Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1879: All died

At this moment, the fifteen big demon stand up in the air, hovering side by side, and the demon qi is connected to each other. In an instant, it seems like a thousand armies and thousands of horses, tearing through the sky and pressing down.

Infinite evil spirits, gushing and permeating, even countless worlds, will be affected by this moment.

An ordinary monk in the state of mind, if standing here at this moment, I am afraid that he will be directly frightened to death by the power of these fifteen big monsters.

Chu Yan glanced and sneered again and again: "Very well, you are all different types, and you are full of blood, with the roots of the elemental attributes, just meet my requirements."

Seeing Chu Yan's fearlessness, looking at their eyes, it was as if looking at pieces of fish to be slaughtered, and fierce fierce monster eyes, an angry flame burst out.

One of the big monsters was even more dyspnea, not only red-faced, thick nostrils, but also a continuous hot breath.

Chu Yan glanced at it, seeing that the other party had two horns, as if it were a green cow, and sneered: "Look at you so angry, maybe you have a leg with the rhinoceros just now?"


The green bull demon stared, his eyes seemed to have a volcanic eruption.

But at this time, among the fifteen big demon, a majestic blond demon stood up.

Not only does it have long hair, it also touches the beard, all of which are golden and bright in color. He raises his hands and brings his own style of king.

With such a temperament, it is easy to think of it as a lion.

The big demon stared at Chu Yan and said, "Monk, if you can come here, it means that you have something special.

As long as you are willing to retreat at this moment, today you will kill our companions, we will not hold you accountable.

But if you do n’t listen to the advice, continue here and wantonly-"The lion demon snorted suddenly, reached out and pointed at the white bone pile standing in the city, and shouted:" That's your end! "

This scream, swept the wind, the aerodynamic world, it feels like a large void of aura, all suddenly collapsed.

If the monk was unconscious, he was shaken directly by the shock and his heart was broken.

However, the harm brought by this sound came to Chu Yan, but it was like a spring breeze blowing on his face, not cold at all.

Realizing that the Lion Demon secretly shot, Chu Yan sneered again and again: "Shake my heart, is this what you call" not prosecuted? "

That being the case, I will tell you now. "

Chu Yan raised his hand, pointed towards the big demon in front of him, and finally pointed at the city.

"Not only you, but those guys in the city, as Ziweimen's dogs, you must die today!"

Ziweimen's dog-these words, immediately, like a blazing flame, poured a burning oil, and in an instant, let the fifteen transformed monsters, anger rush to the crown.

Not only that, but a roar also came from the monster city, and the anger was unbearable.

As monsters, and now they are transformed monsters, they are naturally unwilling to be enslaved.

But now, Chu Yan directly opened their **** scars and pierced their poor self-esteem.

This kind of humiliation, for these monsters, is tantamount to being pulled out of the street, and then to be excavated from the ancestral tomb.

"I will kill you!"

The grumpy green bull demon could not bear it anymore, with a roar, reaching for a volley and grabbing, a photo, and suddenly, a thousand-foot-long iron rod swept across like a mountain, towards Chu Yan Pulled fiercely.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds changed color, the air flow rushed, and was oppressed on all sides.

In one move, the world was destroyed and all life around Chu Yan was strangled.

Chu Yan sneered again and again: "Fifth-order metamorphosis monster, dare to grin my teeth?"

The voice dropped, a thunder, and a thunder sounded, and Chu Yan shot violently.

His body slammed.

Infinite aura, tumbling out, instantly, majestic strength, filled with heaven and earth, people feel the body of Chu Yan, at this moment became extremely tall, looked around, his figure everywhere.

Facing this iron rod, Chu Yan reached out and grabbed.

The five fingers, like blue sky, extend indefinitely to form a force field.

Thousands of iron bars, he was immediately held in his hands, twisted and turned.

The deafening sound came, and this iron rod was suddenly twisted into a twist by Chu Yan. The blood power contained in it was broken in layers.

The explosion's rolling impact shattered the surrounding void, shaking the ground, as if the end of the world was coming.


The green bull demon was startled and gave a roar.

"Back to you!"

The next moment, Chu Yan grabbed the iron rod and threw it.

The thick and long iron bar seemed to be a dark lightning bolt, and suddenly rushed into front of the green bull demon. A bump and a slamming hit the green bull demon into the sky.

Countless flesh and blood exploded and sprayed in all directions.

Chu Yan reached out and grabbed.

Immediately, in a piece of flesh, he sucked the pair of horns into his hands.

This pair of horns has adult arms that are thick, slender and short, but they are extremely heavy at the beginning, with a full weight of three or four kilograms. There is a sharp light on the surface. At first glance, there is a kind of pressure on the throat Suffocation.

"A green bull demon, with gold in it, is rare at the time."

Among the dozen or so deformed expressions of the great monster, Chu Yan was like eating a shortbread, three mouthfuls and two clicks, and ate the pair of horns.

"This guy has a problem. Shoot together. Don't give him a chance to fight!"

The blond lion demon had an unpleasant sensation, and suddenly shouted.

Suddenly, the surging spirits of these more than ten big demon surged wildly and let out.

The demonic spirit swept up into a hurricane, rose up to the sky, and suddenly wept and shrieked the ghosts, tearing the earth, as if dozens of destruction gods had been summoned suddenly, and Chu Yan was to be completely suppressed.

Chu Yan, who is at the center of the storm, the space around him, at this moment, is like a large iron plate, all frozen.

But he didn't panic.

Suddenly, the gold element attribute in the horns was absorbed. Chu Yan did not take out the eight-element element ruler to check it, and immediately laughed: "Let me see how much my strength has improved!"

The voice didn't fall, and his wrists shook as if they were diving into the lava pool. They cut out the scorching inflammation, clenched their hands, and chopped it in front of the big lion demon.

"Irritated sword!"

The boundless brilliance erupted violently from the blade, crossing, rubbing, and shaking each other.

Unprecedented fierce offensive, at this moment, the immortals were defeated and the heavens were broken.

A big demon with double wings behind him wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to sneak attack on Chu Yan, only to be swept by this sword light, it was cut into thousands of pieces in an instant and blasted in the air.

And the mighty sword-mang, tumbling, like Tianhe pouring down, the next big lion will be engulfed.

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