Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1880: Battle of the Broken City (1)

At this moment, the blond demon uttered a roar like a lion, his hair stood up, a mighty power that dominated the world, and it broke open at the moment.

It raised its hand and fisted, as the fist wind reached, as if pulling out a sky in the sky.

Rolling with great force, a loud noise broke out in the sky, hiding in Tianhe, and attacking and killing Chu Yan fiercely.

The boiling sword is coming.

Absorbed the golden element attributes of the green bull demon, the sword awns cut out by Chu Yan at this moment are all buzzing, forming a strange rhythm, as if they have a total resonance with the heaven.

At this moment, Jianmang was involved in the mighty Tianhe. In an instant, the Tianhe was shattered into pieces, defeated, and collapsed in the sky.

The sword in rage is like a big ball, rushing forward, wrapping the fist of the lion.

With the scream of the demon, his fists, along with the arms of the first half of the muscles and knuckles, were all shredded into the blood of the sky, and the rainstorm poured down.

"Damn Terra!"

It had no time to make a roar, and the next Jianmang followed.

Buzzing buzzing-Jianmang broke through, and a sound like a bee came, so fast that almost no eyes could see.

The next moment, the head of the lion and the demon rose into the sky.

Without the cavity in his head, he shook it twice in the air, and a large stream of blood spurted from the wound.

Chu Yan immediately stepped forward.

No matter whether these big demon are present or hidden inside the city, the big demon who glimpses the battle situation in this place with the knowledge of God does not have a clear-cut action.

Just when none of them had returned to God, Chu Yan had already appeared in front of the corpse of the lion and demon.

With five fingers in his claws, he grabbed forward fiercely, with fierce digging.

"Angry Dragon Strangling!"

Hey! The body of the lion was suddenly torn apart, and a heart like a dazzling crystal suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan reached out and grabbed the heart, and the rest of the body was handed over to the handsome man.

"Light Element Properties."

Chu Yan's gaze swallowed this heart directly.

The whale-hunting Dafa, instantly digested and absorbed this heart.

This scene was so shocking that all the big monsters around him looked silly.

When they appeared here, there were fifteen, and now only three have died.

But the remaining twelve demon, at this moment, felt chilly.

Obviously, there is strong blood, but a irrepressible chill is like soaking in the bone marrow, leaving them up and down their teeth, uncontrollable, and violent collision, obviously frightened to the extreme.

Not only them, but in the distant city of monsters, there was an uneasy atmosphere at the moment.

Those monsters in the wisdom period were panicked and restless.

Although they don't understand what happened, the death of multiple deformed monsters can be felt clearly.

This is like having several torches in front of a person and suddenly extinguishing them. Even if you can't see it, you can still notice it.

The living monsters, especially the big monsters at the metamorphosis level, were beheaded.

The shock is even more billion times than the darkness and cold brought by the torch extinguishing! At the moment, the monsters on the walls of the cave had a feeling of calamity.

As for staying in the monster city, guarding the remaining fifteen big monsters in the cave, at this moment, the thoughts are also madly converging.

Obviously, the strength of Chu Yan has far exceeded their imagination.

Moreover, Chu Yan's shot was extremely decisive, and he didn't make a mess.

Such a style of acting, the pressure on them, can hardly be described in words.

In the end, whether to go out for rescue and reduce the defense force in the city, suddenly it became a question that lay in front of them.

Because these monsters are also worried, Chu Yan is only responsible for attracting attention.

At this moment, there are other monks, lying in the void around them, wanting to attack while their attention is focused on Chu Yan.

For this reason, every thought, with anger and doubt, swept across the empty space around, almost completely stripping away that empty space.

Just when the monsters in the city were hesitating, Chu Yan had already rushed into the twelve deformed monsters and started to kill.

His strength is far beyond his own realm.

A majestic blood, not only did not lose the monster of the same level, but more than ten times stronger than the opponent.

And now, there is more handsome helper.

Little White Pig didn't know if it really changed the past, changed the laziness in the past, actively participated in fighting methods, sharpened itself, or these "delicious foods" in front of it, inspired its fighting spirit.

In short, Chu Yan lets it do whatever it wants.

"Taiyi leaves the fire knife!"

Chu Yan shot with all his strength, a dreadful sword light, stretched in mid-air, like a sweeping wave, burning, and in an instant, a transformational monster with a lizard head and a long The ears are estimated to be rabbit-shaped monsters, which were directly engulfed and burned into fly ash.

And this dozens of floors of flame light blade, after the killing of the two deformed monsters, the castration is undiminished, as if a giant ship breaking the waves, violently impact forward.

The ground was suddenly cut open, and a crack like a canyon appeared.

boom! About fifty or sixty miles away from the monster city, this sword light cut into the defensive array that guarded the monster city.

The green light film emerging from the large array suddenly shook like the water surface, and the light suddenly dimmed.

At the same time, Chu Yan's consciousness can "see" that the tragic green flames on the twelve white bone piles in the monster city suddenly boiled.

This burning is not an excitement, but an overdraft.

Just a breath of effort, two bangs, two of them piled up and exploded.

In a terrible mourning, the bones piled up into black powder, among which the countless dead souls and evil spirits swept away, and all of a sudden, the ashes exploded.

The other ten bone piles, after the flames calmed down, the fire was significantly weakened than before.

Although it blocked Chu Yan's record of Taiyi Lihuo Dao, the battle of the moat also paid an extremely heavy price.

In this scene, all the monsters at the scene were shocked with hair all over the body. A pair of eyes almost fell out of the eye sockets.

They naturally know better than anyone else, how strong this moat is.

Thirty deformed monsters in the city, even if 20 of them shot, exerted all their strength to attack this moat, after an hour, the moat will not be damaged in the slightest.

And Chu Yan just just remembered a magical power, and hurt the base of the moat! And more importantly, the large array surrounded by the twelve white bone piles not only functions as this defensive array, but also isolates this area from the rest of the heavenly land of this cave.

If the formation is broken, then the gray space that serves as a barrier will also dissipate, and this area will no longer be blocked.

"Can't let him run wild!"

A roar, accompanied by soaring blood waves, came out from the depths of the caves in the city, and the sound was soaring through the sky, shaking like a million bells and drums.

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