Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1901: Master, I was promoted

The breezes were cool and moist.

Because the Broken Star Tower is located in the southern part of the Yunao Xinjiang, even though it is the coldest winter of the year, it still has green grass and a pleasant climate.

Hua Muyan looked at the lake reflected by Xingyue in front of her, and her eyes moved slightly.

I don't know why. During this time, he always felt like something was going to happen.

But if you think about it carefully, you can't find the slightest clue.

Broken Star Tower has become more and more prosperous since it became the state religion of Yunao Xinjiang.

Many things don't need to worry about it now.

The entire sect is several times better than before.

The accumulation in recent years has even surpassed the past decades.

When thinking of this, Hua Muyan couldn't help but think of his disciples.

Although it was not long before the other party became a disciple, he, a teacher, did not teach much.

But his own disciple has achieved far more than he expected.

Whether it was to turn the tide when the national church election was contested, or to enter the Tianya Sect, and also incidentally took his partner in the Broken Star Tower, also brought to the Tianya Sect together.

All these things made the reputation of Broken Star Tower soaring in Yunao Xinjiang.

Although there are still some gaps between the traditional big gates of Yunao and Xinjiang.

But this gap is not as far away as before.

You should know that in the past two years, whether it is the number of apprentices or the number of disciples' promotion, the expansion of the entire sect, the thickening of the foundation, and the other five sects, I am afraid that they cannot be added up.

After thinking of this, Hua Muyan couldn't help but smile: "I don't know what Chu Yan is doing now. Counting time, with his talent, he should go further in the state of mind. It is estimated that it will start in a year or two. Shock Heaven's mood is doubled. "

"Brother, you are here."

At this time, a sweet female voice sounded.

Hua Muyan turned around and saw Qin Shishi, the master of Wenxin Palace, who was falling from the air.

"what are you thinking about?"

Teacher Qin walked to Hua Muyan and asked curiously.

"I've just arrived, but looking at the way you have been thinking, there is no sound."

"I'm ..." Hua Muyan smiled and smiled, "Think about something."

"About Chu Yan?"

Master Qin blinked and snorted, "I'm looking for him too, and abducted my good apprentice, and no news came back for so long."

Although it seems to be blaming, the concern in the tone can still be heard by anyone.

Hua Muyan chuckled slightly and nodded: "Yeah, I don't know if he's recently ..." The voice just fell, and a figure flew from a distance.

Hua Muyan and Master Qin were still stunned, and the figure had fallen in front of them from half-air, kneeling on one knee, saluting respectfully: "Disciple Chu Yan, see Master, Uncle."

"Uh--" "Uh--" Hua Muyan and Teacher Qin were both stunned for a moment.

After a while, they were sure that Chu Yan really came back.

"Get up."

"Thank you, Master."

Master Hua Muyan looked at Master Qin and looked back at Chu Yan again, "Today, how come there is time to come back?"

"Just miss Master a little bit."

Chu Yan said honestly: "I also brought a gift to Master."

Between the words, Chu Yan had put his hands on the storage bag prepared in advance.

On the way back to Broken Star Tower, Chu Yan had all the gifts ready.

At this time, Teacher Qin pretended to cough inadvertently.

Chu Yan suddenly smiled and took out another prepared storage bag: "My uncle Qin is also ready."


Teacher Qin laughed, "It's almost the same."

After taking the storage bag, he opened it and glanced inside. Master Qin nodded with satisfaction and asked, "How about the rain, how is it going?"

"Sister Su has just come back from training, she has some feelings, and is retreating. When I want to get out of the customs, the realm and strength will be greatly improved."

Chu Yan said.

On the way back, he also contacted Lin Miaoran through Lingxiyu and learned about the situation of everyone.

After the closing of Dongtianfudi, the people went back to the Xingxin Island one after another.

Some people report peace, after taking a break, they embarked on the road of cultivation again.

Some people, such as Su Yuqing, etc., after getting the treasures of the heaven and earth, felt themselves, so they closed their doors and practiced, seeking opportunities for breakthroughs.

Many partners, the experience of the world is full of gains, and no one was injured.

This also explains from certain aspects that their hard work before has a very good effect.

After listening to Chu Yan's detailed description of the current situation of several other people, Hua Muyan nodded with a smile.

At this time, Teacher Qin suddenly said a little hesitantly: "Chu Yan, what is your state-what is it now?"

After listening to Qin Shishi, Hua Muyan also noticed the realm of Chu Yan.

The next moment he discovered that Chu Yan's realm revealed a feeling that made him feel obscure.

It seems to contain the truth, which is unpredictable.

The two looked at each other, and shocked expressions appeared in the eyes of Hua Muyan and Qin Shishi.

When the last time Chu Yan returned, he had already broken into the state of mind, which was a surprise.

It is only two years since I came back this time.

But Chu Yan's realm has made an amazing breakthrough! For monks, after reaching the state of mind, ten years of breaking through a small state are geniuses.

Ordinary monks, breaking through a small realm in thirty or forty years, even in fifty or sixty years, are normal.

After reaching the state of mind, the potential is exhausted, and there will be no breakthrough in life, and no one will say anything.

But now, only two years later, Chu Yan gave people a completely different feeling.

It seems that the stream becomes a big river.

The lake turned into ocean.

Deep and vast.

If you take a closer look, Hua Muyan and Master Qin both feel their hearts sway, as if they are being dragged into the universe and fluttering.

Seeing the look of the two, Chu Yan smiled slightly, slightly condensed part of his breath, and saluted: "Back to Uncle Master, I just broke through to the second major achievement of Heaven's mood.

"My God--" Master Qin sighed with his hand on his forehead.

Hua Muyan was in charge of Shaoxinglou, and at this moment, she couldn't help but take a breath.

In an instant, these two big names, famous in Yunao, even suspected that their ears were wrong.

But I don't know why. For the moment of doubt, they just suspected that they had heard it wrong, and did not doubt that Chu Yan had lied.

Because they watched Chu Yan improve step by step.

So subconsciously, I already knew that Chu Yan has an amazing talent for cultivation, and the speed of promotion is even more incredible.

But this time, Hua Muyan and Teacher Qin were still shocked, and even to some extent, they were scared.

You should know that if you follow the normal cultivation rate and take two years, the monk can stabilize the progress of the heaven and the mind. It can only be said to be reluctant.

And Chu Yan directly came to the two major achievements in the state of mind.

This kind of exaggeration is probably the same as in the world, the hen laid an egg in the evening, and the master who woke up his master the next morning was a flaming phoenix comparable to the hot sun.

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