Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1906: Handsome fear

The promotion came so suddenly that he was caught off guard.

Fortunately, Chu Yan had enough treasures.

And the small world of heaven and earth is itself a blessing.

The storm swept and the holy light shone.

Suddenly, the world and the earth shook, and for a while, it was like being put in a big pocket by a big pocket.

In an instant, everything became chaotic.

All things seem to have no difference between upper, lower, left, and right, and no difference between Yin and Yang attributes.

Being in the middle of this void, Chu Yan had a feeling.

His body seemed to be drawn out of his soul, and then he was stuffed back into his body.

Go back and forth and keep repeating.

This feeling is a brand new experience compared to the previous continuous improvement, resisting all kinds of sky-tribulation in the storm.

This time, look comfortable and calm.

But in fact, it is hundreds of times more dangerous than every previous promotion! Because of the improvement in the past, every time you only need to focus on resisting the sky-tribulation.

And with Chu Yan's current strength, this physique alone can resist the heavenly disaster.

And with the passage of time, the immortal fairy body also has a strong defense against the same sky-tribulation.

As long as you ca n’t die at the beginning, you wo n’t be able to die after that, and you will get more and more relaxed.

But now, it is a completely different situation.

Chu Yan's moment is tantamount to entering into a void storm without guard.

The Netherstorm, under the Purple Mansion, is absolutely impossible to cross with the flesh alone.

This is the spatial code that was established when Dazhi Zhili was first evolved.

It is heaven, and it cannot be violated.

So in the current situation, even if Chu Yan only makes a little mistake, it may cause the soul of the soul to never return to the body.

Compared with the body, the soul is weaker than a ray of smoke.

Even if Chu Yan ’s soul is far more than that of ordinary monks, in such a void storm, at most it will take a long time to be torn apart.

When the time comes, the four words of souls and spirits are the most accurate description.

So although Chu Yan felt relaxed at the moment, he did not dare to be indifferent.

And Chu Yan also understood that this was actually a disaster, a trial.

As long as I can survive it.

At that time, it can be promoted to the double fulfillment of the state of mind! According to the more dangerous the time of ascension, the more benefits you get after ascension.

As long as you are promoted to the next level, your strength will definitely be greatly improved again.

This also lays an unbreakable foundation for the promotion from the mid-level to the high-level in the heaven state of mind.

So thinking of this, Chu Yan will not relax even more.

This promotion process is much longer than it used to be.

After seven full days, this piece of chaos that enveloped tens of thousands of square meters began to recede slowly.

The handsome, uneasy waiting outside, his ears moved, his spirits suddenly came, and his eyes were eagerly looking towards the chaos.

Before it was wandering in this small universe, the curiosity was looked around.

But Wan Wan did not expect that Chu Yan's promotion would come so suddenly.

And it was only a small level of promotion in the state of mind, and even the void was completely destroyed.

This made the Kirin cubs startled and frightened.

This level of fear is comparable to the fear that "the world will have no food to eat".

This shows how terrifying.

The chaos of tens of thousands of miles did not retreat all at once.

Just like the ebb tide, the chaos shrank a little bit, revealing the void in the small world.

Chu Yan was originally located in a circle of tens of thousands of miles, which are rolling snow mountains.

From afar, the waves are magnificent and magnificent.

But now, where chaos retreated, there was only a flat ground.

Not only the flat ground, but also the flat black ground.

It looked as if the snow mountain had been removed, and then used very thick and thick ink, suddenly a thick layer.

The light can't enter, the sound can't pass in, and there is no temperature at all.

Looking at this piece of black, in a blink of an eye, people will feel a sense of loneliness and silence.

Handsome originally wanted to slowly retreat with the chaos, stepping forward to find Chu Yan.

But at this time, the Kylin cub thought about it and decided not to be involved in danger.

But because of this, in the handsome eyes, a more worried look appeared than before.

Although the life experience is not enough, after all, the bloodline of the mythical beast will awaken the memory sealed in the bloodline with the improvement of the realm.

So handsome now knows better than anyone. In fact, the test that Chu Yan faced when he was promoted far exceeded the difficulties that monks in this state should bear.

"This is the second major achievement of the state of mind, and it's like this.

From the double perfection to the triple promotion, wouldn't it be the World Tribulation, and all the smoke would be wiped out ... Just today, Tianxin Triple Perfection was promoted to the Purple Mansion, I am afraid it would not be like this. "

Handsome muttered to himself.

After two days of restlessness, most of the chaos has receded.

What is left at this time is just a few tens of miles.

Compared with the previous tens of thousands of miles, it is almost the difference between a towering tree and an embroidery needle.

Handsome is more anxious now.

Because at this time, it still didn't feel any sign of Chu Yan's existence.

The blackness of the chaotic fading made it impossible to breathe Chu Yan's breath.

But there are also feelings in the handsome heart. According to the truth, with his temperament, can he endure today?

I am afraid that as long as the chaos still has a range of thousands of miles, it was directly torn open and rushed out.

"It's not really ... what's the matter ..." The handsome man became more and more frightened. The first two hoofs were shaving unsteadily on the ground.

In just a few clicks, a large hole was dug out of the ground.

Chaos has only a few miles left.

This range is really as thin as paper.

The handsome man tried to widen his eyes and could not see even a trace of the figure from inside.

"Ah! Chu Yan! You died so miserably!"

The handsome burst into tears.

In a pair of eyes, two large bags of tears were instantly stored, and it seemed that its eyes should be as big as its head.

As he cried, he spit out a rectangular stone that was as tall as an adult.

This stone is quite extraordinary at first glance, it must be some kind of treasure, and may even be an ancient magic weapon that once suppressed a big demon.

However, at this moment, the handsome little hoof was scratching, and the stone was on a flat surface. Several large letters appeared suddenly.

"Kou'er: Lin Zhang's three mouths" "What are you writing?"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded behind the handsome man.

A figure, blocking the sun, enveloped the handsome and the stone.

The handsome man suddenly stiffened.

And the voice was still wondering: "Oh, mouth?

I did n’t expect you to have a son when you were young, um, Lin Yuansan ... "When I said this, my voice suddenly stopped.

Obviously, Chu Yan has realized what the other party is writing.

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