Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1893: The sky is broken

Rumble! In the sounds of collapsed and broken sounds, the void around Chu Yan collapsed and collapsed.

Numerous shouts of death, soaring wolf smoke, surging blood, crushed and swept fiercely.

Chu Yan's body seemed to be a fallen leaf, which was torn in the next moment.

"Xianxian Soul Sword!"

Chu Yan suddenly raised his hand during the storm.

Deathsword sword in hand, burning fiery white flame.

Deep in the flames, it seems like an endless volcano.

At the next moment, Yanmang was divided into two, two, four, and eight. In an instant, Jianmang cut off ghosts and spirits and deterred the immortals. With Chu Yan screaming, he cut away all around.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! The sword swept across the cut, vortexes emerged out of thin air, and the surrounding world was divided at this moment.

A series of ancient battlefields had not yet landed on the top of Chu Yan, and they were immediately punctured and burst into pieces, exploding apart.

At this moment, the flesh gathered together into a rippling river of blood, rushing everywhere, as if the sky was punctured and leaked.


A hundred miles away, he looked pale.

Many monks in this scene were silent for a moment, and then they burst out into a louder voice of exclamation and shout than before.

At this moment, in their eyes, the rampant Jianmang was like an ancient monster with mad hair, tearing Qiankun, one battlefield, one forbidden everywhere, and under their fierce impact, they burst.

A series of spaces collapsed everywhere.

Countless demon gods spawned in the battlefield, this moment exploded like firecrackers, such as fireworks, blooming bright light.

At this moment, looking up at the sky, the flashing light would burn through the monks' pupils in an instant.

At this moment, the sand on the ground also became hot, melted and turned into magma.

I don't know how many monks, at this moment exclaimed, hurried back to a farther place.

Many people panicked and accidentally fell into the magma.

If the realm is high and the body is strong, then that's fine.

But if it's just a condensed vein, once it falls in, it will burn instantly without leaving any bone residue.

And in the sky, with the sound of a roar, the stars of the sky were beaten invisible.

At the moment, the moon, which was originally hung high, also showed signs of collapse.

He kept yelling, his arms sinking again.

Bang! The remaining dozens of battlefields condensed, merged, and reorganized violently. In an instant, they turned into a big hand covering the sky, ground water, fire, wind, magma torrents, earthquakes, countless natural disasters, and destruction. Thousands of forces are at one point, suppressing towards Chu Yan.

"Dead to me!"

Squeaky squeak-this hole is a blessing, and at this moment, it is distorted, there is a sound like a twisted steel plate everywhere, giving a feeling of collapse and destruction.

The monks who were still on the sidelines were frightened at this moment, and they could not afford to continue watching the situation. They exhibited all means that could be used to escape towards the distant barn.

In the face of this big hand, Chu Yan was not afraid at all.

Holding the Death Sword in his hand, the breath of the whole body skyrocketed, and eight fiery swordsman whirl around him quickly, staring around the sky, moving around in an idle way, as if turning into an immortal soul.

The next moment, the eight swordsmangs reunited on the Death Sword.

The long sword came out of the sheath, shone brightly, and cut through the sky. With Chu Yan's sword cut out, deep in the void, as if the sighs of the undead came from the sky, the world was wiped out, the trees fell, the atmosphere of late autumn fell quickly.

But after the sword was cut out, Jianmang disappeared quickly, as if the snow and ice melted away, in a blink of an eye, there was no trace.

Above the big hand, the original chord trembled.

When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but laughed out loudly: "You this area-" The voice did not fall, he suddenly felt a scalp.

The rumbling sounds in the ears, from far to near, shivered into emptiness, trembling again and again, a catastrophe, a sense of oppression, and a scourge.

"what happened!"

He was startled and shouted subconsciously.

As soon as the words fell, a gigantic sword-mangling appeared under the giant palm out of thin air, speeding up sharply and beating the past fiercely.

In the depths of the mighty Jianmang, eternal glaciers rushed out.

Frosty, snow and ice, the rushing clear river, as if from the deep river, take the essence of Huangquan, just a glance can freeze human soul.

Then, at the moment of touching this palm, countless glaciers exploded.

Floods, frosts, turned into endless star fragments, destroyed eternity, and torn nothingness.

Bang Bang Bang! The center of the huge palm exploded again and again, and in an instant, a scary wound that almost cut the palm into two halves appeared, winding like a canyon.

The body's body suffocation was also shocked at this moment, and the light shone quickly. I just felt that the whole body's blood was oppressed and contained. There was a surge of pressure from all sides, and he was crushed into a mass of flesh. mud.


Shocked and furious, he just shouted.

In the distance, Chu Yan shouted, "Burst!"

boom! Hey! The palm of the palm seemed to explode with ten million pieces of steel, with a terrible impact, and tore the palm along the wound in half.

Suddenly, the palm of the hand disintegrated directly in midair, turned into a torrent of torrents, and blasted around.

The desert on the ground, all of a sudden, turned into a sea of ​​magma, spreading thousands of miles.

Many monks, before they could escape, were swallowed up and burned to ashes.

The sky has also been burned out into a large cave with a diameter of thousands of miles, with countless origins, constantly breaking down.

In the depths of the great cave, golden lights and shadows appeared at this time.

These lights and shadows are quickly connected to form a rune, stabilizing this hole in heaven.

This explosion was almost a blessing, and the hole was completely destroyed. At this moment, even the protection matrix is ​​excited.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan's eyes fixed.

Once the protection matrix method is activated, even if the previous battle here was not noticed, then at this time, the Ziweimen watcher will definitely look at this side.

It's like raising 25 tanks of fish. At this moment, a fish tank is suddenly broken. Anyone can see what's going on.

Even if this person was sleeping before.

This person must be a Ziweimen with a high median weight and a truly top-level existence.

"Fight fast!"

Chu Yan immediately stretched out his hand.


Dayin instantly suppressed the 3,000 miles of void around it.

The rushing magma could no longer move forward.

Those monks who had escaped far enough at this moment seemed to hit a wall that was invisible, bang bang, and fell from the midair.

Scared and furious, at this moment, his whole body was in pain, and he was looking at the broken sky in wonder.

At this moment, a sword light suddenly lighted up behind him.

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