Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1944: One knife at a time ...

The Gu family acted arrogantly and arrogantly as a relative of the royal family.

Later, even though the situation changed and it was a bit convergent, some things in the bone could not be changed.

Otherwise, this time will not happen.

Therefore, everyone in the Gu family also understands that those families and sects do not hate Gu family.

But Gu family has status and strength, they can not afford.

There are six heavens on the bright side of the family, and more than twenty secretly.

Although there is a situation where the green and yellow are not connected, as far as the high-end combat power is concerned, I am afraid that many Xinjiang ancestors are greatly inferior.

This is Gu's arrogance.

But now, Gu's high-end combat power is almost wiped out in an instant.

The rest of the young generation who have not yet grown up, let alone the tigers with no teeth, in front of the family and the sect, I am afraid that they are like ants and hay.

They want to retaliate, it is not too easy.

As for whether they will retaliate, this question does not need to be considered at all.

Absolutely! Anyone who beats down the water dog will do it as long as he is an individual.

What's more, it was still the family and sect that had been oppressed by the Gu family.

The elders of Gu's family had tears in their tears and their lips twitched. They wanted to beg and Chu Yan could open up.

Because once the ancestors were beheaded, the Gu family, with the people who survived, was basically no different from the genocide.

But he hadn't spoken yet, a sigh came from behind him.

The patriarch shuddered suddenly.

At the next moment, a man and a woman, two figures, appeared behind the head of Gu family.

Although they are the ancestors of Gu's family, the men and women seem to be younger than Gu's elder.

At this moment, the head of the Gu family's blood was defeated, and his heart was shaking. It looked like a gray-haired, sparse, wrinkled face. Eighty-nine-year-old man, even on his cheeks, had age spots on his face.

And the two ancestors of a man and a woman, the man looks in his forties, the woman is even younger, more than thirty.

As for that woman, it is another ancestor of Gu Family who has a hidden triple-hearted state of mind, who can only step into the Purple Mansion by one step.

But Chu Yan also knows that the strength of this ancestor is actually lower than the realm.

After all, it was piled up with pill medicine, which is still a little worse than solidly strengthening the foundation and practicing.

And Chu Yan himself is an example of a steady fight.

It's just that this example is too much to lay a solid foundation.

Compared to the patriarch who seemed to be a dying person at this moment, these two ancestors looked much calmer.

Only in the depths of the eyes, there was a trace of loneliness.

"Is this adult really unwilling to give my Gu family a trace of life?"

The middle-aged ancestor said.

Chu Yan coldly said: "When Gu Weiting killed, he never thought of giving others a way to live."

The ancestor said aloud, knowing that it would be useless to continue, so he stopped talking.

And the female ancestor, with deep eyes, looked to Chu Yan: "If you insist on us dying, then I have to make a request. As the ancestor of the family, I will not sit still at any time."


Chu Yan nodded, "Come one by one, or you go together."

Although he didn't have any dirty words, Chu Yan's attitude and words at the moment made the two ancestors present clenched their fists together, and their teeth were all broken.

"Since you agree, it is naturally a fair battle, I will come first."

The male ancestor stepped forward.

"Yeah, a fair wheel fight."

Chu Yan sneered.

He was damaged by another sentence, and this male patriarch's cheeks could not help being hot for a while.

But at this time, it was a matter of survival of himself and his family, and he could not ignore Chu Yan's ridicule.

"Here, I am in the name of Gu's ancestor ..." "Noisy."

Chu Yan stepped forward and raised his arm, "Taiyi Lihuodao!"

Sigh! The light blade flashed, elongated, and beheaded.

This male ancestor was suddenly split in half and was immediately engulfed in flames.

Chu Yan stood down and turned his head to look at the female ancestor: "Next."

be quiet.

The scene fell into deathly silence.

The ancestor of the female ancestor didn't even react in a moment.

Originally she was still waiting for the male ancestor, she could fight Chu Yan.

Then she was there to find some of Chu Yan's flaws so that she could find opportunities for herself.

But who knows, before the male ancestors finished speaking, the magic weapon and magical power hadn't had time to be revealed, so they were cut off by Chu Yan.

There was only one head left at the moment, still holding the surprised look before dying, falling down from the air, stopping on the ground for a few laps.

The Gu family chief spit out the third bite of blood today, and collapsed into a languor.

The old woman took a deep breath and tried to stabilize her emotions.

But at this moment, her trembling hands still betrayed her heart.

"If I die in battle, will you really let go of the rest of my Gu family?"

She gritted her teeth and asked.

"Why don't you think about it, if you kill me, both of you will continue to live."

Chu Yan said coldly.

"My family, I have never offended you in the past ..." "Ancestor Bai and Huang Ze have never offended you."

Chu Yan frowned, his palms exploded.

"Beichen Constellation Dafa!"

Before that moment, his palms seemed to tear down the Milky Way in the sky.

At noon, the sunlight was shining as if it had gone away.

On the ruined ground, a blue light rose.

But how can the pearl of rice be able to compete with the stars.

Almost instantly, the cyan light was crushed and engulfed.

Soon after, in the sky flying back, Chu Yan held three human heads.

They are the Gu family head and two ancestors.

As for the other people ... Chu Yan originally hoped that he could take three hundred heads back to the ancestral hall of the Bai family for worship.

However, his consciousness probed carefully.

In advance, he did not expect that the power of the Taiko demon soul flag, now displayed in his own hands, would have such terrifying power.

Gu family members can find it within a thousand miles, whether it is the Gu family, or the guardian, guest, etc., all are plasma.

Almost at the moment when the demon soul fell to the ground, it was shattered alive.

So there is no way, Chu Yan can only go back with the three most important heads.

As for the family of Gu's family, it is like a wave of solidified magma at this time, layer by layer, it looks like a purgatory.

Fold the void and fly for a while.

Chu Yan came and went, and did not spend a few hours in total.

Departing at noon, when returning, the sunset was slowly sinking.

Seeing the return of Chu Yan, everyone at the scene, whether it was the Bai family or the monks onlookers, and the city lord of Tongzhou City, who was waiting for the place, suddenly revived and greeted them.

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