Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1926: Jade Break

In the past year, Zhuang Die has also visited Xingxin Island twice.

One of them was Lin Miaoran's promotion. She came to send a gift.

Because of his familiar relationship with Chu Yan, Zhuang Die has a good relationship with Lin Miaoran.

But like this, when three people appear together and have a serious look, it is relatively rare.

After thinking for a while, the three of them might do something, and Chu Yan stepped into the side hall.

Seeing Chu Yan appear, the three stopped talking, so Lin Miaoran spoke up and said what they had just discussed.

"Going to a nearby city?"

Chu Yan puzzled.


Lin Miaoran nodded and said: "I want to take a look around. By the way, Uncle Zeng also wants to go to the trading house to pick a Dan furnace. Sister Zhuang happens to want to go out, so the three of us are like being together."

When talking about Danlu, Chu Yan felt a little ashamed.

Because he had promised Zeng Bi before.

But then he realized continuously that for almost a year, he was practicing magical powers and accumulating his own feelings. For a while, he did not find a suitable opportunity to go out.

But Zeng Bi seemed to know the situation clearly, so she was not in a hurry.

Only this time, the situation was more coincidental.

After Lin Miaoran's promotion, his mood changed, so he wanted to go to the surrounding cities to learn and practice, so as to strengthen his morality.

After all, a monk can't just blindly retreat to practice. In that way, even if he leaps and bounds in the early days, later, because he hasn't been properly tempered, it is easy to die halfway.

Zhuang Die was going to the nearby city to buy some treasures for puppetry. When he passed the Sui Xin Island, he whistled and fell down to take a look.

The result and Lin Miaoran said that the two immediately hit it off.

Anyway, since I have to go out, after thinking about it, Zeng Bi also simply passed by, and by the way, I can also look at the Danlu.

So after a brief discussion, the three decided to tell Chu Yan about it.


Chu Yan had no objection to this.

Lin Miaoran can want to go out to practice, which is a good thing.

And Zeng Bi will be safer with him.

After a little pondering, Chu Yan took out a storage bag and gave it to Lin Miaoran.

There are spirit stones in this storage bag, as well as some precious materials that Chu Yan cannot use.

In addition to cultivating, the spirit stone also has the role of money in the monk world.

Therefore, these spirit stones, Chu Yan is for Lin Miaoran to spend.

For those precious materials that are not available, Chu Yan asked Lin Miaoran to take them to the trading houses in those cities to see if they could exchange them for some materials they needed.

Whether it is the material in this storage bag, or the natural materials and treasures that Chu Yan wants to exchange, they are some types that are not very rare, but they are types that may be time-consuming to find, and there is nothing between them. Special connection.

So in this way, Chu Yan did not worry about being guessed by Zhuang Die, he wanted to use these materials to do.

The three girls are all talking about doing what they say, and they have amazing action.

Now that Chu Yan nodded and agreed, they left the Xingxin Island immediately, and Zhuang Die drove the cloud towards the nearest city.

They are not saying that things will come back as soon as they are bought. City by city, walking around, Lin Miaoran still has to temper his heart. It is estimated that it will take two or three months to come back.

Chu Yan did not urge them. The three women were together. On the surface, they looked like one Tianxin triple and two Tianxin single.

But in fact, each one is not easy to mess with.

Zeng Bi's current state has reached the upper level in the state of mind.

Moreover, Master Bi Tong also followed Chu Yan in the past few years, and his temperament was smoothed.

In the past, it was a ruthless person who beat you on the ground and then talked to you slowly.

Lin Miaoran's own strength is much higher than the realm.

For the sake of her safety, Chu Yan put a lot of fulu magic weapon on her.

So don't look at it as soon as you have been promoted to Heaven's state of mind. If you meet a Heaven's state of mind twice, and you want to catch her, it will not be so easy.

As for Zhuang Die, it is a big man who hides himself.

Not to mention her own puppet accomplishment, just identity, once it comes out, I am afraid it will scare the dead.

As for the puppet, you thought your enemy was Zhuang Die, but you never know how many puppets stood behind her.

So if there is any conflict in the wild, it is pitiful to be the opponent of the three of them.

After watching the three girls leave the island, Chu Yan stood on the beach and turned to look at the mountain forest behind him, lush.

Now the number is close to fifteen thousand puppets, non-stop day and night, according to Chu Yan's thinking, transforming the island.

On the other side of the mountain, Puyang, with a pleasant expression, is spreading himself out into a big character, lazily basking in the sun.

With regard to Puyang Yi, Chu Yan had no requirements.

Although Pu Yangyi didn't say it clearly, from some hints, Chu Yan has guessed that the other party's body should have some secrets.

These secrets also make his cultivation methods different from ordinary people.

So on weekdays, Chu Yan does not care much about him.

Immediately afterwards, in the pond beneath the mountain, the handsome man was playing in the water, playing with several ducks beside him.

Sugar candy is lying on a nearby stone and sleeping.

Every year there was a breath of calmness.

But only Chu Yan knew that this piece of tranquility and comfort would usher in a drastic change two years later.

As for whether it gets better or worse, it depends on the situation you prepare and whether the other party will give you a chance.

Looking down for a while, Chu Yan smiled, and stepped forward to go back to continue to practice, but just took a step, and suddenly felt some movement in the storage ring.

The consciousness swept away, and suddenly Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

A piece of jade in the storage ring shattered at the moment after a white light burst.

The other half of this piece of jade is in the Bai Family in Tongzhou City.

It was when Chu Yan killed the Wannian Barbaric Dragon that he once had mutual help.

The Bai family gave Chu Yan a map, and also gave Chu Yan an elemental stone, telling him the Bai family's secret.

Chu Yan helped the Bai family to suppress Bai Xiuxiu's poison and solved some troubles for them.

When the jade rune was left at that time, Chu Yan and the Bai family agreed that the Bai house would crush the jade rune when they encountered some difficult problems.

At this time, the jade symbol shattered, which must be an accident of the Bai family.

"Is there another Zong Men who has not opened his eyes, or has Bai Xiuxiu's fire spread again?"

Chu Yan has always kept his promise. Since Yufu is broken at this time, he will naturally go to see it.

Divine consciousness conveyed a ray of information, let Pu Yangyi take care of the heart island at this time, Chu Yan also used Lingxi jade, and said to Lin Miaoran.

Seeing handsome and sugar candy at this time comfortable, he groaned a little, did not bring them, took out the chess board directly, and flew towards the island.

At the same time, he also allowed the puppet Ji Shi, who had been hiding outside the territories of Tianya Zongzong, to take a step and rush towards the same city.

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