Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1907: Something goes wrong

"Chu, Chuyan?"

As soon as the handsome turned, he saw the tall body, looking at the slate in front of him with dissatisfaction.

"Wow you are not dead!"

With a snap, he smashed the slate in his hand, and the handsome face rushed towards Chu Yan with surprise.

But its body was put directly through Chu Yan's chest and rolled to the ground.


The unicorn cub suddenly fell into a daze.

What the hell?


The handsome eyes straightened.

It seemed to want to understand something, the tears that had been thrown away in his eyes, gathered together again.

"Chu ..." It's too pitiful, Chu Yan still died in the process of promotion, and now there is only this ray of residual soul, and he still insists on coming to say goodbye to me. You can rest assured, your free island, all your property, all your food, I will take care of you clearly! The spirit boats that you captive on the island and the broken star tower, I promise to raise them all white and fat, smooth and smooth! In a flash, Xiaobai pig's heart made a guarantee.

This guarantee is so firm that it can stand up to the heart curse or the oath of the road.

At this time, Chu Yan also understood what the other party thought from the eyes of Xiaobai Pig.

Suddenly, there was a burst of crying and laughing.

"It's not what you think."

Chu Yan reached out and sucked the handsome into his hand, then put it on his shoulder.

Feeling the sturdy feeling, the handsome was stunned, his eyes widened and he exclaimed: "What is going on, you are not dead ..." "No."

Chu Yan interrupted the other party, "A little new ability."

This is a new technique that Chu Yan has repeatedly entered and exited in the Netherstorm during the promotion process.

When performing, you can put yourself in the depths of the void in a short instant, and leave a residual image in place.

The moment when handsome was just flying, it was Chu Yan's first attempt.

After trying, Chu Yan understood that he had mastered this new technique smoothly.

The power of this technique lies in the moment when Chu Yan is in another void.

Any killing tactics that hit him is equivalent to hitting this remnant of the void.

Even if the residual image is torn to pieces, it will not cause any harm to himself.

However, the current shortcoming is that the time is too short, which is not enough for one-tenth of the blink of an eye.

To be able to comprehend this technique, on the one hand, during this promotion, the Void Storm repeatedly rubbed him, giving Chu Yan enough time and frequency to think and feel.

On the other hand, Chu Yan has used the stack wave void bracelet many times.

The experience of walking in the void makes Chu Yan more sensitive to changes in space.

In short, this is a technique that can blast at a critical moment.

His Highness Chu's library of cards has since produced another reliable card.

Listening to Chu Yan explained this, the handsome man suddenly understood.

However, it seemed that he was worried about Chu Yan's investigation of his behavior just now.

Chu Yan could see its purpose, but if he really wanted to worry about the little white pig, that was impossible, so he went down the other side's steps.

"Chu Yan, we have been out for a while, should we go back now?"

Asked handsomely nervously.

Chu Yan silently calculated.

He left the Xingxin Island in early December, and it is now the beginning of January of the new year, just another month has passed.

When I go back, I still have to prepare a new Dan Road for Zeng Bi.

It is indeed time to go back.

So Chu Yan nodded and responded.

After checking the zombie three-headed demon running happily in the sunset, and the egg waiting quietly for hatching, and confirming that there is nothing wrong with it, Chu Yan left the world with little handsome.

As for the damaged snow mountain, it is also something that Chu Yan expected, so there is nothing to care about.

It is not a big deal to wait for your future state to improve and become more powerful, and then look for a few snow mountains to move in.

Thinking so in his heart, Chu Yan had returned to the center of the island with a handsome man in the cave he had dug before.

While planning to withdraw the surrounding formation, Chu Yan's consciousness suddenly discovered that there were monsters in the distance.

And not one or two, but a large group! Not only that, these monster beasts are full of blood and blood, and there are a few of them, which give people a horrible feeling of blood and countless grievances.

After a moment, the handsome nose moved, and apparently also found these monsters close.

"Hundreds of heads!"

Handsome whispered in Chu Yan's ear.

This sentence may sound frightening at first glance, but seeing the spitting of the handsome mouth makes people feel that it is actually greedy.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, nodding, and nodded.

He chose this island before because of its remote location.

But now, it seems that these monsters already knew the existence of this island, and at this time, they came straight.

"What should we do now?"

The handsome swallowed a sip. "Barbecue or boil?"

"Wait first."

Between Chu Yan's speeches, the Divine Consciousness had investigated and understood that among the hundreds of monster beasts that came out of a black cloud, the demon became a big demon, reaching a full ten.

And of these ten heads, two are more, giving people a feeling of staring at the abyss.

Judging from the realm of speculation, I am afraid that it is only half a step away to reach the ancestor level.

In addition to the roaring blood, these two great monsters also have a mysterious luck, obviously with treasures.

If it is in the past, in such a situation, Chu Yan may still plan something before making a decision.

But now, after being promoted again, his strength has increased several times compared with before. The number of magical powers he has mastered has also increased significantly, so he made a decision almost instantly.

"Stay here first and see what they plan to gather."

Chu Yan flicked his fingers several times in a row, and suddenly blocked the surrounding formations and reinforced several layers.

In this way, let alone those two half-step ancestors, even if the real ancestor came, he and the handsome would not be found.

Under normal circumstances, monsters and beasts act alone, with a strong sense of territory.

Once this kind of multi-ethnic group action occurs, there must be a big demon in it.

Moreover, on the vast sea, there are tens of thousands of miles in the sky, and there are no people. The gathering of these monsters and beasts is naturally impossible to hunt, only to plot things.

Therefore, Chu Yan intends to stay on his feet first, and see what the group of big monsters want to do.

Just at the moment when Chu Yanxin thought about turning, the billowing black cloud spreading for dozens of miles had already reached the top of the island, and then fell straight down.

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