Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1903: Requested, all

Chen Xiaotian worried that Chu Yan would be disgusted.

Because at this time, even though he was not a monk, he didn't understand the realm of Chu Yan, but with the experience of living in Broken Star Tower over the years, he could feel that Chu Yan is definitely not comparable to that of a general monk.

But seeing Chu Yan didn't show any unpleasant look, but after sitting down naturally, Chen Xiaotian's disturbed heart immediately calmed down, and a feeling of emotion came out of his heart.

"You do it too."

Chu Yan said lightly.

In the thatched house, there was only this bamboo stool, so Chen Xiaotian sat directly on the ground.

"You have taken care of this well."

Chu Yan said.

Hearing this sentence, Chen Xiaotian suddenly got up and wanted to kneel and kowtow.

But Chu Yan stopped him.

"These are not needed."

Chu Yan said: "At that time, I allowed you to get started because of your character, which made me feel that I could give you this opportunity, not because of pity for you, or other feelings of pity.

Although I was not in the sect gate in the past two years, my identity nowadays can no longer be regarded as a disciple of Shaoxinglou.

But you have not kept your duty, conscientious, and done better than I expected.

I think it can give you a chance now. "

"Thank you, sir ..." Chen Xiaotian's tears suddenly came out again.

At this time, the handsome man suddenly said: "Wrong!"


what? "

Chen Xiaotian froze for a moment, and immediately showed a frightened look.

I don't know if it's because of the handsome sentence, or because a pig spoke.

At the next moment, the handsome man raised his eyebrows and said, "Call the guru."

Chen Xiaotian suddenly woke up, Chu Yan did not let him kneel, then he had to salute at the moment, immediately his waist bowed down, almost touched his knee at the tip of his nose: "Thank you Master!"

Chu Yan nodded slightly, with an aura, holding a small bottle and handing it to Chen Xiaotian.

"There are three elixirs in it. When the moon rises tonight, you take one, and then meditate in this courtyard. After the medicine is digested, take the second one.

Wait until the power of the three immortals is fully absorbed. If you can reach the condensed veins, then I will ask the same door to arrange you to become an official disciple of Shaoxinglou. "

Suddenly, Chen Xiaotian was so excited that he could not speak.

Three elixirs to achieve condensed veins.

How great is this? Suddenly, he felt the small bottle in his hand become hot.

But Chu Yan also said: "You have to remember that you are still mortal, don't be greedy, once the medicine exceeds the range that your body can bear, you will be fried into pieces on the spot.

Also, your body has actually passed the best period of cultivation.

So I can't guarantee that these three elixirs can promote you to the state of coagulation.

I can tell you this, in my estimation, the probability of success is less than 20%.

The greater possibility is to reach the triple of true martial arts.

But even so, it is much better than you are now. "

Observed by Chu Yan, Chen Xiaotian calmed down a lot.

He took a deep breath and clutched the small bottle tightly in his hand, saying, "I will do my best to not let down the Master's expectations."

Chu Yan nodded, stopped talking, got up and left here.

After Chu Yan left, Chen Xiaotian knelt on his knees and knocked three heads in the direction of Chu Yan's departure.

When he got up again, his face was unprecedentedly determined.

Walking again in the mountains, the handsome man was a little curious and asked, "Chu Yan, you have a 20% chance to lie to the boy's body. I'm afraid it's half Chengdu, the disciples are too bad, and even I am a demon The beast also understands that he has already passed the age of cultivation. "


Chu Yan shook his head.

"What's different?"

The handsome became more curious.

Chu Yan pondered for a moment and said, "Chen Xiaotian is the man who stood up again after experiencing despair.

This kind of person has great perseverance that others can't reach.

There are many talents in the world, but there are too many perseverance, but there are too few.

So I think he should be given a chance.

Perhaps, some miracles can be created. "

The handsome sucked his lips and looked like he wanted to refute.

But after thinking it over carefully, I felt that Chu Yan made sense.

After thinking for a long time, it finally didn't speak, lying on Chu Yan's shoulder and looking around.

It took five days to visit the old friends and elders, walked through the mountains and rivers of the broken star tower, and on the morning of the sixth day, Chu Yan went to see Hua Muyan again.

This time, at the cost of a Baoshan, he exchanged for the opportunity to enter the Wangxingtai and the stargazing tower.

Wangxingtai is the place where Broken Star Tower stores martial arts, techniques and magical powers, which is equivalent to the inheritance of Broken Star Tower.

And it is also the only building in the Broken Star Tower that was laid out by the patriarch himself.

Therefore, anyone who can study the magical powers at the top of the Star Tower must be a disciple who has made great contributions to the Broken Star Tower.

When Chu Yan was in Broken Star Tower before, he had been honored twice.

After returning this time, in addition to learning Tang Liang's extremely angry sword, he also had to master the inheritance skills and magical skills of Patriarch Shaoxinglou.

If it was in the past, according to his contribution to Broken Star Tower and the status of the master disciple, there is no problem in entering the star platform.

But Chu Yan is now a disciple of Tianya Sect.

So Chu Yan was willing to exchange with Baoshan at this time.

In doing so, it is equivalent to enriching the treasure house of Broken Star Tower in disguise.

And if Chu Yan is still a disciple of Broken Star Tower, these donated treasures can be exchanged for Zongmen contribution points and allowed to enter Wangxingtai several times.

The request of Chu Yan, Hua Muyan will naturally not object.

The more than a dozen elders in Zongmen will not object.

So on the morning of the sixth day, after talking with the teacher in charge, Hua Muyan personally led his most satisfied disciple to Wangxingtai.

At the top of the observatory is the stargazing tower.

Although there is a place to store books such as Travels of the Territory, it is also a place where rumors have the opportunity to comprehend the patriarch's ideas.

Chu Yan this time, the stargazing tower is also going.

When he came to Wangxingtai, Chu Yan saluted Hua Muyan and stepped in.

Wangxingtai, not only has the powerful array protection, but also has a ray of thoughts from the Patriarch of the Broken Star Tower.

At this time, since Chu Yan could safely enter, it means that this ray of thought from the Patriarch also recognized Chu Yan.

At the highest point of Wangxingtai, Chu Yan looked at the jade book in front of him.

"Great Dream Star Idea."

"Beichen Astrology Dafa."

The dream of Da Meng Xing is the general outline of the mind method created by Patriarch Shaoxinglou.

Now the disciples in Shaoxinglou are practicing a small part of them.

Only after the realm improves can we learn more profound mentality.

In the Northern Star Constellation Dafa, it records the spells and supernatural powers passed down by the patriarch.

The Xuanxuan Nine Changes of the Chuyan Society was one of the techniques.

This time, Chu Yan was exposed to all the contents!

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