Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1925: A year's event

The Avenue of Destruction is a matter of course.

Ordinary monks, it is extremely difficult to touch a road in their lifetime.

One hundred thousand monks, and must reach a certain level, in order to understand the fur of a certain road slightly.

And this number, if you look at the whole monk world, it is almost equal to the proportion of a drop of water in the sea.

So when Chu Yan could be so early, he touched a avenue, which is definitely an opportunity to make people jealous.

Even if Chu Yan didn't realize it by himself, it was enviable to be able to perform it.

But because it is not self-understanding, Chu Yan is now subject to many restrictions in order to exert the power of Destruction Avenue.

For example, only by exerting supernatural powers can the power of Destruction Avenue be smoothly integrated into it.

Although Dad used his previous methods to help Chu Yan further integrate the avenue, it is easy to control wherever the avenue is reasonable.

Dad's method can only be regarded as a small improvement in Chu Yan's development of the Avenue of Destruction, and he has not been able to solve the problem in essence.

But now, having mastered a natural power, it is completely different.

Blood coagulation finger, how to say, is only an early technique.

Burning the Devil's Spirit, but it is a complete magical power.

Power cannot be compared at all.

And because of the integration of Ruin Avenue, the power gap has become heaven and earth in an instant.

Chu Yan's heart moved at the moment, and a pair of wings condensed like a sea of ​​blood behind him suddenly fanned the hurricane and the flat tornado soared to the sky, as if the Taiko Whale sucked water, which was extremely spectacular.

"This magical power is very powerful."

After taking a closer look, Chu Yan said heartily.

This time, his gains far exceeded expectations.

Chu Yan even had no way to compare himself for a while, specifically how much he gained.

But one thing is certain.

That is, if the self at this moment, and the self-fighting method in the cave of heaven and earth opened by Ziweimen a few months ago, then the current self will easily crush the past self.

However, Chu Yan did not have a sense of pride and complacency because of the huge promotion.

Ever since he heard the plan of covering the sky, he has realized that neither Ziweimen nor Taiqing Emperor is definitely not what it looks on the surface.

It's like an iceberg exposed to the sea. In many cases, it is not even one-twentieth the size of the part submerged under the sea water.

Chu Yan believed that with his current strength, none of them could attract the ancestor's attention.

The Emperor Taiqing, but let countless demon ancestors, devil, evil repair, and even demon clan sage participate in it, planning for decades, to deal with the characters.

And the real Taiqing emperor is probably more powerful than the monsters and demons imagined.

Only Tang Lianxing said before, the Emperor Taiqing used six reincarnation discs to refine a kingdom of gods and demons, which is enough to make people wonder.

"I have to make myself stronger and continue to temper."

After dispersing the blood wings behind him and the emperor's armor of light, Chu Yan sat down cross-legged, continued to vomit aura, meditate and practice, and feel the avenue.

Seeing that Chu Yan did not appear to be in vain due to the surge in strength, the person behind the gate of **** did not make a sound, as if he had gone to sleep, and no longer made a sound.

The time flickered, and soon, a year passed.

During this year, Chu Yan spent most of his time in the small world.

I only went out a few times during this period.

Sometimes it is a feeling, and share with Lin Miaoran, or Zeng Bi, Pu Yangyi.

Sometimes it is to repair the puppets working on the island.

In other cases, it will be supplemented by a large array of free islands.

These things consume less time. In general, Chu Yan rarely left the world of little Qiankun more than three days.

In this year, Chu Yan carefully pondered and pondered the magical powers that he had previously realized, and thoroughly understood them.

Invisible, there are changes.

Now his whole person has become more and more calm, thick and unpredictable.

However, in order to disguise his true state and strength, Chu Yan and Zeng Bi secretly studied and pondered, and improved the technique of hiding the state before.

Although the effect could not make Chu Yan complete from Heaven's Mind State at once, and straight down to Heaven Mind State's weight, but now this technique can also break through the limits of the realm, making Chu Yan seem to be a Heaven Mind State. Satisfactory.

The appearance of lowering the entire realm is enough to satisfy Chu Yan.

This year, for Chu Yan, it was the precipitation after the surge in strength, nothing too turbulent.

But there is a person on the island, but it is not so calm.

That is Lin Miaoran.

Lin Miaoran has finally completed the promotion from the primitive state to the state of mind.

Qing Yu's body, let her practice more effectively.

Plus the previous accumulation is strong enough.

Lin Miaoran was hardly hindered by any obstacles. After several times, the foundation was tamped thoroughly and he broke through in one fell swoop.

When Lin Miaoran was promoted, he was in a small world.

Because the aura here is more pure and rich, it has an excellent quenching and scouring effect for monks who have just been promoted to Tianxin.

According to the truth, after Lin Miaoran was promoted to the state of mind, he could also get an island.

However, Lin Miaoran took the initiative and Chu Yan to refrain from leaving the Xingxin Island.

Lin Miaoran considered that, under the framework of Chu Yan, Xuanxin Island has become more perfect.

And if she owns an island again, Chu Yan is bound to divide a part of heaven and earth to arrange the island for herself.

Rather than dividing the treasure material into two places, it is better to attack one place.

Another point is because Lin Miaoran did not want to be separated from Chu Yan.

Part of her consideration coincided with Chu Yan's.

After all, for the disciples of Tianxinjing, getting an island means getting an area of ​​their own.

Above the island, there is no treasure in itself.

Lin Miaoran instead of going to the new island to open up wasteland, it is better to stay on the Xingxin Island to practice.

Anyway, the cultivation resources of Sui Xin Island, not to mention one Lin Miaoran, and another hundred Lin Miaoran, can't be spent.

So this matter was decided.

Besides, Lin Miaoran's promotion was completed in the small universe.

The pillars of aura produced are also in the small world, and people outside have not seen them.

So no outsiders knew that Lin Miaoran was promoted.

So the time flickered and soon came to May of the year.

This morning, Chu Yan was still meditating and suddenly discovered that Lin Xiuyu had Lin Miaoran's communication.

So he stepped out of the small world and stepped into the palace after closing the training room.

With a glance of his consciousness, Chu Yan discovered that not only Lin Miaoran was present, but Zeng Bi and Zhuang Die were also unexpectedly present.

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