Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1943: Beg

Taikoo Demon Soul Banner is made for Hei Peng Great Saint, indeed it is very strong.

But the magic weapon is one thing.

One more important aspect is that Chu Yan has also achieved a significant improvement in strength than when he obtained this treasure at the time.

There is no strongest magic weapon, only stronger monks.

The same magic weapon, used when it was obtained a year ago, is now different from the current one year later, and its power is naturally different.

Under the impact of this moment, a family with more than twenty days of mood was almost completely destroyed! Chu Yan couldn't help but be stunned.

"It seems a bit ... too much force?"

Chu Yan watched as the army crossed the border, rushing towards the dust in the distance, could not help murmuring to himself.

"I want you to die!"

At this moment, a red light, accompanied by a wailing hiss, sounded in Chu Yan's ear.

This red light, like the sharpness of the sword's cutting edge, suddenly appeared before Chu Yan's throat.

Chu Yan's eyes dropped, and a thunderous light came out of Zhangkou. With a bang, Dangkong shattered the red awn.

"A lot of gas!"

The voice sounded again.

Uh, uh, uh, uh! Suddenly, more than ten figures appeared above Chu Yan.

Every figure is exactly the same, facing Chu Yan at the moment, glaring at him, his eyes full of endless anger.

Chu Yan sneered.

He recognized at a glance that this person was the only one of Gu family's offerings.

Unexpectedly, the other party hadn't been shocked to death, but also attacked himself.


Obviously, there is also a mortal heart in this worship. At this moment, there is no reservation. The whole body aura continues like a high tide. There are dozens of figures, all raising their hands together, and a circle of aperture in the size of a washbasin appears in the palm of the hand.

In the aperture, Dao Dao is filled with mysterious textures, highlighting it, dazzling light, condensing into a beam of light cannons, and then shooting towards Chu Yan.

"Ten thunder and thunder!"

Chu Yan snorted coldly and waved his hand directly.

Click! The sky shook and there was a loud roar, so that the dozen or so incarnations of this offering were all shaking together.

At the next moment, a flash of lightning came down from the sky, with a big kill, a big decisiveness, and a big annihilation.

This time when the worship did not respond at all, it was incarnations one after another, which were penetrated by thunder light one after another and ripped into pieces.

Of these more than ten incarnations, there is naturally an ontology.

The body saw thunder light coming, exclaimed, hands folded, in a moment, took out more than ten pieces of defensive magic, and raised it above his head.

Leiguang was like a fierce long whip, wrapped in the air, smashing the power of crushing the sun, moon and stars, and all of these defensive magic weapons were exploded at once.

The power of terror suddenly suppressed the offering.

The enshrined eyes were wide-eyed, the eyes were full of panic, and the [新 笔 趣 阁 www.biqule.co] slammed with a bang, bursting into flames, turning into countless blood spots, and bursting away towards the surroundings.

Chu Yan hovered in midair, his eyes cold, and looked down.

In his sight, the head of Gu's family seemed to have been tens of years old and had black hair. This moment became gray, and the whole person gave a kind of energy and droop. The old man, the feeling of the wind and candles.

This reaction is also normal.

A few days ago, Gu's family was still struggling, and as a hegemon, no one was afraid.

But after Chu Yan appeared, until now, less than half an hour, the entire Gu family was almost wiped out.

All the tribes were divided into three groups under his arrangement before.

One set is the highest fighting power of the family, staying in the ancestral hall, and fighting with Chu Yan.

The result was almost completely destroyed, and even most people failed to meet Chu Yan.

Even death, do not know how to die.

The second is to hide in the back room of Gu Family.

These people are dominated by Gu's deacons and young adults, and are also the group with the largest number of Gu's families.

As a result, Tianzhu, almost condensed by the army of demon souls, was alive and dead.

Now if the secret room is opened, it is absolutely full of flesh and blood, and even a large piece of meat may not be found.

The only thing that counts as good luck is the third group of people who survived.

This group of people is a younger generation of Gu family.

The night before, he had arranged for these people, led by a few deacons, to leave the family territory and go to a refuge.

The original plan was just in case.

In this way, the Gu family can also leave blood and hope for a future rise.

It's just that the head of the Gu family didn't expect it at all. In case, it really happened! At this moment, he has a feeling of despair.

Slowly raised his head, his turbid eyes, looked towards Chu Yan in the air.

Then he took a deep breath and, under Chu Yan's gaze, thumped and knelt to the ground, tears in his arms.

"I am willing to die, begging adults to spare Gu's last bloodline."

"When Gu Weiting killed others, others asked him like this."

Chu Yan said lightly.

"But I never let him kill anyone!"

The Gu family head repeatedly shouted injustice.

He knew that at this time, quibbling about the relationship between Gu Jia and Gu Weiting would only irritate each other completely.

Since the other party came to the door today, naturally it is clear why.

At this moment, he can only hope to use his own life in exchange for Gu family's chance of surviving only the blood.

Gu's intestines are regretful.

I already knew that today, why did he agree to Gu Weiting's request.

During these ten years, Gu Weiting secretly collected a batch of treasures and exercises for the Gu family.

But what was buried today is the accumulation of the Gu family for thousands of years! Now more likely to be annihilated! As soon as he thought about this, Gu's family leader suddenly blew his blood, and his throat was sweet, and with a puff, a blood arrow spurted out, and the whole person's breath suddenly collapsed.

"It's no use pretending to be pitiful now."

Chu Yan sneered, "When you kill someone, you must have the consciousness of being killed."

The Bai family was killed by Gu Weiting, so I promised the Bai family that I would take two hundred lives of your Gu family to fill. "

"Two or two hundred?"

Gu Family's eldest son was agitated, looking blankly around.

There are ruins on all sides, broken walls, and smoke billowing.

The Gu family who died is more than two hundred?

Two thousand are far more than that! Tens of thousands of people are now alive, I am afraid there are hundreds of them! puff! Suddenly, Gu's elder spit out another blood.

Although he was indignant in his heart, he dared not say anything at this moment and dared not do anything.

Fearing that his expression was wrong, he let the other party completely cut Gu's blood.

"I know that your Gu family has already given away some of the younger generation's secrets."

Chu Yan sneered at this moment, "I want to let them go."


Gu family head was surprised and happy.

"Take your life and the lives of the two ancestors of your family."

Chu Yan said lightly.

As soon as the words came out, the head of Gu's family turned from white to gray.

Gu family juniors haven't grown up yet.

According to his original idea, even if he died, but the two ancestors with a higher level and stronger strength are still there, then the juniors will have blessings.

And now, the other party has to be cut off even the ancestor, so even if he let go of the Gu family junior today, but those families and sects who have hatred with the Gu family, may be able to let go of these Gu family blood!

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