Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1876: Thunder Light

Bang! The rhino horn exploded, and the thunder contained in it suddenly poured out, as if it were a flood.

The dazzling light shone pale for hundreds of miles.

The chaotic gray was melted all of a sudden.

In the distance, the handsome man who was swollen with blood, was frightened, and hurriedly looked at Chu Yan.

The result was just one glance, and the eyes were sore and swollen with tears.

Through tears, he could only see Chu Yan's body being engulfed in lightning in an instant.

Countless thunders, like pythons and chains, entangled him fiercely and exploded madly.

Bang Bang Bang! Every sound seemed to be a steel mountain that was blown away by the great magical power.

The shock and shock of terror, even if it is a planet, will be directly blown into powder.

The void in the surrounding area was constantly crumbling and collapsing, and numerous cracks spread toward the surrounding area.

The handsome had to step back a distance of nearly a hundred miles.

Although I knew in my heart, if Chu Yan did this, he would definitely have absolute certainty, and he would be fine.

But it still felt terrified, a pair of big ears, flickering on his head.

At the same time, in the thunder, the mighty light almost made Chu Yan's body transparent.

Countless lightning bolts tangled around him at this moment, digging into every hair and every pore of him.

If you change to another monk, you don't know how long before that, even the soul is blown up.

But at this moment, Chu Yan was not only not feeling the slightest pain in the explosion, but he felt comfortable all over.

This thunder was like hitting the iron hammer of the steel to remove all the impurities from his body.

Zizi Zizi — all lightnings, like practising, Chu Yan raised his hand, grabbed it, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

The thunder burst into his mouth.

But it failed to cause any harm to Chu Yan.

Even the tip of his tongue didn't break even a layer of skin.

On the contrary, the operation of the whale-hunting spirit Dafa not only allowed Chu Yan to absorb the power of the thunder, but also the power of the thunder explosion was absorbed by him.


Chu Yan sang loudly, and his body suddenly opened.

Suddenly, an endless force erupted in the whole body, such as the gods that supported the heavens and the earth, showing the extraordinary power.

The current that entangled him was immediately broken and shattered.

Chu Yan opened his mouth immediately, a violent breath.

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo billowing-the billowing airflow, forming a huge vortex, the suction seems to be swept in by even the moon, moon and stars.

Lightning thicker than a person's waist and waist, thicker current than an arm, countless electric snakes and electric dragons, at this moment, all were sucked into the mouth by Chu Yan.

Even the surrounding empty space, like a shred of fine current, was not missed, all of which was swallowed by Chu Yan's breath and swallowed into the belly.

"Whale-hunting Dafa!"

Rumble! Immediately, Chu Yan's body seemed to have a furnace running.

That rolling thunder, at this moment, were all transformed into the elemental attributes of thunder, and absorbed by Chu Yan.

Although this rhino demon is not high-level and even less than 1% of Chu Yan's strength, its rhino horn is real and precious.

Soon after, all the Thunder powers were absorbed into the body, and the void around them was calm. Chu Yan took out the eight element ruler, and a drop of blood dripped on it.

Suddenly, the eight-door element ruler shined brightly, showing a markedly different scale than before.

The period of hard work belonging to the thunder element reached 26 points.

Compared with the previous blackjack, it has improved by nearly one fifth! "Good."

Chu Yan nodded.

Other monks, after extremely difficult hunting, were refined into elixir, and then they could improve a little, up to two points.

Many monks, lifetime chances, can improve two or three points, which are very rare.

After he entered the heavenly heaven and earth, the element of thunder has increased by as much as seven points.

And at this time the cave was closed, and there were still several days of effort.

He still has hope and continues to improve.

For Chu Yan himself, the "just" seven-point improvement is naturally not enough.

After confronting Mobuyu, he deeply felt that he must not be complacent.

The same order is invincible, provided the same order.

You must achieve a stronger leapfrog before you have the ability to protect yourself.

What's more, the advent of silent words also made Chu Yan understand that the same level of invincibility is not so simple.

"If you can't sweep the whole state of mind, then at the Fairy Assembly, I will only be a stepping stone to the silent and Ziwei gate.

If I can't ascend to Zifu as soon as possible and become a stronger monk, the day I return from the Emperor Taiqing Emperor, even if I can survive, I'm afraid I have no luck.

I want to be stronger! Stronger! "

Chu Yan made a long howl, the sound turned into a rolling wave, violently impacting around.

The gray clouds and mist suddenly appeared like cracks and shattered like fish scales.

Suddenly, Chu Yan's eyes were frozen, his eyes were like a torch, and he looked at the void ahead.

The air around him at this moment became extremely heavy, as if frozen.

The handsome had originally flew towards Chu Yan, but when he saw Chu Yan's eyes, he knew immediately that the situation had changed. He stopped immediately and looked in that direction vigilantly.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooohhhhhhhhh-ih-hhhhhhhhhhhh-ih-hh-hhhhhhhhhhhh-ooh-hhhhhhhhhhhhh-ooh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ooh-hhhhhhhhhhhh-oohhhhhhhhh)) the weird, sharp laughter sounded suddenly, sharp and piercing.

At the same time, a ghost, seeping in the void, twisted and twisted, looking extraordinarily weird.

"Pretend to be a ghost! Get out!"

Chu Yan drank violently, his fingers spread out, and his breath was like fire and flame, advancing violently, and in an instant, he shook the void, grabbed and yanked.

Bang! In the sound of violent collapse, that void was directly caught by Chu Yan.

After the void, a shadow, like a ghost, quickly flew to the side.

"Breaking Wind God Thunder!"

Chu Yan opened his mouth and spit, and the white electric mang opened the sky instantly, like a sharp blade, spreading suddenly, showing a peerless edge, piercing the black shadow.

The improvement of the attributes of the thunder element makes this technique soared tenfold at the moment, which is comparable to magical powers! Although the speed of the shadow is extremely fast, at this moment, it is still stabbed by electricity.

Suddenly, the black shadow was interrupted by the waist and the blood ran out.

Chu Yan looked intently, and saw that this was a big demon with a weasel face, slender and looked like a woman.

It's just that the head looks so hateful, and with just a glance, it makes the heart full of hatred.


Chu Yan raised his hand, a little blood, gathered at his fingertips, and immediately killed the big demon.

At this moment, the gray void above his head suddenly cracked, and a dark claw, with black billowing gas, grabbed at Chu Yan sharply.

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