Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1883: Treasures deep in the cave

Seeing Chu Yan take out the eight-door element ruler, the handsome man rushed forward eagerly, and stared hard with a pair of eyes, shouting, "How fast is Kangkang Kangkang Kangkang!"

Chu Yan smiled slightly.

This time he traveled to heaven and earth, his original goal was only to improve his thunder element attributes.

But I did not expect that Ziweimen had prepared such a gift here in advance.

More than thirty deformed monsters still lurk in this hidden place.

For other monks, let alone a small group of several people joining together, even if it is a small or medium-sized ancestral gate, in front of these big demon, I am afraid that it will disappear in an instant.

But for him, these monsters are not only cannon fodder, but also cannon fodder that can be improved.

More than thirty deformed monsters, nearly half of them, contain spiritual bones that can enhance elemental attributes.

Just a moment of violent absorption, Chu Yan is also curious at this moment, how much can his various element attributes can be improved.

A drop of blood was condensed on the fingertips and dropped on the eight-door element ruler.

Instantly, this magic weapon shines brightly! Even in the hands of Chu Yan, he kept trembling.

As if there was an energy in it, it was coming out.

The next moment, the upper scale rose wildly.

When the scale stopped, Chu Yan looked intently, his mind was slightly fixed.

Handsomely lying on Chu Yan's shoulders, he turned his head to the size of a washbasin and watched closely.

The next moment, the round pig's face sucked in a cold breath.

"The water property is blackjack, which is two points higher than that after eating the sand wind fantasy mist fish.

The soil properties are fourteen points, three points higher than before.

Qi is 17 points, two points higher than before.

The light attribute is fifteen points, three points higher than before.

The thunder attribute is 29 points, which has been increased by 3 points. "

Speaking of Lei attribute, the handsome looked at Chu Yan and paid attention to his face.

Found that Chu Yan's face was as usual, the handsome man couldn't help but mumbled softly.

Because the handsome is clear, Chu Yan came to this cave heavenly land this time, is to run to enhance the attributes of thunder.

Although compared to nineteen points when he first entered the cave heaven, he has already improved by ten points at this time.

But just before that wave of absorption, Chu Yan was twenty-six o'clock.

In other words, the absorption of those two hours just increased by three points, similar to other attributes.

Handsome originally thought Chu Yan would be dissatisfied.

But at this time, it was found that Chu Yan had no annoyed look.

For a moment I didn't understand what Chu Yan was thinking, and he was too lazy to think about it, so he continued to read.

"It's nineteen o'clock metallic, um, this one is more than the others. It's improved five points, it's almost twenty, and then it's another promotion. Your anger and sword power will probably soar three or four times.

The wood property is eleven points higher than before, but it is not surprising that the monsters are not flowers and grass fairies, and the wood property is naturally limited.

The fire attribute is forty-one points, which is two points higher than before. Alas, Chu Yan, it seems that you are the strongest fire attribute now, and you are far ahead. It is really worthy of being recognized by my dad and being a monk who is really inflamed by Kirin Wow ha ha ha, look at how much Kirin's destiny really helps you, wow ha ha ha ha! If it was n’t for Kirin ’s fate, you would n’t have been so smooth this time, right, hee hee hee! "

The handsome man laughed proudly and frowned, trying to attribute all the credit to his life.

At this time, it saw Chu Yan leaning towards himself.

The look inexplicably cooled the handsome neck.

I confirmed that my eyes were the person who made Lin afraid.

"Do you mean that if you eat you and get your true destiny, there will be a greater improvement?"

"No, nonsense, make a rumor!"

The handsome man did not hesitate to deny Sanlian, and his head, which was full of gas, was quickly retracted and turned into a low-brow look.

"Hey, Chu Yan, I didn't expect you to bloom over and over this time, every attribute has increased, and the rise is very gratifying.

But speaking of this, isn't this awkward property of Thunder?

If you can reach the 30 mark, the power of your Zixiao Shenlei can soar again.

But now ... oh, unfortunately, unfortunately. "

The handsome shook his head for a while and sighed.


I think there is nothing wrong. "

Chu Yan smiled confidently.


Just when he was handsome and doubtful, he felt the sky spin in front of him and fell straight.

Hurrying to grab Chu Yan's robe, only then found that Chu Yan took it and flew towards the cave in the middle of the monster city.

If you think of the cave that you came here through before, it is also considered to be deep underground.

Then at this moment, they are flying "underground and underground".

But this time, it didn't take long for the handsome man to see a faint blue light ahead.

The air became cold and white gas could be seen by breathing.

Not only that, but there wasn't a flash of current in the air around it, and there was a bang.

After a while, Chu Yan took it to the bottom of the cave.

Appearing in front of them was something like a raised spring eye.

This raised spring eye is only about the waist of a person, and the inside is pale blue, and the water flowing from the forest is cold.

This cave is so cold, that's why.

And about half a foot above the fountain's eye, a long sword hung.

A handle-a long sword made entirely of lightning! At a glance, the depth of the sword seemed to be a world of thunder.

Countless Thunder Lightnings have spawned Thunder Dragon, Thunder Tiger, Thunder Leopard, Thunder Dragon, Thunder, and thousands of horses. They smash each other on the ground formed by Thunder, and the shredded side turns into a rolling current and merges into the earth. Then from the earth, spawn new beasts of thunder and join the battle.

This battle is endless and immortal.

Before staring, the handsome man felt sweating on his forehead, breathing difficulties, and a lot of pressure, which made it almost impossible to stand on Chu Yan's shoulders, and shouted to escape.

"This, what is this ..." Handsome asked clingingly to Chu Yan, stuttering.

"The monsters just now are guarding such things.

I think it may be the magic weapon of Ziweimen staying here, let them keep it.

I don't know exactly what to do. "

Chu Yan shook his head.

But immediately, he added: "But in my opinion, this is not a magic weapon, but the purest elemental thunder attribute."

After speaking, Chu Yan raised his hand and held it directly toward the hilt.

No it! The palm of Chu Yan had just approached, and this thunder sword turned sharply, chopped down towards Chu Yan.

Suddenly, the magnificent sword-mantle illuminated the entire cave as if it had melted.

Among the swords, thundering thunders, instantly turned into countless thunder meteorites, surrounded Chu Yan and handsome with impenetrability.

The next moment, Qi Qi detonated!

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