Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1932: Fill in

Bai Ju was amazed.

Gu Weiting was surprised.

But Chu Yan's next sentence made them almost jump up in place, a soul almost collapsed and died on the spot.

"One Gu Weiting is not enough, the Gu family will die another 200 people."

Chu Yan said lightly.

Bai Ju's breath was frozen.

His wish is that Chu Yan can kill Gu Weiting and avenge his ancestors and Huang Ze.

The desire of the Bai family is just that.

But Chu Yan now has to take care of his family's life.

Could Gu's family agree?

Gu Weiting was also startled at the moment, his eyes falling out of his eyes.

He had a heart, almost stopped beating directly, and his heart was full of waves.

"I didn't mean to kill your ancestors intentionally. It was your ancestors who were seriously injured themselves. I didn't use my strength, and she fell.

As for the other protector.

He has only one weight of heaven, and he will provoke my triple mind. I will commit the following crimes. I will not kill him. What is the prestige?

I was nothing but a helpless move that night, you just kill me now, I have nothing to say, but now you still have to kill my Gu family, there are still two hundred people.

I worked so hard, under the name of infamy, so difficult to get, why? "

If Huang Ze said such a sentence before, Gu Weiting must have smiled, and would not even mind.

But at the moment this sentence was said by Chu Yan, then it is completely different.

He was captured by the opponent with overwhelming strength! Therefore, Gu Weiting knows his strength better than anyone else.

Kill two hundred Gu family members, this guy can do it! Suddenly, Gu Weiting was frightened and angry, and there was a throbbing voice in his throat.

If his throat was not sealed by Chu Yan's aura, he must now swear and scream injustice.

Looking at the other person's eyes, his nostrils fluttered, his whole body did not know whether he was angry or frightened, and with a trembling look, Chu Yan sneered again and again: "If I knew today, why should I have been."

At this time, Bai Xiuxiu and Mo Qiong also heard the news.

Although Gu Weiting was shocked by Chu Yan's magical power, his mouth was slanted and his face was covered with blood. At the moment, he was blocked by Leiguang, but Bai Xiuxiu saw it at a glance. This is the murderer who killed the ancestors and Huang Ze! In an instant, Bai Xiuxiu's eyes were filled with tears, and his silver teeth were clenched.

Mo Qiong also clenched his fists at this moment.

Bai Ju looked at Bai Xiuxiu nervously at this time, fearing that her mind would fluctuate too much again, causing the fire poison to recur.

But this time, although Bai Xiuxiu's face was a bit pale, but the rest was not a big deal.

She walked up to Chu Yan and performed a deep salute.

Chu Yan nodded at her and said, "Although Gu Weiting was caught back by me, he can't kill him yet."

Bai Xiuxiu responded: "Master Chu is in charge of everything."

"He still has a role now, so for the time being to keep him alive and eventually kill him, you Bai family will still have to do it yourself."

Chu Yan said.

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Bai Xiuxiu's eyes showed a look of doubt.

Bai Ju took a step forward and explained: "Guru Chu's meaning also requires Gu's family to pay a greater price."

Bai Xiuxiu's expression moved, and he clearly agreed with Chu Yan's approach.

Chu Yan looked at Bai Ju at this time, and then Bai Xiuxiu.

Suddenly found that Bai Xiuxiu, who looked weaker, had more radical thoughts than Bai Ju.

This is not to say that Bai Xiuxiu is better than Bai Ju.

Just like a worldly emperor, the founding monarch, it is necessary to add martial arts, so that he can lead the army and open up new territories.

But the later emperors must have kindness, so that they can be kind to the people and make Jiangshan stable.

Different periods require the leadership of different emperors.

At this time, if the Bai family is regarded as a secular country, Bai Ju is a Ming Jun who has exhausted the country and worked hard for himself, and Bai Xiuxiu should have become a general who can fight for this country.

It's just a pity that this general is seriously ill and wants to be put on the battlefield. At present, it is impossible.

At this time, Chu Yan felt pity for the Bai family.

Bai Xiuxiu's talent is top among the younger generation of the Bai family, and even the entire Tongzhou city.

But the fire poison not only broke her fairy road, but also almost broke her life.

But now, this cutoff seems temporary to Chu Yan.

Only need to improve his realm a little bit, can control the piece of the six-round samsara.

It doesn't even need to be fully urged, it just needs to be more powerful.

At that time, she washed the marrow for Bai Xiuxiu's hair, eliminated the disease, and turned the fire poison into an advanced opportunity. She could almost be said to be flying in the blink of an eye.

"It will take a while."

As for what to do next, Chu Yan already has a plan outline in his mind.

At this point, he calmed down and returned his attention to the people in front of him.

Chu Yan saw that Bai Ju, Bai Xiuxiu and Mo Qiong were all waiting for their next instructions.

Chu Yan raised his hand and the light flashed.

Suddenly, Gu Weiting's left leg was cut off by Qi Gen.

Gu Weiting's inner aura can't work now, so he won't have any healing effect.

So the sudden pain in the moment when he broke his leg almost made him pass out.

But the cool breath in his body made him sober, and he could feel the severe pain clearly every moment.

In addition, Chu Yan blocked his throat, preventing him from yelling and venting.

So for Gu Weiting at this moment, life is better than death! Bai Ju They were also taken aback by Chu Yan's move.

But Chu Yan was extremely calm.

With five fingers and a bang, he condensed Gu Weiting ’s left leg into a mass of plasma, and then said in dialogue: "Find a higher flagpole, hang this guy up, and then divide the morning and evening Three times, whip him with a whip.

It is best to let Tongzhou City know about it in the shortest time. "

While speaking, Chu Yan threw a golden long whip to Baiju.

The surface of this long whip is inscribed with thin inscriptions, and it is curved like a blood line, which is deeply in it.

Bai Ju took it in his hand, and suddenly felt a violent breath. He came to his face, and he seemed to hear howling in his ears.

He was breathless and hurriedly worked his mind, and then he got rid of this depressed emotion.

Chu Yan said at this time: "Although this long whip is just a sharp weapon, it is impossible to usually hurt this guy with a single hair.

But now, he is no different from a skinny dog ​​hanged.

The inscription above can also let him feel the despair and pain that those monks who were looted and killed by him. "

At this point Chu Yan finished, a few people present, already understood his meaning.

Hanging Gu Weiting, so humiliated, it was not only Gu Weiting's face, but also Gu's face!

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