Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1877: Monster City

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! With the emergence of this claw, countless ghosts howling and crying.

Countless grievances and ghosts are dancing and circling around this hand at this moment.

This claw, as if opening the gate of the dim, instantly engulfed Chu Yan.

"Pretend to be a ghost?"

His Royal Highness immediately laughed angrily.

On the portal, he owns the gate of Huang Quan and the gate of **** in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Inside the gates of hell, there is more unpredictable power, commonly known as the existence of big hands.

You just killed some mortals and fairy monsters, how can you fight me! An aura suddenly erupted.

Suddenly, the thunder light flashed in Chu Yan's eyes.

At this moment, it seemed as if the Milky Way starburst and thunder were shining.

Chu Yan pointed out, and the blood-red light immediately penetrated the weasel demon's forehead and smashed his head.

The next moment, he flicked in the palm of his hand.

boom! A purple thunder immediately condensed in the palm of Chu Yan, traversing things, revealing a taste of ancient, violent, destroying everything.

The lightning attribute is improved, and the magic power is comparable to magic power.

That magical power is even more powerful than the past! "Zixiao Thunder Dragon!"

Thousands of thunderous light burst out at the foot of Chu Yan. He clenched Shen Lei, like a piercing gun that pierced the sky and the sky, and pierced his dark claws.

Countless thunders cut all the void at this moment. Horrible thunderstorms even exploded a series of black holes in the void, causing natural disasters and the five elements to perish.

boom! The claw was immediately pierced and flesh flew.

The resentful ghosts surrounding the claws were suddenly detonated by thunder, as if they were firecrackers, crackling, all exploding.

A series of explosions caused the surrounding void to shake violently, with depressions of varying depths.

The whole claw was so flammable that the skin was exploded. The wound was deep in bones. The blood was rolling and whirling, like a waterfall falling down.


Deep in the void behind the claws, there was a scream of utter sorrow.

A black gas, gathered frantically, wanting to retract into the void with the claws.

"Sneak on me and still want to leave?"

His Royal Highness sneered again and again.

"Arm stays, life stays!"

After this promotion, Chu Yan's control of Zixiao Thunder Dragon became more arbitrary.

His arm trembled, and the tens of miles of Thunder Thunder lightning were like a long whip and a dragon. When they waved in the air, crackled, and made a series of explosive sounds, they jumped up suddenly and got caught in the darkness. Claw on the wrist.

Zizi Zizi! Bang Bang Bang! Immediately, the flesh of the black wrists were all fried clean, the minced meat fluttered, the blood sprayed, revealing the white bones inside, the origin of the aura, and it continued to fall apart.

The claws trembled fiercely, and the cracked void became larger, apparently wanting to retract quickly.

Chu Yan sneered, pulling, pulling.

Lei Guang suddenly stretched straight.

The power generated at this instant is enough to tear the earth and break the mountains.

Click! The black wrist suddenly broke off with elbows.

With a scream, there was a undulation in the void for dozens of miles, just like the surface of the water, and it broke instantly.

A figure, blood squirted wildly, fell down.

Without waiting for the other party to fall in front of him, Chu Yan raised his hand, sucking and grasping.

Suddenly, the wolf-headed monster was caught in Chu Yan's neck.

At this moment, the monster's tragic green wolf's eyes were filled with fear.

Chu Yan did not give the other party a chance to resist, and the thunder in the palm of his hand burst.

Zi-Bang! The transformational demon suddenly exploded into a ball of blood.

"Well, without the treasure I need, I waste my energy for nothing."

Chu Yan swept away, humming coldly.

He looked up and looked into the void that had just been broken by himself.

As far as my eyes are concerned, there are shadows, looming among them.

His Highness Chu hummed coldly: "Is it that you come out and take the initiative to die, or wait for me to kill you all."

After a few shakes, the shadows suddenly faded.


Chu Yan whispered.

"Come here!"

The white pig flew from a distance and immediately reached Chu Yan's shoulder.

Just watching Chu Yan continuously beheaded and transformed the Daemon, the scene, that simply, really made people feel secure.

The next moment, Chu Yan stepped forward.

The lightning flashes around him, and in a moment, they penetrated the void in front of you.

Reached out and scratched.

Bang! Deep in the gray void, there seemed to be a heavy curtain, which was suddenly torn by Chu Yan.

Suddenly, they came to the height of this "mirror void".

Behind him was the chaotic, surging gray, and in front of Chu Yan, it was a vast wilderness.

Actually, Chu Yan knew that he didn't come to the deep underground of this heavenly place.

In fact, he is still in that desert.

However, just like the monks of the race, the weak hold the group, and the strong take the hill alone.

The low-level monsters in this heavenly land are naturally living in the desert.

The transformational monster has its own territory.

In other words, through the cave in the desert, you can come to this cave heavenly place, where the great demon is.

However, because of the special existence of this blissful land, the transformation monsters here are also different from other areas on the mainland. They do not divide the territory separately, and the entrants die, but they practice together.

Even, a city was built for this! The monster city! At this moment in front of Chu Yan, such a city.

Although far less well-organized and orderly than the towns of human races, the owners have a rough and rough beauty.

Large blocks of rock were simply cut and polished to become city walls and caves. Around the city, there were simple arrays.

In the city, the demon was soaring into the sky, and the sky above was stained with hazy blood.

Here at this moment, you can naturally see the full moon in the desert.

But when I saw it in the desert, the full moon was bright and bright white.

But looking here, the moon seemed to be soaked with blood, showing an astonishing red.

"So strong."

Handsome on Chu Yan's shoulders, nose sniffing vigorously, eyes dazzling.

The other monsters felt such strong anger, they were already scared with soft legs, and tears of fear flowed from their eyes.

But for a small fat pig, when it comes to food, how can it be that the legs are soft and the eyes will only spit out excited.

"There are at least thirty transformed monsters here."

Chu Yan's powerful consciousness slammed into the city and immediately made a judgment.

Thirty deformed monsters are equivalent to thirty monks in heaven.

In terms of strength, it is even more than the same number of monks.

In other words, this monster that was kept in the cave heaven and earth by Ziwei Gate, only gathered here is enough to easily destroy the gates like the broken Star Tower.

Even in a place like Baoxiang Shangguo, destroying a small or medium-sized ancestral gate is easy.

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