Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1934: Many viewers

The time of the first day passed quickly.

Regarding Gu Weiting's arrest, the reaction of everyone in the same boat city was slightly beyond Chu Yan's expectations.

The number of mortals and monks who came to watch the crowd increased with time.

Moreover, the punishment for lashing three times in the morning, middle, and evening, even showed a clear meaning.

But Chu Yan soon wanted to understand.

Actually, everyone knows what Gu Weiting has done, and they are all daring to speak out.

The Bai family's move today is tantamount to saying a bad breath for them.

More importantly, it also solves the problems.

In the future, they no longer have to worry about this sad old man, rushing into their family or sect to do something.

But Chu Yan's expectation of "rational people" and "justice" did not appear on this day.

But since the Gu family members passed the news back this morning, the Gu family must have known about it now.

Next, it's up to Gu's family to respond.

"I didn't come on the first day, it was really breathtaking."

Chu Yan snorted.

In fact, in his mind, he hoped that Gu's family would shoot earlier.

The longer it was dragged on, it meant that Gu's thoughts were deep.

However, as Chu Yan often said.

What about then?

Yang Mou is now facing Gu's family.

They must pick it up.

And no matter how you pick it up, it's very hot.

What's more, Chu Yan did not put Bao Quan on Gu Weiting's introduction of Gu's shot.

A few days later, if your Gu family continued to pretend to die.

Then I will come to the door! The next day, there were still a large number of onlookers.

And the number is more than the previous day.

From the discussion of everyone, Chu Yan knew that the people who came to watch today are not only from the same boat city, but also from the nearby city and the sect gate.

The vast majority of them were robbed by Gu Weiting.

Today, just to witness his tragedy! "Gu Weiting, you have today!"

"You killed me and sent two deputies in charge. I didn't expect you to be retaliated!"

"Gu Weiting, slaying you with thousands of swords and destroying all souls and spirits, it is cheaper for you!"

"You scum, simply evil repair!"

"Sacrifice for the reputation of the Gu family, but now has become the Gu family abandoned child, you blame yourself!"

"Gu Weiting, the thirty-five dying tribes of the Wang family in the milling iron city, do you remember!"

"My Duxin School has always had a good relationship, but because you are staring at the inheritance exercises left by the ancestors, the result is that you have been seriously injured by the ruling. , I curse you forever and ever, and will be tortured today! "

Over time, more and more monks came to scold.

The crowd was filled with indignation.

Chu Yan was also an eye-opener.

Unexpectedly, there were so many Zongmen and family that were injured by Gu Weiting.

If it were not for Chu Yan's use of the array method as a barrier to block the crowds that were generally coming from the tide, I'm afraid Gu Weiting would have been shredded.

But at this moment, when looking at these angry monks, Chu Yan's mood became stranger.

In fact, it did not mean to despise the low-level monks.

Any senior monk, including Chu Yan himself, was promoted little by little from the real martial arts realm.

But you Gu Weiting, anyway, is also a guru with a triple mind.

How do you go about robbing and killing those families and sects that often don't even have a state of mind?

In this way, you are really infamous, and the benefits are not much.

Chu Yan raised his eyelids and glanced at Gu Weiting on the flagpole.

This man's complexion was also extremely unsightly at this time.

Chu Yan's cleansed face was cleaned with magical power. At this moment, because of his shame, it turned into a fuchsia, like an eggplant the size of a human head.

Chu Yan sneered twice in his heart: "In this way, Gu family hasn't come to save you yet?"

As soon as the words fell, Chu Yan suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Divine consciousness spread, and among the crowd, found a few days of mood.

These few days of state of mind, but did not stay here more, just looked in the crowd for a moment, then turned away.

But Chu Yan could clearly feel that these people fell in their own eyes.

Sen Leng, Bing Han, as if looking at a dead person.

These people looked at their eyes and did not make Chu Yan feel hatred.

Therefore, Chu Yan estimated that these celestial monks were probably not the Gu family.

Not being a family member of Gu family does not mean that it has nothing to do with Gu family.

These monks were either Gu's guardians or Gu's. They could find out if the master behind Chu Yan could be found.

After all, what Chu Yan is showing now is that he has one mind and one mind.

In this state, I am afraid that those who killed the Gu family would not believe it. It was Chu Yan who seriously injured Gu Weiting, and then hung it openly to provoke him.

In Gu's calculations, this young monk with a heavy state of mind is just a guise. Behind him, there must be a triple of state of mind! Separate strands of hearts and fall on these monks.

Because of the wide gap between the consciousness and the mental state of these few days, there is no awareness of Chu Yan's lock at this moment.

Their eyes were cold, they crossed Chu Yan, and after a few glances at the Baijia Mansion, they left in different directions.

A total of four people went to four different houses in the same boat city.

It can be seen that they are still more cautious.

These four houses are all in the old city and are not too far from the Bai family.

"Is it tonight?"

Chu Yan guessed.

The next day passed quickly.

Gu family still no one appeared.

However, the news of Gu Weiting's arrest has spread to several surrounding big cities at this moment.

Even Xiaozongmen, who was thousands of miles away, was approached overnight, just to swear at Gu Weiting.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan was more determined in his heart to pay the blood price of Gu's family.

Not only for the Bai family ancestors and Huang Ze, but also for these ancestors and families.

At night, the crowd of people who watched the Guardian did not decrease significantly compared to the day.

But at this time, those who stayed here were basically monks from around.

As for the local mortals and monks in Tongzhou City, most of them have already gone back.

The Bai family released the news today. The idea is that five days later, the public beheaded the evil repair Gu Weiting to sacrifice the ancestors and Huang Hufa and the spirits of the monks who died in the hands of Gu Weiting.

So the monks who stayed here at this time were all waiting for the arrival of that day, so they could watch the moment when Gu Weiting was beheaded.

These monks, using their own magic weapons, illuminated the open space in front of the Baijia old house as bright as the day.

Five days is not long for monks.

Most people are meditating in situ at this moment, waiting for the next dawn, when they can see the lashing penalties that they like to hear.

When the moon hung high in the middle of the sky, Chu Yan's consciousness captured that the four heavenly mind monks who left during the day left from their respective houses and came in the direction of the Baijia old house.

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