the Death Sword of the Terran Monk could be completely filled, and now it was poked on its chest, as thin as a chopstick.

"Oh, you can't kill me."

The rhinoceros sneered.


Chu Yan nodded, and his arm moved.

Suddenly, the vast aura, like a sea, burst into the Sword of Death.

The eyes of the rhinoceros changed immediately.

It opened its mouth and seemed to want to roar, but immediately, the surging sword gas exploded from within it.

Crackling! Bang Bang Bang! For a moment, it seemed like thousands of air mines exploded inside it.

The huge body of the rhinoceros was suddenly blasted into countless pieces of meat, tumbling, and rushing towards the surrounding.

"Waste! Waste!"

The handsome man sighed again and again, a flutter, opened his mouth wide, and began to devour blood.

Chu Yan reached out and grabbed forward, grabbing a rhino horn that was thicker than a human waist and taller than a human.

The surface of the rhino horn is clear, and at a glance you can see the thunder light shining inside, and countless thunders, constantly rubbing, colliding, and blowing out a dazzling light.

"The lightning properties contained in it are many times higher than the thunder gophers!"

As soon as he thought, Chu Yan's five fingers suddenly exerted force.

With a click, the rhino horn filled with thunder was crushed.

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