Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1905: Suddenly, Chu Yan split

The dream of Da Meng Xing and the destiny of refining the soul and thunder of the heart, this moment circulated in Chu Yan's body.

In an instant, it seemed as if there was a big river running, thousands of rivers flowing, and Chu Yan's body, there was a loud roar.

The dream of the big dream star is the supernatural power of the light element.

Although it is only the magical power of the Sect of Xinjiang, it can be passed on all the time, which proves that this magical power has no problem from the avenue.

As long as this practice is integrated, the power of the Beichen Astrology Dafa will be doubled in the future.

And the more important significance is that, no matter the dream of the big dream star, or the Dachen starry Dafa, have greatly enriched Chu Yan's treasure house.

Because at this time, although still in a state of mind, Chu Yan was already planning for his true fairyland after the Purple Mansion.

Plan ahead, there will always be nothing wrong.

From the mouth behind the gate of hell, Chu Yan already knew that when the monk was promoted to the real fairyland, he would enter a new realm.

This is not just a literal promotion of "realm".

Including the way of looking at creatures, as well as the means of fighting oneself, it will be very different.

Ascending to the real fairyland, then it was a real dream, and a miracle.

Almost instantaneously, all kinds of magical powers began at first.

At that time, unless it is the world of the world, sweeping everything, only in the legendary magic power, it is possible to suppress all.

Under normal circumstances, the quantity and quality of the magical powers mastered by the monks were compared at that time.

When the quality is the same, the quantity wins.

When the quantity is similar, the quality wins.

Therefore, Chu Yan intends to increase the number of magical powers he has mastered from now on.

When the time comes, take the best of them and refine the water and fire golden pill.

This process is still too early for other monks.

But Chu Yan knew it himself.

From the heart of heaven to the real fairyland, for him, it may really be a flick of the finger.

What's more, now that the number of masters is increasing, it is equivalent to strengthening one's own strength and increasing one's hole cards.

One more point of strength, one more hole card, when fighting, naturally there is a chance of winning.

With this idea in mind, Chu Yan now concentrates on the spirit, the aura in his body, and the rolling mind, and the two mental methods work at the same time and intersect, as if it were a big wave of sand, time after time, more and more pure.

Soon after, in the sky, the stars became more and more shining, as if the stars exploded in a burst of peerless light.

These rays of light will converge into a beam of light in the next moment, as if they had penetrated the clouds, penetrated the sky dome, and irradiated them.

At a glance, it seemed to condensed into substance, shining everywhere.

Immediately following the light, the thunderous rumble in the sky became louder.

At the beginning, it was just a shocking ear. With the passage of time, it ignited the body's blood.

At this time, if a monk who had just entered heaven's state of mind stood here, it would be shocked to death in the blink of an eye.

After a while, Lei Guang suddenly fell.

It is not a thunder, but a thunder, as if the dam broke the embankment, the floods poured, and in an instant, it fell from the sky.

Boom! Wherever they go, they are destroyed, all destroyed.

The air has become very fresh.

Dozens of towering snow-capped mountains and palaces on the hill disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.

But this is still Chu Yan did not exert his full strength.

The starlight continues to shine, and the thunderlight continues to pour.

At a glance, the light was overturned like a torrent, the thunder and light were rubbed like sky fire, and thousands of miles were as scary as the battlefield where the gods and demon were fighting.

This process, along with Chu Yan's cultivation, lasted about five days and five nights.

Later, as Chu Yan's aura slowly subsided, inserted into the earth, and expanded, as if it were a beam of light on the pillars of heaven and earth, it began to gradually thin and fade.

The dense surroundings, like the thunder and lightning of the golden snake, began to ease and dissipate.

"It is worthy of the ancestors of Broken Star Tower inheriting supernatural powers, and it is worthy of being the 82nd killing supernatural power in the treasure of Shangxiang.

Now that I have mastered the Northern Star Constellation Dafa and Ten Thunderclap, my strength has once again been steadily improved. "

Chu Yan took a breath, and now he felt his body was much easier.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt something, looked up at the sky, frowned.

The huge holes in the sky that were blown out by beams of light gathered thick clouds around them, slowly accumulating towards the center of these holes.

And in the center of these holes, there seems to be a strong force field that is pulling this void, to break free and squeeze out.

Chu Yan's face gradually became more serious.

At this time, he could clearly feel that the space around him was slowly distorting.

This is different from the airflow that swept up.

Airflow can be felt by skin or even hair.

At the moment, this kind of spatial distortion is hidden at a higher level, with a powerful force that changes the world, reverses the world, and sinks the sun and the moon.

And more importantly, Chu Yan is too familiar with this feeling.

This is a sign that the heart is enlightened, the power is felt, the state cannot be suppressed, and it is about to break through.

"What's going on, I didn't feel it before."

His Highness Chu couldn't help murmuring.

He was puzzled himself.

But soon, Chu Yan wanted to understand.

This time, the problem is mainly in their own mentality.

Dong Tianfu and his party gained a lot, and again, and still beat Mo Mo in a more relaxed state.

Then I went back to the Broken Star Tower, saw the teacher and a group of elders, and arranged the old man clearly.

The magical powers that I had previously asked for, such as Extreme Sword Sword, Dameng Xingyi and Beichen Xingsu Dafa, were successfully obtained, and they were also recognized by Patriarch Shennian of Xingxinglou.

As for the destiny of soul-learning, the thunder heart tactics and the ten thundering thunders, this is the breath of surprise, and it is also in the current library of cards.

In this way, when the idea is accessible, when practicing, it will naturally be more effective.

So without paying attention, the realm of the two great achievements of the original state of mind rushed to the edge of promotion.

And then, the pure and rich aura in the world of Xiao Qiankun completely broke the imprisonment in the realm of Chu Yan.

And Chu Yan felt that at this moment he felt like he was going to split.

Looking at the holy white light that came out of the sky gradually, Chu Yan couldn't help murmuring: "I'm not ready yet ..." But having said that, Chu Yan's hands have already been massed at a very fast rate. A large number of heavenly and earthly treasures were caught and piled up one by one next to him.

Others have practiced Aura, and Chu Yan has spent everything.

It takes a lot of energy, money, and even space.

Because I didn't expect my promotion to come so suddenly, at this moment, in a hurry, I only took out the equivalent of three or five thousand years of accumulation in the middle school of the ancestral ancestors, and surrounded me to prepare for the promotion.

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