Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1894: Stronger or weaker

Jianmang appeared, breaking the billowing airflow.

Without a word of heart, he turned quickly.

He is fast, Jianmang is faster! Huh! Suddenly, the left arm was broken with elbows, and the blood spring spurted wildly.

Before the severe pain came to the whole body, Jian Mang pulled out a long arc and cut off Muruo's right arm with shoulders.

A half-arm flew up into the air, and was caught in the hurricane. It was immediately smashed, blasted, turned into a sea of ​​blood, and sprayed out all around.

At this time, the body turned silent.

Suddenly, I saw Chu Yan's expressionless face at this moment.

This face clearly seemed strange, but at this moment, the inner panic, hesitation, and helplessness seemed familiar.

Seeing Chu Yan raise his sword again, he felt shocked and exclaimed: "You can't kill ..." Around the sword, eight sword lights burned into a blazing white flame, turned sharply and gathered in front of him. A horror, a bang, burst out, smashing Mo's head.

Without saying a half sentence, he was suddenly annihilated in the sun.

Losing his head, he kept his body silent, and suddenly froze in midair.

Chu Yan lifted his sword and waved it violently. In a moment, he cut out thousands of swords.

The billowing swordsmanship seemed to be a pouring torrent, and in a blink of an eye, it cut into a mass of innumerable bodies and exploded in the air.

The moment Mo shouted, Chu Yan looked up and looked at the huge collapse in midair.

A golden light shone, faintly, as if there was a gaze, coming in.

"Sure enough."

As soon as Chu Yan's mind moved, he raised his hand and prepared to use a note of Taiyi to leave the fire knife to burn the mute body into ashes.

But the moment he shot, his gaze fixed, and he suddenly found that the body without words seemed a little strange.

At this moment, a fierce hurricane swept around, and his body, although tumbling with blood, kept spraying.

But the flesh and blood at this time seemed to turn into brown mud.

This is completely different from human flesh.

And this brown mud, Chu Yan still felt that he had seen it somewhere.

I was about to catch a ball and observe it carefully, but at this moment, Chu Yan felt a sudden shock in her heart, and her hair was erected.

At this moment, they all looked up differently. At a glance of consciousness, he found that in the broken hole in the sky, a pair of golden eyes were condensed and formed in a mighty cloud and smoke, and they looked towards this side.

Between the electric light and the flint, Chu Yan shot out a flame of light and cut it off, instantly burning Mo's body into ashes, grabbing the airfoil, and turning the folded wave void bracelet at the same time, and immediately traveled thousands of miles.

After appearing in the new location, Chu Yan swept away, confirming that no one was around, and when his mind moved, his facial features changed immediately, and he quickly became a man in his thirties with a square face, and then turned the waves again. The Void Bracelet moved forward again.

Chu Yan knew that he wouldn't be able to leave here until Dongtianfu closed.

But as long as the person behind Murbu will not be furious because of Murbu's death, he will absolutely kill the monks in this heavenly land, then he will be fine.

Neither Tianxin state nor Zifu state can find a target based on the remaining breath.

Unless those eyes just appeared behind the sky, belong to Emperor Taiqing.

And the premise is that Taiqing Emperor has now been elevated to True Wonderland.

But Chu Yan now dares to use his entire net worth to bet that those eyes will definitely not belong to Emperor Taiqing.

Emperor Taiqing will only appear at the Fairy Assembly.

Appearing now, it is too imperfect for him, and he will never show such a flaw.

Therefore, at the moment when he left, Chu Yan dared to slam his hands and completely destroy the mute body.

What's more, even if the person behind Mo Wuyu was angry, he would destroy the heavenly blessing and pull everyone to funeral for Mo Wuyu, and Chu Yan was not afraid.

In this case, he has enough three cards to deal with, so he is not worried.

After leaving more than 20,000 miles at this moment, after changing her appearance, Chu Yan turned and looked towards the golden cloud in the distant sky, feeling the magnificent rhyme in it.

"This time ... this time ... it shouldn't die."

After Chu Yan groaned, he made his judgment.

Thinking of the muddy appearance of the body, Chu Yan's brows frowned slightly, faintly, thinking of a possibility.

"Unfortunately, the situation was too urgent to confirm.

But also worried that it would leave traces and be traced.

Forget it, wait until you go back and see if it's what I think. "

Chu Yan said in his heart.

At this moment he changed his appearance. As for the image of the waxy yellow face, he would not appear again, and he would not worry about being detected by Ziweimen.

As for how Ziweimen will deal with this matter, Chu Yan will not have to worry about it for the time being.

He glanced in that direction again, then turned and flew forward.

Although at this time there is at least ten hours before the end of the last day.

For such a long time, if you want, Chu Yan can still find some treasures.

However, he did not do this, but found a quiet place nearby, and then made a large pit in the desert. After laying out various magic arrays on the surface, he sat in it cross-legged, closed his eyes, and concentrated all The spirit will just fight with Mobu. In my mind, Zai is careful and every detail is recalled again.

The first thing that can be confirmed is that it is not a coincidence that you find yourself, not because you recognize yourself.

As for why the other party was looking for this "low-level monk", I still can't guess, but it doesn't rule out that the monks who have triple minds in the heavenly blessing place have all been defeated by him.

"But I always think--" Chu Yanzai recalled it carefully, and felt more and more strangely.

"It feels weaker and weaker than when I didn't use that axe."

The last time Murbuy appeared, although the axe was not used at the beginning, it also fell into the wind.

But this time, it was obvious that Mo Wuyu had not brought any substantial trouble to Chu Yan.

"But judging from his shots at that time, his magical power has indeed grown."

After thinking for a while, Chu Yan thought of the key.

He has not weakened, and he has become a lot stronger than last time.

The problem is, Chu Yan is more powerful than last time.

In the same case without using a giant axe, the last time Chu Yan only had a slight advantage, but this time, he first got Kirin's destiny and strengthened his body. Then in this heavenly heaven and earth, all the element attributes were obtained. The improvement, especially the thunder element attribute, is explosive growth.

Under such circumstances, in his opinion, Mo Wuyu naturally weakened.

As for why Chu Yan was so obsessed with killing Mo Wuyu at the time, he even got the eyes to spy behind the scenes, naturally there was his reason.

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