Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1933: Bloody Bai Family

Although Gu Weiting allegedly broke off the relationship with Gu's family, this lie can be seen through by people with a clear eye.

At this time, Gu Weiting was hung up, so humiliated every day, it seemed that Gu Weiting tortured, but in fact, every whip seemed to be drawn on Gu's face.

At that time, Gu's family will not fall well regardless of whether they are in charge or not.

However, it means that they admit that the so-called Gu Weiting betrayed the Gu family. That was a lie. By then, those families and sects who had been insulted by Gu Weiting will inevitably find them to count this cause and effect.

In any case, Gu Weiting suffered such a torture, all because of his contribution to the Gu family, but the result was such a fate. At that time, the Gu family looked at it in the eyes, and it would certainly chill the hearts of the people.

This time, Gu's family was equivalent to being put on a fire.

After thinking of this, Bai Ju's eyes also flashed a thick expression of excitement.

Chu Yan is not afraid, he has nothing to fear.

Immediately, a tribe was found, a flagpole with three or four floors was erected outside the gate, and then Gu Weiting was hung up.

When hanging up, Bai Ju also hung Gu Weiting upside down on Chu Yan's command, and the thunder chain locked his right leg.

At a glance, Gu Weiting is like a dying skinny dog, with blood stained all over his body.

However, that face was also cleaned by Chu Yan with supernatural powers, even if it was far away, he could recognize his face.

When being manipulated so casually, Gu Weiting was shocked and angry.

But by the way, he can't do anything.

For a while, the inner bitterness was difficult to describe in words.

In the process of erecting the flagpole, the Bai family also learned the news one after another.

Many people made a special trip to see it. The Bai family were deeply disgusted with this beast that killed the ancestor and Huang Ze.

If it were not for Chu Yan's instructions, they might all directly kill Gu Weiting with one knife and one knife.

After everything was arranged, Chu Yan asked Bai Ju to just leave two people here.

Then he meditated quietly under the flagpole himself.

After dawn, there was a lot of silence in Tongzhou City, and such a big news broke out.

The murderer who killed the ancestor of the Bai family was arrested by the Bai family, and it is now displayed in front of the Bai family! The Bai family was in Tongzhou City. Although they encountered some problems after taking over as the new city owner, generally speaking, there are still three pounds of iron to break the ship, so there is still some reputation.

After receiving this news, all the people in Tongzhou City, whether they were mortals or monks, gathered together.

The mortals are basically happy for the Bai family to be able to reach the murderers.

As for the monks, the mood is more complicated.

Because many monks already knew that the person who broke into the Bai family that night was Gu Weiting of the Gu family.

This kind of thing is no longer a secret.

Because of Gu Weiting's realm and the status of Gu's family, Tongzhou City did not dare to manage it, nor could it.

Therefore, many monks believe that the Bai family's dumb loss is determined.

Even at the very beginning, the Bai family was prepared to endure silently.

But no one expected that the matter had passed for a few days. The ancestors of the Bai family had not been buried yet. There was news that Gu Weiting had been arrested and still showing the crowd.

One stone stirred thousands of waves.

Some monks who thought about it even suspected that the Bai family ancestor had not been buried so far, just waiting to take the head of Gu Weiting to worship! Waiting for the open space in front of the Bai family's old house, I saw Gu Weiting, who was screaming high and hanging on the flagpole, and was screaming again and again with a whip, and all the crowds looked at him, his face pale.

awful! This is really miserable! Gu Weiting broke his leg, and there were several big holes in his body. His body was covered with blood and his clothes were ragged, but his face was clean and unblemished, just like he was afraid that others could not see who he was. .

What's more, the scream was deliberately amplified by loudspeaker array to increase the volume.

Every scream, I am afraid it can be heard clearly for dozens of miles away, not to mention enough to stop children crying late at night, even if it is an adult, it will have nightmares at night.

Some monks, seeing Gu Weiting's miserable situation at this time, were shocked and already guessed the purpose of this move.

Suddenly, my heart secretly sighed: "Black! It is too dark! This is to put Gu's face on the fire and roast it!"

As for Chu Yan meditating under the flagpole at this time, everyone present at the scene glanced at most, and saw that it was a realm of heaven's heart, that is, he was regarded as a new law enlisted by the Bai family, and then he did not pay much attention.

After all, no one connected Chu Yan's "heavy state of mind" with the powerful monk who could seize Gu Weiting.

They all believe that the Bai family has received strong aid, so it is so tough.

It is precisely because of this, that everyone is more looking forward to this time, wanting to see what kind of **** move the Bai family would cause Gu's reaction.

At this time, everyone whispered among the crowd, and there was a lot of discussion. Chu Yan seemed to meditate with his eyes closed, but the spread of his consciousness was monitoring everyone's actions at the scene.

Not only the mortals and monks who are more and more crowded in front of them.

Within a thousand miles, even if it was an alley, a tile, Chu Yan's consciousness never let go.

Some suspicious characters pay more attention to it.

To achieve this level, there is not much difficulty and pressure for Chu Yan nowadays, but it is just a little basic ability when it is about to move towards the triple heart of heaven, steadily purify the purple palace, and look forward to the real fairyland.

Soon, Chu Yan was in the crowd, locking a thief with a thief.

This monk is a territorial environment, mixed with the crowd, not conspicuous, even the kind that can be subconsciously ignored.

But Chu Yan used his powerful consciousness to clearly capture the anger that came out of his face and eyes when he saw Gu Weiting.

This is the expression of Gu family.

After a moment, the suspicious monk withdrew from the crowd and went directly outside the city.

After seeing no one on the left or right, he took out a piece of messenger grate, and excited his teeth.

"The Bai family dare to insult my people, insult me ​​Bai family, you must pay the price of blood!"

Seeing that Fulu turned into light and disappeared into his hands, the Gu family took a deep breath, and then turned around.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw a foot behind him, and a man stood.

The person appeared quietly and without warning.

The Gu family member was caught off guard and was suddenly scared that all his hair was standing up, subconsciously exclaimed: "Who are you!"

Without saying a word, the man raised his hand as a knife. In a flash, he pierced through the chest of the Bai family, and in the stunned expression of the Bai family, the spirit spread and stunned suddenly, bringing the guy from this place into the realm , Torn into a ball of **** mud.

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