Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1940: Then I will go in


"It's a **** attack!"

"How is this possible!"

"This man's consciousness is so strong!"

With a cry of exclamation, it was completely unrepressible, and came out of the building, with a tone of horror that was hard to conceal.

But soon after, these voices were stopped.

As for talking about Chu Yan and talking with Chu Yan, the Gu family certainly didn't dare.

The consciousness attack can only be resisted unless there is a special magic weapon.

Gu family, there is no such treasure.

The meaning of Chu Yan's remarks was naturally to let Gu's patriarch go and talk to him.

But the head of the Gu family knew very well that once he showed up, he would definitely end up just like the elder.

In front of him, how ruthless the young monk started, he had already heard through the people in Tongzhou City.

But now, they really do not have a good way to deal with each other.

The news of asking for help has been released, but the time has passed so long and no response has been received.

Thinking of this, the head of the Gu family was so angry that he could smash the stone pillar in front of him.

Obviously, the news that Gu Weiting was arrested has been known to the families who asked for help.

Now they are not sending people, they are watching.

After all, the monk who helped the Bai family this time, in just three days, has already slashed several opponents with triple minds, and each time, it was directly beheaded, so that it would not be left behind.

A family like them, even if there is only one heavenly mind triple, it is also the pillar of the family.

Therefore, those families dare not bet on the race.

"These guys are called brothers and brothers on weekdays. At the critical moment, there is no one who can help!"

Thinking of this, the head of the Gu family was even more ashamed, and what he really showed was incompetent anger.

He turned to look at the people behind him.

Most people of this tribe have been arranged into the secret passage of the family at this time, and they can be transferred at any time.

At this time, the monks who stayed in this ancestral temple were all monks with more than two levels, which is the core of the family.

At a glance, there are more than ten monks in the state of mind.

But in his heart, he was still panicking. He always felt that more than ten days of mood, in front of the other party, was also given in vain.

After all, it was a guy who beheaded Heaven ’s state of mind three times and did n’t even have a breathing effort.

"Could it be the patriarch who came forward for the Bai family?"

When the thought went like this, Gu's family head shuddered.

"Patriarch, are we just looking at it like this?"

At this time, a guardian said with a rough throat.

Several other days of mind protection were also frowned.

"Why don't you let others read our Gu family's joke!"

"If you don't remove this person today, there will be endless troubles in the future!"

Another person said: "This time, we got the news in advance before we could use the large defensive formation to block this person out.

After that?

You can't keep the defensive array open all the time, everyone will not go out in this life. "

"This matter must be paid at the bottom of the pot today and solved at once, not only this monk, including the Bai family, but also smoothed out!"

There was a lot of discussion, and the words were full of indignation.

In fact, these principles are understood by Gu's elders, and they even thought of them earlier.

Seeing that everyone was getting louder, Gu Family frowned, raising his finger to the front.

Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, and all of a sudden shut up.

The head of the Gu family was referring to the body of the elder just now.

The corpse was still hot at the moment, aura and blood spewed out of the tattered head, and at the moment they all formed a small river of blood on the outside square.

Seeing the corpse, everyone suddenly couldn't help trembling.

God attacked, everyone knew what was going on.

But to the extent that the consciousness is so powerful, it is really unheard of.

"Is this guy really the weight of heaven's state of mind ..." Someone just asked this sentence and was scolded by the people next to him: "Aren't you nonsense! How could it be that heaven's heart is heavy, this fellow must be hiding the state ! "

"Well, is that the Purple Mansion?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone at the scene was quiet again.

But this time, the head of the Gu family denied it.

"This person is definitely not the power of Zifu.

If it is— ”The head of the Gu family tried to squeeze out a soothing smile and reached out [Biquge 520www.biquge520.co] that colorful defense array:“ If it ’s really the realm of purple palace, he will hesitate before?

I'm afraid that the colorful array has been broken long ago. Come in.

He didn't do it now, naturally because he was incapable of breaking the line, so he didn't shoot.

Let's be restless, and wait for the monks from the supported families to arrive. We will fight back and forth. We can definitely slay this person here to eliminate worries! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone blinked and nodded secretly, only to feel that the patriarch made sense.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly relaxed a little.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise outside.

The sound was like a thousand bells ringing in shock.

In the air, there were even ripples visible to the naked eye, shaking the walls and stone pillars of the ancestral temple where everyone was trembling.

"what happened?"

The people were horrified and looked up to the sky.

Suddenly, they saw a bright red blood flame above the head, outside the formation, slowly dispersing.

"This guy is attacking the formation!"

There was a cry of exclamation among the crowd.

The shout was suddenly like a loud slap in the face of Gu Family Chief, making his cheeks hurt.

I just said that the other party did not dare to break the line, but the other party started.

Did the other party hear it?

However, at this time, the head of the Gu family did not care whether Chu Yan really heard what he had just said.

He hurriedly looked up at this moment, his eyes staring nervously toward the colorful sky above him.

Seeing that the formation was not damaged, a message came from within the family, stating that the formation was not damaged by the impact just now, and he was relieved.

But immediately, Chu Yan's snorting came from midair.

"Think of hiding in this turtle shell, you can sit back and relax?"

Gu family members, a group of people, and guardians, seeing this scene, thought he was going to retreat due to difficulties.

But at the next moment, they saw that Chu Yan lifted up with one hand, and a ray of thunder, accompanied by the dark clouds, weighed down.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth seemed to be brought together, and it was attributed to chaos.

In the dark clouds, with the thunder of the size of countless wellheads constantly shining, at the same time came the roar as if the river was rushing.

A piece of oppression, like hundreds of thousands and millions of soldiers and horses, is constantly gathering in the air.

The black cloud kept sinking, and the eight wastelands and six folds all blew violent winds, and the world suddenly changed color, giving people a horror of disaster coming and the death of souls.

In the Gu family ancestral hall, everyone's face became extremely ugly at this time, and a heart almost stopped beating.

At this moment, Chu Yan's voice fell from midair into their ears.

This is the last word they want to hear.

"Since you refuse to come out, then I will go in."

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