Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1889: The hour has come

Put away the material of the array and left to continue to search for Xianyuan, Chu Yan's eyes revealed a rare blank look.

The handsome man squatting on his shoulders was quite weird at the moment.

The pig's mouth bulged from time to time, as if aftertaste something.

The reason lies in the seemingly insignificant stick.

Green-black is like calcined fine bamboo, starting with black iron.

Bite in the mouth?

No taste at all.

In fact, the handsome mouth didn't bite.

Chu Yan even tried it himself.

Did not bite.

After a bite, my teeth won't hurt.

But the thin stick didn't even have a seal left.

Hard to believe.

After biting for a long time, even after wearing the little stick a little bit, the handsome also got on his head.

It directly reveals the body, the unicorn with red flames burning all over the body, holding the stick in a sudden bite.

Still no effect.

The mouth spit out the flame, and the stick did not change at all in the flame that Kirin spit out.

Not to mention melting, not even the temperature has changed.

Only Chu Yan also tried several methods.

Lightning, fire, twisting.

Either way, nothing has changed the stick.

If this stick can change the shape of a person, Chu Yan even suspects that it will become a skinny old man with a sneer and sneer, with a mocking look at him and the handsome toss.

At this time, Chu Yan understood why the guru had left the stick in a storage bag.

This thing is too hard.

And all element attribute attacks have no effect on it at all.

This is definitely not a simple material.

Chu Yan has a feeling.

Some of this stick is beyond his knowledge.

Naturally, this stick was also left by Chu Yan.

In order to facilitate future research, Chu Yan did not put it in a storage bag like that monk, but put it into the world of Xiao Qiankun extraordinarily solemnly.

In the next few days, Chu Yan was still in the heavenly blessed land, looking for various treasures that could enhance the attributes of the elements.

However, the biggest treasure in this cave heaven and earth, that monster city, has been destroyed by him, so although there are occasional gains in the next few days, in general, it will inevitably make people feel a little unsatisfactory.

Time passed, and soon, the day when the blessing opened was on the eleventh day.

There are still four days left, and the people in the heavenly blessing will be teleported.

Because there is not much time left, the monks in Dongtian Blessed Land have obviously accelerated the speed of finding treasures.

At the same time, the fighting method is more frequent than the previous days.

On the one hand, because everyone is in a hurry, once a treasure is being watched at the same time, it is inevitable to fight so hard.

Because no one wants to spend a small amount of time again, looking for treasures that they can't find.

And even then, even if found, the fighting method will inevitably be said again.

In this case, it is better to compete in a state of full prosperity while there is no consumption now, and the victory is even greater.

Otherwise, the spirits will consume too much, and you will be powerless if you want to fight.

Another reason is that some monks, when they could not find the treasures of heaven and earth, shifted their attention from the treasures to the monks.

At this moment, the monks in the heavenly heaven and earth have basically gained something.

It's just a question of gaining more or less.

As a result, some monks who have high realm strength, or monks with many strengths, no longer waste their energy in searching for treasures, but plunder them directly from other monks.

It may take a lot of hard work to find a treasure.

Even if you see a treasure as big as the forest, you can only choose one of them according to the rules set by Ziwei Gate.

In this case, it would be better to plunder directly, which would bring higher returns.

So from this day on, all kinds of **** battles in the heavens and earth are at least dozens of times higher than the previous ten days! Chu Yan also met twice.

His Royal Highness, however, has its own principles.

If he meets someone else, if it is not a disciple of Tianmaomen, otherwise, he will not take the initiative to plunder others.

But if someone doesn't open their eyes, come to his idea.

That Chu Yan photographed directly.

Either slap one or slap a group and **** the other's storage bag into your hand.

After encountering two monks trying to sneak attack on him, Chu Yan found that he had saved a lot of wealth in his hands.

But at this time, the heavenly treasures he collected again were not used on himself.

Chu Yan's previous goals have been achieved at this time.

And because the higher the attribute of the element, the more difficult it is to promote, it is almost impossible for this treasure in the heavenly land to increase him by more than two points in the short term.

It's even harder to improve.

Therefore, Chu Yan collected the treasures of heaven and earth that were obtained at this time in the storage ring. After leaving them, he refined them into elixir and took them to Lin Miaoran and his partners.

The help these heavens and earth treasures bring to them must be more obvious than those brought to themselves.

Also on this day, in the depths of Tianyazong, surrounded by mountains, hovering in the midst of the towering palace, the golden figure belonging to the Ziweimen Zuojufa moved again.

Zuo Hufa's true body is unknown to anyone except Taiqing Emperor and himself.

This humanoid light and shadow is just a projection of him, used to convey orders.

A few days ago, after opening up a blissful place and communicating with Mo Wuyu for a short time, he entered a state of stillness again.

On this day, with the opening of the blissful land to the eleventh day, less than half an hour before the twelfth day, the golden figure's body once again had a deep and obscure rhyme.

Meditating in the palace, at this moment, he seemed to feel something. Opening his eyes, he got up, saluting the golden figure: "I have seen Zuo Hu Fa."

"The hour has come, what are you going to do?"

Golden figure, shaking slightly.

The seemingly inconspicuous action is a dignity that no one can reach.

"Can't wait."

Without saying a word, look up.

In his pupils, there were two red lines that he had not previously possessed.

The red line is as thin as a spider's silk, which exists in the center of the pupil.

One glance made him feel bloodthirsty and violence.

For a few days, his temperament changed.

As if he hasn't been qualitative.

Or, in other words, what kind of character is he looking for that suits him better.

"Okay, so I'll wait for your good news."

Raising his left hand.

Suddenly, a bit of golden light, slowly rotating between him, constantly expanding.

In the end, the aperture formed by this golden light is about one person high.

The breath of space flowing, fluttering around.

Obviously, this is the transmission channel to Dongtianfudi.

However, when looking into the passage at this time, he felt a strange feeling again.

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