Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1946: Can't mess

Time passed slowly.

By midnight, the family that had been suspected by the lord of Tongzhou City and had a good relationship with the Gu family finally appeared near the original Gu family.

It's just that when they appeared, they looked veiled.

Under this night, it looked a little sneaky.

More than one group of monks appeared, flying quietly from different places at this time.

While flying, don't forget to use a variety of magic weapons to cover the breath and body shape.

Every time you fly a distance, look around carefully.

After confirming that there is no problem, I continued to fly forward.


They had all received messages of help from Gu's family head before.

But at the same time, they also knew the scourge that Gu's family had caused in recent days.

So in the absence of any prior consultation, these several families chose to pretend to die.

It wasn't until this day passed that at midnight, they dared to send some family monks to come and investigate to see what happened to Gu's family today.

These families generally know who appeared here at this time.

Therefore, if these monks came into contact with the consciousness in the midair, they avoided each other unconsciously, adjusted their direction, and then continued on.

Although I was in my heart before, I was ready to see the miserable situation.

But when they really saw a trace of volcanic magma cooling and solidifying in the distance, these monks were still in the air, and even the most basic reaction was forgotten.

"The Gu family ... disappeared ..." "During the dynasty ... there is no Gu family ..." "Quick message transmission back, all the past transactions and exchanges with the Gu family, all destroyed!"

"Remember, we have never had contact with Gu's family."

After recovering, the monks present notified the family they belonged to as quickly as possible, and they had to set aside all relations with the Gu family, fearing that it would affect themselves.

Because of Gu's approximate strength, they also knew some.

But like this, it seems as if the Devil God has come to the world and reached out to wipe out the situation of a large family with thousands of people. These families dare to swear and gather their power, it is absolutely impossible.

This time the big guys Gu made trouble with are really terrible! Not only that, these monks also made up their minds.

When you go back, you must make sure the patriarch and let the patriarch and elders order that when the children of the family walk outside, everyone who meets the same boat city, even if it is just a mortal, must not offend. The family's toughest family punishment.

The people in the same boat city are really terrible! These people will have these reactions, in fact, as early as Chu Yan expected.

When he left the Gu family's land at the time, he knew that someone would definitely come to investigate.

But he didn't worry at all.

Unless someone's brain is really broken, they only want to avenge Gu's family.

You should know that the Gu family's current situation is a lesson in front of these families.

As for whether the Gu family will revenge in the future, Chu Yan is not worried.

If he is a surviving member of the Gu family, the first consideration at this time is definitely not the issue of revenge, but the issue of survival.

The entire family of the Gu family was wiped out, and the masters of the family were killed and injured. These survivors are bound to be hunted down by those families and sects who have hatred against the Gu family.

In this case, the survivors of the Gu family are too busy to care for themselves, and may they even want to come to Tongzhou City for revenge?

Fear of being exposed, he was killed.

Therefore, Chu Yan does not need to worry at all.

After standing quietly on the highest building of the Bai family for a period of time, Chu Yan felt his Dao heart, and he was firmer for a while, becoming more consolidated and not affected by foreign objects.

The change of Daoxin will not advance in the strength of the monk.

But at this moment, Chu Yan still felt some subtle changes.

For example, at this time, the night breeze flickered, and suddenly he felt a fusion of himself and everything.

As if this wind is him, he is this night wind.

Even at this time, he didn't look with his eyes, nor did he use his insight to know that Bai Xiuxiu was climbing towards the roof on the wooden ladder behind him.

Bai Xiuxiu will naturally not have the habit of climbing the roof.

She came up at this time, apparently having something to say to herself.

So Chu Yan calmed his mind and turned around as Bai Xiuxiu climbed onto the roof.

Bai Xiuxiu originally knew that his every move would be known to Chu Yan.

So after she was on the roof at this moment, she was generous and gave a courtesy to Chu's words and deeds: "Master Chu."

Chu Yan nodded gently, pointed at Reiki, and tapped into each other's brows.

Suddenly, Bai Xiuxiu felt a chill enter the body.

For ordinary people, this moment may be directly frozen into a popsicle, but Bai Xiuxiu quickly felt a trace of coolness, walking in his body, his spirit became trembling, and his body was extremely light.

"This can temporarily relieve the fire and poison in your body, but it can't be cured.

However, I have thought of a cure.

Maybe after a few years, you will try it, you have to be prepared.

This matter, Bai Ju should have told you. "

Chu Yan said.

Bai Xiuxiu focused on his head and said a word to Chu, saying: "The elder brother of the patriarch has already said to me. Thank you, Master Chu. This time, Master Chu can avenge my ancestor and Huang Hufa, and meet my wayward wishes. Satisfied ... "" Thanks, you don't need to say it. "

Chu Yan shook his head and interrupted the other party ’s words, "Your ancestors used to lay down to block the monsters and beasts. I admire this in my heart. This thing is not for your Bai family. So unclear.

So I let Gu's whole family bury her for Huang Ze. "


Bai Xiuxiu nodded, "I'm worried that you will leave tonight, so I just saw you on this roof, so I found a ladder ..." Speaking of this, Bai Xiuxiu blinked and didn't know what to say for a while. All right.

Because, as she said, she was worried that Chu Yan would leave without saying goodbye, so as soon as her mind was hot, she climbed up.

After there was nothing to say at this moment, but before a sudden, she felt an awkward and embarrassing.

But at this time, she saw a white light and flew towards herself.

After holding both hands, Bai Xiuxiu saw that it was a piece of communication jade.

Although the appearance is similar to that of the previous piece crushed by myself, it is clear that the spirit contained in it is more intense and pure.

"You carry this piece of jade with you. Usually, it can be used to suppress the fire and poison in your body and recuperate your body.

If something happens again, just like this time, after crushing, I will naturally come. "

Listening to Chu Yan's words, Bai Xiuxiu's eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise and joy.

However, Chu Yan's remarks have obviously not been finished.

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