Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1931: Who is the strong

Chu Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

Facing the ice blue cold light, his fingers spread out directly, and he grabbed and pulled.

Crackling! The sky was cold and shattered.

Without giving Gu Weiting the time to react, Chu Yan's palm thundered and a thunderbolt condensed.

All of a sudden, a star seemed to be pumped down, and the sky exploded.

boom! Gu Weiting's sneer was still hanging on the corner of his mouth. At the next moment, the body protector Zhengang was smashed, and his body was pulled out of the light by dozens of miles.

The ground exploded again and again, billowing with smoke, and wrapped around him and flew out. His body was like a meteorite, smashing into the canyon.

The rugged rocks of the canyon were suddenly smashed through and crackled, as if landslides.

A large piece of rubble flew into the air, and then fell down like a heavy rain.

Chu Yan took another step.

The next moment, he came to the top of the gravel.

Wow! The gravel suddenly rose into the sky like a volcanic eruption.

Gu Weiting, whose face was full of anger, held a wooden staff at the moment and roared loudly, with countless lights shining around him.

These lights brushed violently towards the surroundings.

Every time you brush one place, that place becomes chaotic and chaotic, and the colorful light in the deep is mottled.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and fell straight.

Gu Weiting was shocked and looked up.

At the next moment, the two face each other.

Chu Yan raised his hand and pressed with one palm.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! Immediately, the colorful lights around Gu Weiting shattered.

There were cracks all over his body, and blood was spraying out.

The robe on his body was torn at the moment, and the formation and inscriptions on it were all destroyed.

Bang! It was like the palm of the gods, pressed on the ground, half of the canyon collapsed, Gu Weiting blood was flowing like a spring, a lot of life origins broke out, his body fell into the ground, trying to struggle, but he was shocked to find that his body's spirit, even It seemed to be blocked, and it didn't work at all.

At this time, he looked at Chu Yan's gaze, and then changed.

The weight of the mind in front of us is not the strength that this state can possess.

"you shut up!"

Chu Yan frowned and snorted.

The sound was not loud, but when it came to Gu Weiting's ears, it seemed that tens of thousands of bronze bells and drums were ringing, and a buzz in his head suddenly went blank.

Chu Yan flicked his fingers.

Uh, uh, uh, uh! A flash of lightning, like a sword tearing the night, fell from the sky, directly pierced his palms, elbows, shoulders, lower abdomen, knees, ankles, and nailed it to the ground.

There was a hint of coldness in the lightning.

These breaths not only blocked the meridians of Gu Weiting's whole body, but also directly froze to death! In this way, Gu Weiting directly became a waste person.

Of course, it is not impossible to restore these frozen meridians.

Only enough natural materials and treasures are needed, and after a long period of cultivation, they can still be restored.

However, may the Gu family use the precious treasures of heaven and earth for this dying person?

Even if Gu family is interested, can Gu Weiting himself wait for this time?

Murderous, but so! Gu Weiting was shocked and angry at the moment, and he felt an insult.

At this moment, as if he had been stripped, he penetrated his body and nailed it to the ground.

And the flash of lightning kept him in a torment.

This torture made him even feel a sense of why Shou Yuan did not end on the spot.

Chu Yan looked at his eyes and knew what he was thinking, sneered, and fell to the ground, saying, "Gu Family, are you?"

In Gu Weiting's eyes, there was a flurry of confusion.

If in the past, someone tells his origins, Gu Weiting is definitely not the same thing.

Even in many cases, he did not cover up at all.

Do you know how?

You look at my incompetent anger and have no impression on me.

But at this moment, he felt incomparable fear from the depths of his heart! This day's state of mind is heavy, and the shot is fierce. More importantly, I have no strength to fight back! It's as if the sea is crushing the creek.

He didn't even have time to react.

If this kind of character wants to kill some people of Gu family, it should not be too easy.

Gu Weiting is very clear that although Shou Yuan will be exhausted, his current combat power can still be ranked in the top three in the Gu family.

The fighting method just now is not exactly a fighting method, but a unilateral crush.

In the beginning, there might be his idea of ​​belittle the enemy.

But later, he deeply felt the unparalleled strength of the other party.

Such strength, Gu family, no one can beat it! "I ... I do things by myself ... one by one!"

Gu Weiting can only say such words at this moment to cover up his panic.

"No, you can't afford it."

Chu Yan shook his head and looked down, "If this is the case, the person you killed will make me a nightmare."

"Then, then you tell me, who do you avenge for, for whom ..." Gu Weiting shuddered.

If the other party only tortured him, then he would endure.

Anyway, he knew that he could not live too long, and he would die. Anyway, as long as he didn't involve Gu family, it didn't matter.

So many people have been killed in these years, and he has long been aware of being killed.

But now, since the other party reported his origin, it means that the other party not only wanted to kill him, but also had to retaliate against Gu's family.

This is absolutely unacceptable to him! "You will soon know."

Chu Yan reached for a shot.

Thunder and thunder and lightning immediately twined a pair of shackles, tethering Gu Weiting behind Chu Yan, and flew in the direction of the Bai Family in Tongzhou City.

When he arrived, it was a folded void, almost instantly.

But when you go back, you can't.

Because Gu Weiting's body is now seriously wounded by him, if he is taken with him through the folding void, Gu Weiting's body will probably not be able to withstand the fluctuations of space and be directly broken into flesh and mud in it.

In this way, for Gu Weiting, it was too easy to die, too cheap.

Chu Yan took Gu Weiting and drove all the way.

Gu Weiting's mouth was still swearing at first, trying to get Chu Yan to focus his hatred on him alone.

But later, Chu Yan directly sealed his throat, making him unable to make a sound.

Thousands of miles away, for today's Chu Yan, even if you don't use the stacked wave void bracelet or flying magic weapon, it will fly quickly.

Soon after, he returned to the Bai's house and fell directly from where he left off.

After Chu Yan left, Bai Ju had been waiting there.

According to his estimate, Chu Yan was the fastest and fastest, and would not return until dawn.

After all, the realm is so different. If you want to kill Gu Weiting like a mad dog, Master Chu will surely plan and prepare.

As a result, this ... this is the whole body of blood, bound by horrible thunder, Gu Weiting, the dog of the family, was thrown to the ground by Chu Yan, and Bai Ju was speechless.

At this time, Gu Weiting's eyes rolled round, knowing that he was caught because of whom.

But he couldn't understand, Bai family can still find such a powerful monk, willing to start for them?

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