Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1941: Patriarch's perfect plan

Chu Yan's words came into everyone's ears, and suddenly let their teeth clenched, but they were helpless.

The elders of the Gu family before were the lesson.

Whoever goes out, will take on a wave of consciousness attacks from the other party.

Although the crowd flocked up, they still had a chance to kill each other.

But the person hit by the other's consciousness attack was definitely killed on the spot.

And Gu family head has a hunch.

If everyone in the ancestral hall is killed together now, he will definitely be the one attacked by the Divine Consciousness.

So this command, he really could not speak.

Coupled with the supernatural power that Chu Yan showed at the moment, they also made them very horrified.

Is this a monk with a heavy heart?

Is this still a monk?

Seeing everyone's eyes, they were looking at themselves in amazement at the moment. Gu's head felt numbness in his scalp, and his throat was dry. Opened to the maximum, even if it is a monk in the Purple Mansion, it is impossible to break through in a moment and a half ... "

There are a lot of monks here, and the realm ranges from the first to the third level of the state of mind, but this moment at the same time produces a feeling of great difficulty.

Seeing the large array of colorful glow, at this moment, it slowly sags, and everyone's heart can't help but be stunned.

This-really stop it?

"Bi Yue ghost torrent!"

Chu Yan's five fingers turned into claws and pushed down.

Bang! Above the sky, the billowing clouds suddenly turned into a pale blue flood, and turned violently, towards the bottom, and suddenly collapsed.

Wow! In the next moment, a large array of colorful glow will be covered.

The mighty flood is like the sky dome is broken.

The colorful multi-faceted array, as the skeleton chief said, was indeed enough to resist the blow from the Purple House.

But Purple House is also divided into three.

Although Chu Yan has not yet been promoted to Zifu, his strength is, to a certain extent, even higher than that of half-step Zifu! At this moment, the magic power of the Sage of the Stygian is running and directly crushed.

The large array of colorful glow suddenly sags downwards, as if the monks of the Gu family kept sinking.

For a while, the formation was still struggling and not damaged, but the surrounding buildings that were not enveloped by the formation were destroyed in an instant and turned into flat ground.

After receiving the news that Chu Yan had come to Gu's family, the head of the Gu family immediately gathered all the clan members and guardians according to the previous preparations.

Then use the colorful array to cover the most important area for the family in the center of the ancestral hall.

It's not practical to use a formation like this to cover the entire family's territory.

The larger the coverage of the formation, the weaker the formation will be.

And the larger the range of the formation, the more talents it consumes.

In the case of stability, the head of the Gu family felt that it was enough to cover the ancestral hall and an important area around it.

Now seeing the scene in front of him, his heart is very complicated.

On the one hand, I was glad to be wise at the time.

If at that time the coverage was expanded a little, I am afraid that this colorful and vast array would have been crushed long ago.

On the other hand, it is anxiety. Under the powerful magical bombardment, how long can the colorful multi-faceted array be able to support.

In fact, the colorful array is divided into two positions.

An array is hidden in a secret place of Gu's family, among which is the formation of the formation.

The other position is only the size of a slap, but it can only be used to observe the status of the formation, but it cannot operate the formation.

At this time, what was hidden in the head of the Gu family was this small market.

While other people's attention was on the sunken colorful array, the patriarch quickly looked towards the small array in his arms.

At this glance, he almost jumped in place! Judging from the situation on the small array, the consumption of magic materials at this time is tens of times faster than when it is normally opened! At this moment, the consumption of precious materials has been approaching 20%! In a very intuitive way, the consumption of 10% of precious materials is almost equal to all the income of Gu's family for five years! At this moment, these few breathing efforts, the other party consumed the entire Gu family's ten years of harvest! The head of the Gu family was shocked and heartbroken.

Where did this monster come from! What kind of person did Gu Weiting's old goods provoke! You are dead soon, and there is no need to cause such a great disaster to the family! At this time, not only the head of the Gu family, all the family members of Gu's family, guardians, etc., seeing this situation, they were already unable to suppress it, and began to blame Gu Weiting for it. Approved by the Gu family, in the past ten years, he also plundered many treasures and exercises for the Gu family.

"Fortunately, my Gu family is strong enough."

Gu family elder, comforted himself at the moment.

"So far, only 20% has been consumed.

And this monk, with Reiki running, should also be close to exhaustion, reaching the end of the strong crossbow.

We have so many days of heart, we only need to kill them at the moment when his aura is exhausted, there is definitely an opportunity to kill him on the spot! "

With such thoughts in mind, the ancestors of Gu's family felt that this plan was feasible and without flaws. It was the best method at present.

So immediately, he spread his voice and told his plan to everyone behind him.

These monks naturally looked after the head of the family, Ma Shou.

All responded at the moment.

But everyone is dispatched together, that is not necessary.

Among the ancestral shrines, including the head of the Gu family, there are a total of 17 Tianxin monks.

The Gu family elder excluded himself and sent twelve Tianxin monks to fly under the rays of the formation first, waiting for the moment when the other party was exhausted.

The remaining five psychic monks, including him, responded in the ancestral hall.

The monks present also understood that the other party was powerful, and this was the only chance at this time, so be prepared immediately.

Twelve Heavenly Heart monks, six Heavenly Hearts doubled, and six Heavenly Hearts doubled, flying together in the air, paying attention to the changes in the formation of light.

The formation can block the magical bombardment, but there is no way to stop the loud noise produced by the bombardment.

At this time, the sound of heaven and earth continued to crack, almost all the buildings in Gu ’s family were shattered and the ground was torn apart, as if they would collapse at any time.

These monks, at this moment, concentrating and calming down, exerting their powers, stabilizing their minds, and waiting patiently.

The head of the Gu family is in the ancestral hall, and is in charge of everything.

His eyes were fixed on the small array in his hand.

I just said the plan and arranged for everyone for a while, and the array showed that the consumption of precious materials in the colorful array has reached 50%! Calculated, it is the total income of Gu's 25 years! Although the head of the Gu family is very distressed, at this moment, things are also completely moving in the direction he expected: the speed of the formation of magic materials is slowing down at an obvious speed.

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