Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1900: Rank 82

Before he came close, Chu Yan saw the soaring treasures, which overlapped into Yunxia, ​​like smoke and fog, colorful and fascinating.

The waves of spirits let him take a breath, as if the spring breeze was blowing, and it was fresh, which made people feel refreshed.

"not bad."

Chu Yan murmured.

The one behind the gate of **** is obviously still a little conscience.

When that foot shattered the entire Tiangang Gate, only the treasure house was left intact.

This is very detailed.

Chu Yan did not take a closer look at the treasures in the treasure house.

Speaking of Baocai, he can definitely be regarded as wealthy now.

Ordinary treasures, His Highness Chu is no longer in sight.

However, Tiangangmen is also a large gate with thousands of years of accumulation. The number of heavenly treasures is quite impressive.

Chu Yan put these treasures of heaven and earth into the eyeballs of the treasures of the twelve countries.

Then his eyes fell on what he was more interested in: exercises and supernatural powers.

Before coming here, Chu Yan had known that the first supernatural power of the Tiangang Gate was attributed to the element of thunder.

This can be seen from the shots of the disciples of Tian Gang and the magical powers displayed in the ancestor's portrait.

And Chu Yan's highest attribute at present is the fire element and the thunder element.

The magic element of fire element, the mother left the Taiyi Li fireblade.

If the elemental thunder is supernatural, although Zixiao **** thunder is also strong, it always means a little bit unsatisfactory.

Among the second-rate supernatural powers, Zixiao Shenlei is pretty good.

But compared with Taiyi Lihuodao, there is still a big gap.

Therefore, as far as his mine element attributes are concerned, Chu Yan hopes that he can master more powerful exercises and supernatural powers.

If it was in the past, it would be impossible for Chu Yan to kill Tiangangmen directly, and rob them of their exercises and supernatural powers.

But the disciples of Tiangang were rude, and then provoked him.

That's no wonder Chu Yan.

So here at this time look at the inheritance skills and supernatural powers of the Tiangang Gate, and his thoughts are especially accessible.

The Tiangang Gate has been passed down for thousands of years, and currently still has a monk of the Purple Palace. It shows that the inheritance method of this sect can not be said to be top-level, it must also be said to be first-class.

Can basically meet Chu Yan's current needs and demands.

Chu Yan's goal at this moment is also very clear, as long as Tiangangmen's inheritance skills and supernatural powers.

Others that follow up will be ignored for the time being.

A sect, started by the ancestor, can have one or two monks and magical powers passed down, even if it is very good.

Tiangangmen is no exception.

Chu Yan quickly found the inheritance exercises and inheritance magical powers he needed in a mountain of practice books.

"The destiny of refining the soul, the thunder heart tactics, ten thrills."

The former one is the inheritance method of Tiangangmen.

The latter is the inheritance supernatural power of Tiangangmen.

When he saw the name of this supernatural power, Chu Yan couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and immediately pondered in his mind.

After a moment, he remembered, his eyes brightened.

"Ten thunder and thunder, this is not the one in the 82nd place among the 32 kills in the 36 days of Baoxiang Shangtiangang!"

When such a thought, Chu Yan was very happy.

Looking for a magical power that is suitable for my current use, I did not expect to find one that exceeded expectations.

This so-called "Tian Gang" ranking has nothing to do with the word "Tian Gang" in the Tian Gang Gate.

The Tiangang Gate is just a coincidence, and these two words correspond to each other.

This so-called "Tian Gang" ranking is based on the monks' plans based on the practice of the sect and the Xiuxian family of Baoxiang Shangguo.

Although it is more about satisfying the monks' psychology of hunting, but to a certain extent, it can indicate the power and grade of these supernatural powers.

This total of 108 kills is naturally a supernatural power of attack.

The strongest, in the 36 kills of Tian Gang.

Somewhat inferior, shot in the seventy-two kills on the ground.

Don't look at the ten thunderous thunder kills of Tiangangmen, only ranked 82nd out of 108 kills.

But be aware that this ranking is drained from the magical powers of the treasures like the stars.

Not to mention eighty-two, eight hundred and twenty, among these numbers, it is the highest echelon.

So eighty-two can definitely be considered strong.

Being able to enter the ranks of the heavens and the earth has already shown that the whole treasure is in the country, and it is affirmed.

Chu Yan made a rough look at the moment, and immediately understood it. No wonder that the deputy leader was so arrogant.

It turns out that the thunderstrike of the Beng Tianshen performed by that guy is a branch of these ten thundering thunders.

It's a bit of fur passed down from the patriarch.

Chu Yan learned the ten thunderbolts, and he did n’t have to worry about being seen by others, thus associating it with the destruction of the Tiangang Gate.

Because the ten thunders and thunders are just a collective term.

Among them, there are many kinds of supernatural powers.

And there are not many monks who are qualified to master this ancestor ’s magical heritage.

In this way, people who know exactly what this magical power is, are rare.

What's more, everyone who knows is now dead. To be precise, they are almost eaten up by handsome.

Then naturally there will be no more problems.

After thinking about these issues, Chu Yan reached out.

Suddenly, the full jade slips and books on the ground were all included in the treasures of the twelve countries.

After checking the scene again, after confirming that there was no problem, Chu Yan looked at the handsome man in the air.

At this time, the handsome also just swallowed all the flesh and blood, the belly that was originally round, and it swelled at the moment, it looked like a ball, flew over with a satisfied face, squatted on Chu Yan's shoulder, hit Hiccups.

After leaving the Tiangang Gate, Chu Yan immediately moved towards the Canghuai Xu family.

A ten-day-hearted family of Canghuai Xu said at the time that they were going to visit.

Compared to Tiangangmen, Canghuai Xu's family must be aware of current affairs.

This Xiuxian family originally had a ten-day heart and was also a party hegemon.

However, after the closing of Dongtianfu, the six Tianxins that went there, and after only two came back, they realized that something big happened, these days are closed, and the whole family is worried.

When Chu Yan knocked on the door and cut the sky with another sword, making the Xu family's ten-day heart into a five-day heart, the head of the Xu family immediately knelt in front of Chu Yan.

The Xu family's attitude of surrendering momentarily also made Chu Yan not in any mood.

So he went step by step and asked the Xu family to contribute the family's exercises and supernatural powers.

The Xu family is no match for Tiangang.

The two are not at the same level.

The inheritance of the Xu family is also much thinner than that of the Tiangang Gate.

However, Chu Yan wanted the Xu family's exercises and inheritance to naturally have its own use.

The world's avenues share the same path. Although the Xu family's exercises and supernatural powers can only barely be regarded as third-rate, under the category of bypass, it may play the role of category bypass.

After leaving the Xu family, Chu Yan immediately set off, heading towards the direction of Yunao.

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