Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1945: Slash the enemy, sacrifice the ancestor

Tongzhou City is far away from Gu's home.

Therefore, what happened to Gu's family today has not yet been known to the people in the city.

But at this time when Chu Yan came back, he raised his hand and threw himself into the room, a violent, **** atmosphere surging, everyone immediately understood that Chu Yan was probably done.

Since being put down, Gu Weiting, who was kneeling on the ground, saw three heads in Chu Yan's hands at the first sight after Chu Yan returned.

At a glance, his heart seemed to be gripped by an invisible big hand.

Inside the throat, a hoarse and unpleasant voice was made: "This is impossible!"

It was just that Chu Yan closed his throat. At this time, these four words were just intermittent growls.

But Gu Weiting's reaction was actually seen by everyone.

He was like a wild beast, struggling to get up from the ground and pounce on Chu Yan.

But just as soon as he moved, he was pulled down to the ground with a white whip, and a blood spattered on his back.

But Gu Weiting still raised his head stubbornly, staring at Chu Yan.

The hatred and resentment in those eyes, as if they had spent ten or twenty lives, could not be forgotten.

Chu Yan glanced at the other side and threw the three heads in front of Gu Weiting.

"Gu family head, two ancestors."

Chu Yan said lightly.

Gu Weiting shivered frantically, his breath was short, and turned to stare at these three heads, as if he wanted to distinguish whether the three fresh heads were real.

The scene, at this time, fell into silence.

After a short time, Bai Ju took a deep breath and said to Chu Yan: "The guru can kill these three people, and the Bai family is grateful ..." But before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Chu Yan. .

"These are only three heads that can be brought back."

Chu Yan waved his hand.

Everyone present heard what he said.

Bai Ju asked curiously: "What about the rest of Gu's family?"

"Except for a few hundred juniors who were transported away early, everything else was broken."

Chu Yan understated the authenticity.

If the scene was quiet before, now, the scene is silent.

Everyone thought for the first time that they had heard it wrong.

In just a few hours, the Gu family was wiped out after counting the time spent on the road?

Gu family has a deep background! Gu family itself also has strong strength! Bai Ju, Bai Xiuxiu, and all the Bai family members naturally believed in Chu Yan's words.

The lord of Tongzhou City, after a little pondering, stepped forward with a smile and said, "This time the Master is able to avenge our hatred for the Bai Family in Tongzhou City, and our Master's House also expresses its gratitude to the Master.

I just do n’t know if the guru has been hindered in this process.

If anything, I hope that our main city can also contribute to it. "

His words seemed to be showing off, but in fact, he was suspicious of Chu Yan's extermination of Gu's family.

As for whether Chu Yan was obstructed, he was trying.

What the city master thought at the moment was the same as many monks on the scene thought.

That is, Gu family is in the area where they are, and there must be a good family.

Those families will watch the Gu family be destroyed?

The City Lord's warm smile at the moment, waiting for Chu Yan's answer.

Chu Yan looked at him sideways: "Your city's main palace is the biggest support for me this time to make a turtle with its head down."

In a word, the town owner's face was blue and white, but he did not dare to attack.

The realm of Chu Yan is there.

A few days ago, Chu Yan's state of mind was threefold, as if it was as easy as pinching an ant, he also saw it in his eyes.

Moreover, this time the Bai family was robbed, and their city's main palace did not help, it was he who took advantage of it.

Otherwise, the city owner would not send people at that time. After the few sneak attacking monks were beheaded, they made a special trip to show their favor.

At this time Chu Yan was ironic, and he could only keep his promise.

The Gu family with the status of a relative of the royal family, and the Gu family with a lot of heavenly moods, were wiped out with their hands raised.

He is such a city owner, and he is not a city owner of any big city.

It is estimated that in the other person's eyes, even an ant's leg is not as good.

At this moment in my mind, the city master suddenly felt tingling scalp.

Fortunately, Chu Yan seemed to be too lazy to care about "little people" like him.

This made the city owner feel very happy.

I also made up my mind.

At this moment, let the city's main palace prepare various benefits, reward the Bai family, and give the Bai family enough convenience, so that the Bai family can develop and grow at the fastest speed.

The Threshold is an accident.

This time, the city's government chose Mingzhe to protect himself by mistake.

"Such mistakes can never be made for the third time!"

In the heart of the city lord, vowed secretly.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that he would be gone for no reason.

Following the handling of the matter, Chu Yan gave it all to the Bai family.

The death of the Gu family head and the two ancestors made the last hope in Gu Weiting's heart completely extinguished.

And since the Gu family is all gone, there is no need for Gu Weiting to stay until the seven days set before beheading.

So now under the spectator of the crowd and under the witness of the city master of Tongzhou, the Bai family Chang Baiju decapitated Gu Weiting for the ancestral family ancestor and protector, as well as the family and Zongmen monk who had been humiliated and killed by Gu Weiting. Qiu.

At the moment when Gu Weiting separated, the scene shouted like a tsunami.

Those monks who deliberately came from far away, this time was excited with red eyes.

Many people even burst into tears and knelt in the direction of their families or sect gates.

Obviously, the vast majority of monks never thought about it, Gu Weiting would really be caught and beheaded.

But today, their hatred finally got rewarded. For Chu Yan and Bai Family, they were all very grateful.

Bai Ju held Gu Weiting's head and walked around in the crowd. After everyone saw it, he took three other heads and returned to the Baijia inner hall, placing the four heads on the Baijia old man. Ancestor's table.

In fact, Chu Yan's impression of the Bai family ancestors is not bad, even because the other party once admired the feat of blocking the monster beast siege.

But from this matter, including the Bai family's current situation, Chu Yan also deeply realized that the realm and strength are the foundation for a monk's true foothold.

Something like fame will become weaker and weaker as time goes by.

For a long time, the magic weapon will be destroyed or lose its effectiveness.

And only realm and strength can be with you for life.

After this idea came deep into his mind, Chu Yan felt a slight tremor in his Dao heart, as if there was a kind of enlightenment that permeated.

His thoughts moved slightly, and his consciousness looked around. When he saw that the Bai family did not need to be present, he moved to the tallest building in the Bai family, facing the bright moon, Quietly realize the change of Dao Xin at this moment.

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