Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1882: Battle of the City Breaking (2)

The smile is very kind, full of sunshine and integrity.

But at this moment in the eyes of the big demon, it is like nine winters, and he has been peeled and exposed to ice and snow.

"Zixiao Shenlei!"

The next moment, Chu Yan shot it with one palm.

Thunder element properties in the body rose again.

Palm Python, turn it into a dragon at this moment! This is true, Zixiao Thunder Dragon! boom! The giant dragon, in an instant, blasted the monster into a mud of minced meat.

The thick blood sauce is like an extension line that bursts out of the thunder and lightning.

And the trident, which apparently reached the level of high-end artifact, was also shattered by Lei Guang.

The death of those great monsters before caused a lot of uneasiness in the monster city.

At this time, this was obviously the big demon of the monster beasts, was killed by Chu Yan in one palm, and the whole monster city was completely collapsed.

Countless monsters in the Kaizhi period, like mad bees, kept pouring out of the cave, and ran away in all directions.

The remaining fourteen deformed monsters, at this moment, either flew up into the air and blasted away in the opposite direction to Chu Yan, or they were mixed in a kind of monster in the open wisdom period in an attempt to fish in muddy water.

"None of you want to leave."

Chu Yan turned the stacked wave void bracelet, took a step, and the next moment appeared outside the city's defense array.

"Chapter Yan! Taiyi leaves the fire sword!"

Rumble! Suddenly, Chu Yan repeatedly cut ten swords.

The sword is rolling, the flames are blazing, as if a peacock is opening the screen, just like the violent sun, and the power of an instant burst is enough to cut off the galaxy and crush the sky.

boom! The burst burst instantly.

The ground surrounding the city of monsters was undulating.

The remaining ten bone mounds in the city exploded.

Just rushing to the nearby monsters, they were immediately affected by the explosion and exploded into minced meat.

At a glance, the ground seemed to be countless meat balls, one after another, densely packed.

Chu Yan went one step further and came directly above the cave in the center of the city. The palm of his hand was scratched, thrown, and turned into the sky.

"Void blockade!"

Hum! An invisible ripple impacts and spreads towards the surroundings.

Immediately, the circle was thousands of miles away, and the void solidified into an iron plate.

Those monsters still in flight during the Kaizhi period, panicking and flying in all directions, were all fixed in midair, unable to move, panic-stricken.

In the palm of Chu Yan, Lei Guang surging.

This scene, seen in the eyes of these monsters, made them guilty.

Even if you haven't seen it, you can feel the horror of mighty horror that fills the void at this time, as if the heaven punishment came.

"If you monsters are killed, it would be too wasteful."

But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly spoke, and immediately removed the thunderous lightning that rang from the palm of his hand.

The next moment, he waved his hands.

Suddenly, twenty-eight fierce spirits set up Haizhu around his body, forming a ring, under his head and feet, around his body, slowly circling.

Seems to understand the purpose of Chu Yan, at this moment, the twenty-eight fierce beasts and souls sealed in them all screamed excitedly.

These fierce beasts, one lighted up at random, are the ancestors of the ancestors of the monster ancestors present.

Even if it is just a spirit, it is enough to scare these monsters on the scene to collapse.

If it wasn't for the void being blocked now, these monsters would definitely have their limbs softened, lying on the ground, shivering, and the atmosphere would not dare to sip.

"You fought for me before and suffered a certain amount of injury. These gods and souls will be your nourishment."

Chu Yan raised his hand and took a forward shot.

Immediately, the twenty-eight fierce spirits set Haizhu in great light.

Among them, the sealed beast, the soul, came out like a hungry beast, turned into a horrible blood shadow, and rushed to the city-wide monster.

Every shadow of blood, such as a torrent, like a hurricane, instantly turned thousands of miles into a sea of ​​blood.

All the monsters were crushed on the spot.

Each mouth opened wide in the void, devouring souls.

With a whine and wailing, the moment it rang, it disappeared immediately.

Soon after, the blood shadows flew back to the 28 Dinghaizhus with deep satisfaction, and continued to slowly circle around Chu Yan.

The scope of my eyes is now clean.

Just on the ground, there was an uncountable mass of bones.

Those bones are all neatly sized.

In some of these bones, different lights flickered.

Those rays and colors are different because of the different element properties.

White bones are useless to Chu Yan, but those bones that contain elemental attributes are Chu Yan's goal of coming to this cave.

At this moment, he reached out his hand, sucked one by one, and all of a sudden, the streamers flickered.

The treasures flew in front of him and piled up.

Chu Yan gave pointers.

In the void, a vigorous push came out.

There was a slamming sound, and the accumulated treasures were all fried into ravioli.

Among them, the sun is shining, colorful, and suddenly bright and dark.

Chu Yan opened his mouth and took a big breath.

Suddenly, every streamer was streamlined, uniform, and flew into his mouth.

The whale-hunting Dafa started immediately.

At this moment, Chu Yan's body seemed to become a human-shaped melting pot, sending out the roar that swayed the sky.

The whole body of light spread out, as if a new world was being born in the depths.

This world, earth, water, fire, wind, all refining, and Chu Yan are closely related.

As soon as he breathed, the world hurled a hurricane.

With his eyes brightened, the world is shining with the sun.

He exhaled, the world was pouring down.

A force of majesty, vastness, and great shore continued to spread toward the surroundings.

The surrounding void was crackling, making crackling sound of glass, and a cobweb-like crack appeared on the surface.

And this dense crack is still spreading towards the surroundings.

First count, then immediately reach a hundred feet, a thousand feet, dozens of miles, hundreds of miles! The sky seemed to collapse and a big hole appeared.

This power is even stronger than when Chu Yan devoured that thunder horn before.

The handsome guy felt the skin tightening all over his body, and his hair grew up.

For a moment, it could not bear the heavy pressure, looked at Chu Yan, swallowed saliva, quickly hurried away hundreds of miles away, hid behind a mound, probed his brain, and looked in that direction.

The farther the distance is at this time, the more you can see, the sky above Chu Yan, the sky is full of light, the holy light is full of light, and you can even see that there is a golden light wheel in the light and shadow, slowly turning.

The glittering golden light, condensed into dense text, fell from the sky, like a rain, falling on Chu Yan's body, as if washing his body.

This process lasted about two hours.

Then the light gradually dissipated, and coercion regained itself in Chu Yan's body.

Seeing this scene, the handsome one froze and flew back to Chu Yan again.

When he came to Chu Yan, he just saw that Chu Yan took out the eight elements.

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