Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1902: Fairy Road Old Man

In the next few days, Chu Yan was visiting the old friends and elders in Shaoxinglou.

Fan Cheng and Xu Ya gave them great support and help when Chu Yan had just set foot on the fairy road.

When they left Broken Star Tower at that time, they chose to stay in Broken Star Tower to continue their cultivation because of their limited talents.

Although the realm of Chu Yan has now far exceeded them, it is still commensurate with brothers and sisters.

This time when I came back, I also prepared all kinds of treasures for cultivation.

When the host Luo Shanhe saw Chu Yan, he couldn't help but sigh deeply. The disciple who was a little agitated at that time has now grown into a big man on his own.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

In Chu Yan ’s present state, there is absolutely no problem as an elder in Broken Star Tower.

And his strength, now without exaggeration, has surpassed the teacher Hua Muyan.

The monk who originally had triple minds in Broken Star Tower had only one person in charge of Hua Muyan.

But now, with Tian Liang, the swordsman of the broken star sword of Tianyin, also completed a breakthrough, the broken star tower, like the monk with a triple mood today, has reached two.

Tang Liang is the master of Chu Yan's friend Li Xiu, in addition to being the master of the Sui Xing Lou Jiu Pin Ji Tian Yin Shao Xing Jian.

This time Chu Yan came back, and hoped that he could learn all the anger from Tang Liang here.

For the best disciple in the history of Broken Star Tower to date, Tang Liang did not hide anything, and in the next few days, the strongest magical power he realized from the killing was extremely angry, and he said to Chu Give it to each other.

Since then, Chu Yan has mastered all the anger of the sword, and has also given Tang Liangxing a great gift to the teacher.

While visiting the crowd, Chu Yan also walked all the mountains and rivers in the Broken Star Tower.

When he was practicing in the Broken Star Tower at that time, because of the realm, he had not been to many places in the sect.

Although his identity is not considered to be a disciple of Shaoxinglou now, but he wants to walk anywhere in Shaoxinglou without any obstruction.

Some disciples even recognized him, and they were so excited that they were helpless and salute themselves.

Chu Yan walked past the Ling Lingtai, this is where disciples of Shaoxinglou studied the formation method.

He also consulted Su Yuqing here.

After passing the mission pavilion, seeing disciples entering and exiting, Chu Yan also thought of his first experience of taking over the task here.

In the battlefield of fairy soldiers, Chu Yan once set a streak of disciples' fighting skills.

When he came to the stone tablet that recorded the ranking of the spiritualist list, Chu Yan looked at the strange names on it and couldn't help but smile.

When he first arrived at the Broken Star Tower, when he knew the ranking of the disciple of Ningmai Realm, the top three names were Li Xiu, Su Jianyuan and Jiang Panmeng.

Now, the three of them are already their best partners.

And Chu Yan's name naturally shined on it.

After that, Chu Yan passed through the Hall of Stars, Xingluo Pavilion, Lianxing Valley and so on.

Finally, he came to Xinghai Tree.

This is where the jade card of the identity of the doorman who passed away the broken star tower.

Each jade card is a proof of a broken star doorman who once lived in this world.

At this time, in the face of these ancestors, Chu Yan deeply saluted.

The breeze blew, and the jade brand wobbled gently.

Suddenly, this huge tree crown, as if the stars were flowing, seemed to be an immortal hero, responding to Chu Yan.

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Chu Yan continued to move forward.

Walk through every familiar or unfamiliar path.

Handsome this time, can be considered a revisit.

Perhaps it is also because of the promotion, its eyes also bring the taste of thinking that had never been seen before.

The palace that Chu Yan once owned in the Broken Star Tower is still reserved for him now.

Far away, Chu Yan saw a figure and was busy in the flower garden in front of the palace.

After stunned for a moment, Chu Yan recognized the person.

Chen Xiaotian.

When Jianghe Village was attacked by a monster, the only survivor.

Later, Chu Yan felt his perseverance, let him stay in the broken star tower, work under his own hands.

Originally Chu Yan thought that with his departure, Chen Xiaotian should also have other places to go.

But he didn't expect that he stayed here.

And what he did every day was also what Chu Yan told him to do.

Weeding, tidying up the flowerbeds, and feeding spirit beasts.

At this time, Chu Yan can see that Chen Xiaotian has kept everything organized, whether it is a flower garden or a spirit beast.

Even exceeded his expectations.

At this time, Chen Xiaotian straightened his waist and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Although all the "rough work" is done in Shaoxinglou, there is an aura that is hard to reach in this world.

The food he eats also plays a role in strengthening his body and prolonging his life.

Coupled with Chen Xiaotian's hard work, one person can often do the work of two or three people.

So his body is much stronger now than in the past.

Although it still looks a little thin and weak, but this time to go to the world, even if you have not practiced, ordinary people come to ten, they are definitely not his opponent.

Lifting his head, he looked subconsciously forward.

At this time, Chen Xiaotian saw a figure.

He froze for a moment.

At first, I thought I was wrong.

But soon, when he saw the familiar face, Chen Xiaotian's eyes suddenly turned red, he threw a sickle in his hand, and ran quickly to Chu Yan, stopping at a distance of more than ten feet from Chu Yan .

After carefully confirming it again, it was really Chu Yan, not an illusion. Chen Xiaotian burst into tears, bent his knees, and knelt down towards the ground.

But before kneeling to the ground, he immediately felt that he was supported by a force.

"No salute."

Between Chu Yan's steps, he had already arrived in front of Chen Xiaotian, and the spirit was lightly pulled, so that the other party turned around and said, "Come in with me and walk around."

Chen Xiaotian wiped out the tears that he ran out of, and quickly followed.

At that time, Chu Yan did not practice here for long, and there was not much affection.

But when I came back at this time, my mood was different, so I felt different when I saw it.

The walls of the palace were spotlessly scrubbed.

There are more kinds of spirit flowers and grasses planted in the flower garden than when they were still there.

The scope of the flower garden has also doubled.

Those captive spirit beasts not only have their fur shiny, but also have a lot of cubs. At this time, they look lively.

Chen Xiaotian should also take care of the spirit beasts, instead of living in his cabin, but building a thatched house not far from the spirit beast circle.

Chu Yan entered the thatched house at the moment.

In the hut, there are some soft grasses used as beds, and a small stool on which bamboo sits.

Chen Xiaotian hurried forward, moved the stool, wiped and wiped with the cuffs, and then put it in front of Chu Yan, his face flushed for a moment.

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