Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1930: Here you are

Since Chu Yan had spoken at this time, in fact he already had a considerable grasp in his heart.

Just suppressing fire poison for Bai Xiuxiu, it is natural to use the inheritance of Sage.

The cold air pressure makes fire poison with excellent effect.

But if you want to get rid of fire poison, you can't use it like that.

If you really remove the fire poison with the cold air of the Styx, then the result is that Bai Xiuxiu is not in danger of being burned to death by the fire poison, but because the cold cold air invades the heart and is cold.

In addition, her body is already weak. In the past, if you do not get rid of the poison, you will be killed on the spot.

In fact, Chu Yan's idea was to use the fragments of six reincarnation discs.

The fragment of the six-track samsara has been verified on the three zombie demon.

Imagine that even the zombies of the three zombies for tens of thousands of years have now recovered their vitality.

Using the fragments of the six reincarnations, Chu Yan believes that not only can Bai Xiuxiu get rid of the trouble of fire poison, but also can turn this fire poison into a help for her practice and become a chance for her.

This fire caused Bai Xiuxiu to suffer too much pain in the process of growing up.

Now, it is time to make due contributions to Bai Xiuxiu's promotion.

However, the problem now is that it is still relatively difficult to drive these six reincarnation discs with the power of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan hopes that the fire and poison problem can be solved in a short time.

Otherwise, you can't take a picture of Bai Xiuxiu with a six-track roulette every once in a while.

Bai Xiuxiu can be patient, but he doesn't have this time.

Moreover, Chu Yan did not want other people to know the secret of the six-round reincarnation.

So at this time he promised Bai Ju.

Anyway, now he has won the inheritance of Sage.

Through this inheritance, you can better seal the fire poison inside Bai Xiuxiu.

Taking this opportunity, Bai Xiuxiu's life can be extended. At the same time, you can use this period of time to take the panacea and condition the body.

When Chu Yan can successfully control the six-track reincarnation, she will once again take this pain for her torment for many years and turn it into a help and opportunity for spiritual practice! For the time being, let's not mention Bai Xiuxiu's affairs. The next thing Chu Yan should do is to solve the problem of Gu Weiting.

Gu's approach is indeed disgusting.

Take advantage of power and take advantage of loopholes.

They didn't provoke Chu Yan's eyelids before.

But now, this matter is unbearable.

Before I cleared a wave of obstacles for the Bai family, it didn't take long before I dared to hit the door and killed the ancestor and protect the law.

Chu Yan can even predict that if he does not breathe for the Bai family this time and repays this blood feud, I am afraid the situation of the Bai family will be a hundred times worse than before.

He didn't have so much time, he was always distracted by the Bai family.

"White Patriarch."

Chu Yan said.

Bai Ju immediately arched his hand: "Master Chu, now you just call my name."

In this respect, Bai Ju did not suffer.

Chu Yan's realm is now too high for him.

Moreover, the Bai family also turned to Chu Yan, so Chu Yan called Bai Ju's name without any problem.

Chu Yan was also polite and nodded: "Baiju, I ask you, can you find Gu Weiting?"

This matter is related to the family bloodthirsty, Bai Ju did not hesitate at all, and immediately gave a positive answer: "Within two hours, I will definitely get accurate information, but Master Chu ..." Chu Yan knew what the other party was asking. Waving his hand: "Gu Weiting is just plain, so I don't want to delay the time."

Bai Ju heard the words and was shocked.

He already understood that Chu Yan not only wanted to start against Gu Weiting this time, but also planned to start against the Gu family.

Immediately, his heart was crossed, and he bowed his hand for a salute, and immediately went out.

The Bai family is in Tongzhou City, and their reputation is still there.

Therefore, Bai Ju started doing things at this time, but he was not greatly hindered.

With the double help of fame and spirit stone, Bai Ju brought news to Chu Yan in less than an hour.

"Master Chu, Gu Weiting is now in a valley about 1,200 miles away from Tongzhou City.

According to the information I got, he should be there tonight.

When it is dawn, it will leave. "

After hesitating for a while, Bai Ju said again: "Master Chu, this Gu Weiting now has Shouyuan will be exhausted, so he does things with impunity, and his realm reaches the triple state of mind, if you need help ..." Come back soon. "

Chu Yan waved his hand lightly.

In Bai Ju's stunned eyes, Chu Yan rose directly into the air, and the powerful consciousness suddenly spread away, and in an instant, he locked the position of the valley.

After a moment of effort, Chu Yan discovered where Gu Weiting was.

"Heaven's state of mind is triple, hum--" Chu Yan turned a cold hum, and Chu Yan turned the stacking wave void bracelet, and immediately disappeared into the air.

Bai Ju didn't expect Chu Yan's actions, so swift and popular, and even unexpectedly, Chu Yan's speed was so fast.

He didn't know that Chu Yan had the ability to fold the void, but thought that the speed of Chu Yan's flight was hard for him to catch.

Suddenly, in addition to the beating heart, extremely shocked, is a trace of excitement and anticipation.

As soon as the void swayed, Chu Yan had already stepped a thousand miles away.

With a quick glance, Chu Yan found that a bonfire was burning in the open space in front of the distant valley.

Next to the campfire, an old man with a unkempt face, but still quite elegant in his robe, was meditating cross-legged.

Chu Yan is particularly keen on blood qi, and now he has felt that the old man, as he said, has dried up his qi and blood and has a short life span.

No wonder such a person would do such a crazy thing.

I will end my life and have no hope of promotion. Only by virtue of cultivating behavior and looting everywhere, so as to **** more resources of cultivating immortals for the family, at the end of my life, I will burn a little more glory for the family.

However, what is the difference between his behavior and Xie Xiu! Chu Yan appeared at the top of the canyon at this time, without any cover, and fell slowly from the air.

Since Gu Weiting is a triple of the state of mind, his strength is naturally not weak.

Chu Yan appeared at the moment, he has also noticed.

In the original turbid eyes, a group of fine eyes suddenly appeared, and his eyes were cold, looking at Chu Yan: "Who are you?"

"Here you came."

Between Chu Yan's words, step forward.

Gu Weiting had done so many evil things before, and it was both robbery and killing. The enemies he had formed did not know much.

So over the years, he also met many monks who wanted to avenge him.

But those monks, without exception, were crushed by his powerful state and strength.

At this time, seeing Chu Yan as a "heavenly ant with a heavy heart", he even dared to come to die, and suddenly smiled, reaching out, grabbing the magic wand stick in his hand, and blasting an ice-cold cold light against Chu Yan.

"On your own, dare to count the old man?"

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