Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1888: Come and taste

"Do not!"

The disciples disciples shouted desperately.

The chains on their bodies suddenly exerted force and strangled violently, and even a void was smashed in an instant.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! The sound of a burst of flesh came.

These disciple disciples seemed to be firecrackers one after another.

Chu Yan's fist loosened, and this chain of destruction was re-entered into the depths of the void.

When turning around and looking at the people of Wanxia Palace, the handsome men and women of Wanxia Palace, at this time led by the leading female nun, knelt before Chu Yan, shivering.

Chu Yan did not speak, watching them quietly.

With a lot of pressure, as time goes by, every moment seems to be ten times more weight, pressing on the disciples of Wanxia Palace.

It takes a short time to work, for them, it seems like a long time for hundreds of years.

Chu Yan's patience is gradually losing.

The fineness in his eyes slowly condensed.

He had given the conditions before.

But if Wan Xia Palace does not give a reply within the prescribed time, Chu Yan will not be patient.

However, the disciples of Wanxia Palace are obviously very self-aware.

After seeing Chu Yan's shot and confirming that these people are definitely not Chu Yan's opponents, he immediately chose to surrender.

And at this time, before Chu Yan's patience was completely lost, the leading female Xiu took the initiative to dedicate his hands to Chu Yan.

Before leaving, I still bowed to Chu Yan: "Thank you for your grace."

Lost magic weapon, naturally distressed.

But at this time, they did not have the slightest resentment against Chu Yan.

On the contrary, their hearts are filled with joy at this moment.

Fortunately, at the beginning, he did not sing and reconcile with Tianmenmen or Dustgate, and did not express a clear intention to kill.

The other party must also know that they look like a treasure here.

Otherwise, they will not be required to surrender magic weapons as a sign of punishment.

However, to survive, and to survive unscathed, is the luckiest thing.

These disciples of Wanxia Palace flew out for more than 5,000 miles before they stopped and looked at the rear with a bit of anxiety.

Several of them looked at each other silently, and they kept silent about each other before.

As if nothing had happened at all.

After Chu Yan waited for a while, the handsome man also flew back, holding the storage bags of the disciples and the disciples.

In front of Chu Yan, these disciples, like ants, instantly killed.

But in their respective ancestors, they must all be elders.

Therefore, the magic weapon and rune that are carried on the body will naturally not be less.

Especially this time when I came to the Heavenly Blessed Land, in order to compete for treasures, there must be some fighting methods.

And for the sake of fighting, among these monks, there must be someone who specially borrowed treasures from higher monks in Zongmen.

Now all these treasures belong to Chu Yan.

With these more than ten storage bags, Chu Yan flew for a while, looking for a quiet place. After landing, he flicked his fingers, laid a magic array, and sat in it with his arm waving.

Immediately, more than a dozen storage bags were suspended and floated in front of Chu Yan.

The ban on storage bags is now destroyed by Chu Yan's thoughts.

In the next moment, various magical treasures, treasures, and amulets in these storage bags, and even jade Jane depicting exercises and maps, dazzling and beautiful, with hundreds of pieces, were all displayed in front of Chu Yan.

If it were past, a glance at this time would make Chu Yan feel dazzled.

Wait until you distinguish it carefully, it will inevitably consume more attention, and you will even feel extremely tired.

But nowadays, the true state of Chu Yan has reached the two major accomplishments of Tianxin, and the spirit and blood are even stronger than the monks of the same level. I do not know how many times.

With a glance at the gods, not only were the types of these magical treasures, runes, and treasures neatly categorized in his mind, but also the exercises, magical powers, and Chu words recorded in the jade bamboo slips were thoroughly read.

After a while, Chu Yan understood that this time, he could really use a small fortune to describe it.

These more than ten monks alone have more than 20 magic weapon-level magic weapons with them, including 30 in Wanxia Palace.

Among them, there are five high-end artifacts. Among them, there is a set of close-fitting inner armor, which is also a nine-pin artifact! Magic weapon level magic weapon, generally speaking, most of them are attacking.

Although there are defensive classes, the rank is generally not high.

And even if they are refined, they are all towers and bells.

It looks like this close-fitting inner armor, and it is still a fairy skirt style ... At least Chu Yan has never seen it in his own memory.

Even in the treasure trove of the merits of Tianyazong, it was not found.

"Nine-pin spirit-level protection, um, is more suitable for A Qing. She has always been a close-knit approach. This fairy skirt armor is best for her."

After Chu Yan observed for a while, before deciding to go back, he should give it a little sacrifice, add a few inscriptions for defense and recovery, and then give it to Shen Qing.

Chu Yan also thought about the remaining treasures.

What can be provided to your partners, and what are useful to you.

Fu Fu's, for Chu Yan, now basically have no effect.

Now that his strength has been greatly improved, he no longer needs to squeeze out every value of his own resources when facing the enemy as he did in the past.

Within the same level, swept directly.

High one level of realm, now there is no problem in the state of heaven.

These falcons, Chu Yan were ready to take them back to Su Yuqing.

Su Yuqing possesses much higher talents in terms of Fuyu and Zhenwen, and these Fuyu will certainly play a greater role in her hands.

In addition, Chu Yan is more concerned about the treasures that can enhance the attributes of the elements.

These treasures are naturally derived from the Tianmen Gate and the Dust Gate these days.

After hard work, Chu Yan smiled because of not wasting.

As for some precious treasures, Chu Yan plans to wait until he returns to Suixin Island before making detailed arrangements.

At last his gaze fell on a green-black stick.

This green-black stick is only the thickness of his index finger and middle finger, which is four feet long.

At first glance, Chu Yan immediately thought of the blind sticks used by the blind in the world.

It looks too ordinary, there is nothing worthy of attention.

But if it is really a mortal thing, it can never be placed in a storage bag by a heavenly master.

Chu Yan took this stick and felt it in his hand.

No special feeling, just like an iron rod.

Divine knowledge swept away, and Chu Yan was not on it, and found something strange.

Not a treasure, nor a treasure useful for the promotion of elemental attributes.

After a little groaning, Chu Yan held the stick sideways and handed it to the handsome man.

"what are you going to do?"

Handsome with vigilance.

"Bite a bite."

Chu Yan was so tempting, "Taste what it tastes."

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