Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1899: Instant knockout

The head of the Tiangang door looked at Chu Yan's back, and his breath was short.

Suddenly, he shouted: "Stop!"

Chu Yan never looked back, as if he didn't hear it.

"Please take a portrait of Grandpa!"

The inner resentment turned into a monstrous roar at this moment, and the palm of the hand reached out from his arms, took out a round bead, and threw it into the sky.

The beads immediately burst into infinite brilliance.

Like a magnificent man, like a peacock, the screen spread out in the air.

Suddenly, in the scattered light, the Thunder fell.

And in this thunderstorm-like thunder, a figure with a magnificent shore stands up to the ground, showing its peerless style, and the whole body also shines like a mountain, and suddenly appears.

As soon as the figure appeared, the air froze within a radius of five thousand miles.

It looks like an ancient giant peak, descending from the sky, suppressing all spirits.

The monks of Tiangang Men in mid-air, kneeled down to the ground, shouting to the patriarch.

And the head of the Tiangang door, this face was flushed at the moment, two arms, the thunder light wrapped like a snake, his eyes glared at Chu Yan, and his eyes seemed to have evolved from the Thunder River, and a roar: "Please ask the Patriarch to destroy his soul, for me Tiangangmen avoided this robbery! "

Suddenly, the sky collapsed.

The clouds over the sky were all cut by the light.

At this moment, the figure appeared in the light curtain as if to cross the torrent of time, stepping out of history, with thousands of lightnings, suppressing evil, mythological breath, and falling out of the sky.

The endless thunder, which is constantly converging, is more fierce, and reveals a taste of peerless fierceness. It seems to be turned into a thunder of heaven and earth, the spirit of thunder, full of anger and destruction, and Chu Yan is completely smashed.

The turbulent weather situation is more than a hundred times stronger than the shot of the master! "Oh ... he ... ants ..." Chu Yan in flight flirted with sarcasm.

Although the sound was not loud, it seemed to deliberately penetrate the deafening roar clearly and reached the ears of every monk present at the gate of Tiangang.

When the words fell, Chu Yan didn't turn his body around, backhanded, swept his palm.

It seems to be a palm, but it seems to be a sword gas, blasted out, can cut off the Tianhe, and crack the floating cloud.

The thunderstorm falling all over the sky stopped at this moment.

Then, all broke.

The human form of Weigan was also staggering in the air, and then he was cut from the waist position as if it were a picture scroll.

Bang! The figure suddenly fell into the depths of the void.

In an instant, it turned into a whining black hole, tearing the broken thunder around, all rolled in and twisted into pieces.


The head of the gaze narrowed and shouted in silence.

boom! At the next moment, the beads hovering over his head broke into countless powders and sprinkled on his head and face.

The full of thunder on the palm of the head, as if it was out of control at this time, exploded his body protection and gas, and even with his arm, the flesh was torn open, and the bones inside were also broken , Spraying out all around.

In the blink of an eye, the two arms of the head, below the elbows, disappeared and became bare.

The blood from the wound, like no money, spewed out around him with the aura.

His body was like a heavy bombardment of the door, and he flew out suddenly, planting towards the ground.


A group of Tiangang monks flew over in a hurry to hold the palm of their hands.

However, this force of rushing out, still threw three of them at once, spurted blood, and flew out of the tens of miles, which barely stabilized the body.

The remaining deputy leader, at this moment, also lost his previous calmness, his eyes were crimson, glaring at Chu Yan: "We Tiangang Men, and you are at odds!"

Chu Yan's body stopped in midair.

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze.

Everyone's heart unconsciously mentioned his throat.

The deputy head who had just vented the words just now, felt that his soul was being squeezed, and was about to be squeezed out of this body alive.

"The ants ... dare ... provoking ... I ..." With this sentence, Chu Yan slowly raised his right leg.

It seems that what was expected, the head of the serious injury, the bigger the eyes were, the more the fear in the eyes could not be suppressed, there was a breath, the sky collapsed, and he would shout out from his throat: "No!"

Chu Yan stomped.

boom! The billowing air waves formed a circle, violently impacting around.

Wherever it passes, whether it is the earth, mountains, rivers, lakes, or tall buildings, large arrays, everything is destroyed.

The monks of the Tiangang Gate who were closest to Chu Yan were crushed by this air wave, and they were instantly crushed into the blood of the sky.

The head watched his feet and legs, and suddenly turned into a **** wave.

He wanted to shout and want to ask for forgiveness, but in a moment the blood swallowed him all over.

More than twenty monks of the Tiangang Men in the air, led by the head, all melted into a river of blood, swaying in the air.

And in the deep mountains.

The mountain peaks thundered, all exploded to pieces.

One after another, one by one, completely exploded.

The disciples at Tiangang Gate only had time to cry and roar.

Immediately, Wan Lai was quiet.

The sky is vast.

It's just a matter of time and effort, the overlord Tiangang in the range of hundreds of thousands of miles has become a white ground.

"Okay ..." He spit out a word lightly, the Kuroshio in Chu Yan's eyes quickly retreated.

The next moment, Chu Yan's own consciousness took over the body again.

Looking at the piece of white land in front of him that was not even ruins, Chu Yan couldn't help being dizzy.

Even just the whole process, his ontology is in his eyes.

But I still didn't expect that the one behind the gate of **** would be so direct, and wiped out the Tiangang gate at once.

But in the end, the opportunity has been given.

Tian Gangmen did n’t accept it, and he provoked provocatively, repeatedly taking the lead.

If Chu Yan said, he could not bear it.

It's just that this vast open space in front of you will still give people an unreal feeling.

Except for a short time, what we saw and heard happened so drastically.

Another point is that Chu Yan was shocked by this force.

Before that, the shot behind the gate of **** never exterminated a sect so neatly.

And, just stomping.

It seems to have guessed what Chu Yan thought. At this time, after the gate of Hell, there was a sound: "Later ... you ... can ... I ... sleep ..." Chu Yan blinked, shaking with a smile Shook his head.

He pulled the handsome out of the echo ring.

The little white pig is still sleeping soundly.

But soon, his nose pulled up and opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes clear, and he looked straight towards the **** river in the air.

Looking at the handsome look, Chu Yan suddenly thought of a description.

Handsome to eat those monks, would it be like the human race eating melons and fruits, and now seeing this blood river, it is like the human race seeing the juice pressed by melons and fruits.

"Go ahead."

Chu Yan said.

The handsome immediately cheered and flew past.

I eat when I wake up, what could make the big fat pig's heart bloom more than this?

Chu Yan himself flew in the direction of the Tiangang treasure land before.

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