Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1942: Dozens more powerful than expected

Seeing that the rate of consumption of Baocai slowed down more and more, the cold smile on the face of Gu Family's head grew stronger.

If it is seen by an uninformed person, I am afraid that this is the benefit of Gu's family. "Wait until your aura is exhausted is your death time!"

The Gu family chief gritted his teeth and said, "After you, it is the Bai family. I want it to die, and to bury my family members who died in the Gu family!"

The voice of Gu's family head was also reached in the air at this time, and was heard by the clan and the guardian who were ready to go.

Everyone held the magic weapon one by one and prepared.

For a moment, in the midair, Baoguang was vomiting, as if the sun and the moon were in the air, and it was so powerful that it almost broke into the void.

At this time, Chu Yan's palms were still under pressure outside the vast array of colors.

Above the sky, a vortex with a diameter of more than a thousand miles appeared at the moment.

The turbulent floods kept pouring down.

Chu Yan's aura is endless, and there is no sign of exhaustion.

The only difference from the beginning is that the force of depression at this time has gradually stabilized.

In doing so, it was not that Chu Yan pressured not to cross this multicolored sky, but just just now, he used his right hand to perform magical powers, and his left hand five fingers shot Dao Aura in the air.

It didn't take long for this colorful pattern to appear in front of him.

This kind of formation method, if it is just Chu Yan who has just started to practice positions, will definitely find it obscure and difficult to understand. If you want to crack it, you have no idea where to start.

But for today's Chu Yan, the reason why this formation can resist one's magical power is entirely because the treasures used in the formation are of high enough quality and sufficient number.

If it is higher than the depth, it is far inferior to the layout he has set for Xingxin Island.

With a quick glance, the consciousness is running fast, and it takes a lot of effort. The range of power that this method can withstand has been clearly outlined in Chu Yan's heart.

"Ha ha."

He sneered, slowly slowing the magical oppression while turning his left hand.

Suddenly, the Taiko demon soul flag held in the palm.

The flag waved.

Immediately, in the air, a portal appeared.

Each of these portals is as high as seven or eight floors, revealing an extremely cruel and brutal attitude.

The blood on the surface was filled with light, and it made people look at first glance, only to feel that the sky was one after another, and dozens of rounds of the sun appeared.

Taikoo demon soul flag waved again.

These portals are opened together.

In an instant, the mighty demon clan erupted, bursting out of the world's shouting and killing sound, pouring out of it, towards the colorful multicolored array below, like a pillar of sky, straight down.

At the same time, Chu Yan took away the supernatural powers.

He has just passed the formation, and has estimated that his magical power has consumed about half of the treasures of this formation.

If you continue to consume supernatural powers, after a while, you can naturally break through.

But at this time, use the Taiko demon soul flag to directly suppress the demon soul army, then you can break the battle instantly! Just as Chu Yan withdrew his aura, a thick elite appeared in the eyes of the patriarch of the Gu family ancestral temple.

At this moment, it was like someone who was waiting hard for the dawn, and finally waited for the glimmer of morning light.

His facial features were even distorted by excitement, his mouth opened, and a roar broke out: "It is now!"

In midair, the twelve monks drank together, looked up, and they saw that the torrent was weakening, and even the midday sun became clear.

The magic weapon in the hands of the people is more radiant. Under the glorious hope of the head of the Gu family, the spirits of the people are running, they will rush out and seize this fleeting opportunity ... but at this time, some people suddenly feel a bit wrong.

For a while, when the torrent was pouring, only a large and small voice was approaching quickly, and the flag was shaking like a battle on the battlefield.

When I looked up again, I saw a whirlwind of evil spirits, such as the flames of fire and flames, and the meteorite falling, crashing down.

"This is--" The monk's eyes instantly widened, and his pupils were imprinted with boundless and enchanted ghosts.

Next moment, bang! The colorful and expansive array was suddenly broken down.

The terrible shock turned into a wave, directly shattering the surrounding void.

The monk who just made a sound is under this army of demon souls.

In the moment he touched, he was directly bombarded into minced meat slurry and burst into the air.

The converging army of demons and souls penetrated the colorful array, like a giant pillar, inserted straight into Gu's territory.

Rippling ripples, a spread.

Suddenly, the surrounding buildings were all broken.

The Gu family ancestral temple was not spared, and was broken into countless pieces directly.

But before it collapsed, it just collapsed, and another giant pillar formed by the army of demon souls descended from the sky.

Wow! The giant pillar hole penetrated the colorful array, and at the same time, the light film of the entire array was shocked to be cracked.

This pillar directly bombarded the three monks in the air into the ground without even a sound.

The violent shock even caused the collapsed Gu Family Ancestral Hall to explode into powder.

Bang-Bang! In the Gu family ancestral hall, except for the few remaining celestial mood monks, all the other primitive realms, in a flash, disintegrated, exploded, and turned into rolling plasma, spouting in all directions.

"What, what the **** is this!"

The head of the Gu family was panicked, his voice changed, his eyes and faces were all filled with disbelief.

This is-a nightmare! boom! But waiting for him to fully accept this reality, the third root, the fourth root ... The giant pillars formed by dozens of demon soul army, as if it were raindrops.

Every time, the ground undulated and collapsed.

All the Gu family buildings above were shattered, turned into sky dust, and soared into the sky.

More than a dozen monks in the air have long disappeared.

They couldn't even resist, they were bombarded into flesh and blood.

The terrible shock seemed to be falling apart, covering a thousand miles.

In this range, all the buildings in the family of Gu's family are like being photographed by the palm of the god, and they are all turned into flat ground.

The rolling waves set off the height of the ten-story building and turned into a huge circle, rushing out towards the surroundings.

Most members of the Gu family didn't even have time to react to what happened, and they were shocked to death.

At the moment, there are only a few people including the patriarch.

At this moment, the patriarch was completely dumbfounded, and the whole person seemed to have become an idiot, hovering in the air, and his breathing stopped.

Chu Yan himself was also very surprised by the power of Taikoo Demon Soul Banner.

Originally I just wanted to burst the colorful array in a flash.

How did the result suddenly bring the formation to the Gu family?

The power seems to be dozens of times greater than imagined?

wrong! Chu Yan immediately rejected this idea.

Because he already wanted to understand what was going on.

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